907: Lie to the dead and not pay for your life!

The answer was quickly revealed. Dao Ye immediately came to the tank blocking the road. He climbed onto the tank in the strange eyes of everyone, and then he waved to the silent crowd and began to give a speech.

What is the greatest skill of a politician? Although Su Ming had heard of it before, but he didn't know it personally. Now, after listening to Dadao Ye's speech, his thoughts in his heart are: It's a lie to the dead!

Having promised so many benefits, are you sure you can achieve it?

Standing on the tank, Mr. Ye looked very gracious. The tone of his speech was dull and provocative. Even the soldiers in a hostile state were convinced by him. 940

But this is not the key. The key lies in what he said. In his mouth, the Northern Bear Kingdom will have a very bright future.

The living standards of the people will be greatly improved, and the treatment of soldiers will be several times higher than it is now!

Of course, Mr. Ye stated a prerequisite for achieving these goals-rebellion is not enough!

This will only plunge the country into a state of chaos. Those rebels have violated the national interest for their own interests. We must resolutely fight this approach to the end!

In addition, there is another very important point. The Northern Bear Kingdom is no longer necessary!

This huge country will only resort to military force, for the sake of the so-called superpower status, and harm the lives of the people.

So far, the people of the Northern Bear Country are still in the old age, and many people can't fill their stomachs. Is there still a need for such a Northern Bear Country?

I have to say that the words of Mr. Ye have entered the hearts of the people, and the people are most concerned about whether they can eat and dress warmly.

If the government cannot even satisfy these requirements, then of course the government will lose its status in the hearts of the people.

Mr. Ye gave a speech for half an hour and received an unprecedented enthusiastic response. The people cheered at him, and it seemed that a better tomorrow was already beckoning them.

Mr. Ye waved to the people very gracefully.

This triggered an even more intense response. Tens of thousands of people shouted "dacd", slogans resounding throughout the square. For some reason, the soldiers suddenly felt a little guilty.

Dao Ye jumped out of the tank, then walked to a camera and said: "I am willing to accept your interview. If you have no opinion, we can go to my office."

Upon hearing this, the interviewing reporter immediately nodded his head again and again. Dalai Ye is now a hot character, and being able to get his first-hand interview video is definitely a dream thing!

When other reporters heard this, they were naturally unwilling to lag behind. Many people opened their mouths one after another:

"Mr. Ye Da Lao, we also want to interview you!"

"Yes! You should let as many people know as possible about your ideas!"

"The people of Northern Bear Country have been looking forward to leaders like you for a long time, and we are willing to act as your microphone!"

Hearing what the reporters said, Mr. Ye laughed and said, "Everyone, follow me in. This interview will be changed to a press conference."

Half an hour later, in front of more than a dozen media cameras, Mr. Ye started a press conference. The reporters hadn't asked any questions, so he spoke to the camera.

"First of all, I want to announce an important piece of news. The six people who initiated this coup have been controlled by us!

I would like to advise all soldiers who participated in the coup d’état, please put down your weapons and let us join hands to fight for the bright future of our country!"

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