900: A bag full of money!

Someone immediately reported the situation to the commander. The soldiers' nerves were immediately tense.

How can there be a posture of force?

After hearing the report, the commander immediately ordered: "Everyone is ready for battle! Listen to my orders!"

The special forces are indeed among the elite. Hearing this, everyone was ready for battle in a very short time. At this moment, three figures in the distance were walking towards the barracks.

The commander looked at the three 30 people with a gloomy expression. When the three of them walked in, he suddenly found that two of them were wearing masks, which looked very mysterious.

Su Ming walked in the forefront. As he walked, he said to Suykhov: "Don't be afraid, we have money in our hands, these people will not treat us like this.

If they question the identities of me and the ghost, you will reveal your true identity and tell him that I and the ghost are "GB's secret force, and the others are on your own. Do you hear clearly?"

Suykhov whispered when he heard the words: "Listen clearly."

The three quickly arrived at the gate of the barracks. The commander first glanced at Su Ming and Jin Niu, and then asked Suykhov: "What do these two do?"

Suykhov said solemnly after hearing the words: "They are my bodyguards. I am Suykhov, the head of the tenth game of KGB. I don't know how your Excellency is called?"

The commander was stunned when he heard the name of KGB. After a while, he said: "My name is Ossinge, are you from KGB?"

Ossinge received an order to imprison several secret suspects this time, and the order given to him by his superiors was to look after these people. As for the identities of these people, he didn't know anything.

It was at this moment that Osingeh was surprised to hear that Suikhov was the director of KGB.

In Northern Bear Country, no one wants to be involved with KGB. This institution is mysterious and powerful, and its tentacles are even more ubiquitous. Anyone being targeted by KGB will not feel very happy.

Suykhov saw Ossinger's look of doubt, so he took out his ID from his pocket and handed it to him: "This is my ID, you can confirm it."

Ossinge took the certificate and took a closer look. To tell the truth, this was the first time he saw KGB's certificate, so he didn't know the authenticity of this certificate.

But in order not to lose face, he pretended to be very understanding and said: "Well, this is indeed KGB's ID. I wonder if you came here for?"

Before Ossina heard what Karlov said that someone wanted to give them subsidies, but at the moment it was KGB people, and he didn't dare to think about subsidies or anything.

Suykhov took the bag from Su Ming when he heard the words, and then said with a smile: "I'm here to give you a subsidy, you can look at the cash first. 940"

Suykhov has mastered the other's mentality at this moment, so he behaved very easy-going. He opened the bag in front of everyone, and then showed the dollar inside to everyone.

Then he said: "The money here is prepared for you. You can count the number of people, and then divide the money equally."

Some special soldiers standing in front looked at a bag full of dollars, all showing a shocked look, and to say something very embarrassing, these people have never seen so much money in their lives!

Ossinge was obviously shocked. Although he is the commander of this special forces, his salary is very low.

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