905: Buy in minutes!

A few minutes later, more than 60 people gathered on the first floor. Su Ming saw that there were so many people on the other side. He immediately dispelled the idea of ​​the storm, and saw him ponder for a moment, and then said:

Everyone", we are here to change defense with you. General Benonenkov knows that you have worked hard, so let us express our condolences to you by the way.

Each of you will receive an additional subsidy of one thousand dollars. Now please line up to collect the money.

These people seemed very excited when they heard that their superiors actually sent someone to send them money. Scorpion took the backpack and walked to the table.

Suykhov stood by and pretended to register. Everyone who received the money smiled, and the person in charge was also very happy.

When they finished withdrawing the money, Su Ming smiled and said, "Everyone, the money has been sent to you. There are four helicopters in the square. You can take them to leave. I wish you all the best!

But please remember one thing-the change of defense between us is a high-level secret.

I hope everyone will not disclose this to anyone, and please keep the radio silent, otherwise we will all suffer if something happens.

These people all nodded in agreement, and then more than sixty people filed out.

Su Ming stood behind the gate, watching these people get on the helicopter and leave, and then he laughed:

"It seems that sometimes money is still useful, but it is a thousand dollars per person. These people are so happy that they can't find the North. Does the northern bear love money so much?"

Suikhov stood aside and sneered when he heard these words: "These are only a few, and most of the Northern Bear people are still very principled...

Su Ming said without comment: "Maybe-violent, you take twenty people to guard the gate, Scorpion, you take the remaining people to occupy the firepower point, from now on, no one is allowed to enter the Mu Palace!"

The mercenaries acted immediately, Su Ming turned his head and said to Suykhov: "Let's go find your uncle now."

In fact, there is no need to look for them. Both Ye Dao and Rutzkoy are staying in the office. In order to resist possible danger, they let their subordinates move all the tables and chairs behind the door, blocking the entrance and exit of the office.

Suykhov knocked on the door, and someone in the office immediately said nervously: "Who?"

It was a woman who was talking, and Suykhov replied after hearing the words: "This is Suykhov. May I ask Mr. Ye inside?"

After a while, someone inside said, "Suikhov, are you okay?"

This time it was a strong male voice, and Suykhov was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Uncle, I'm here to rescue your door!"

The people inside seemed a little disbelief when they heard this, and only heard him say: "The situation outside is so chaotic, how could you come in here?"

Suykhov told the story after hearing 940 words. Of course, he did not mention Su Ming, but took all the things Su Ming had done on his own body.

This is what Su Ming urged. Suikhov is easy to control, but these political veterans are not so easy. If their identity is revealed, it is likely to cause a backlash from the other party.

After listening to Suykhov's account, Rutzkoy was silent for a long time before he said: "Well, we trust you.

After saying this, the people inside began to move tables and chairs. It took several minutes before the door opened, and Suykhov saw the person who came out first.

I couldn't help but hug this person, and said: "Uncle, you are fine!"

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