914: They are all looking for you!

I don't know why, Su Ming is still a little nervous facing Wang Qingqing.

Although he is now an internationally renowned mathematician who secretly killed people, he always feels cautious in front of Wang Qianqian. This feeling cannot be described in words.

Wang Qingqing said with no expression on her face: "Stu Ming, where have you been during this time? You haven't seen your half-person figure after school starts."

Su Ming's expression on his face immediately froze when he heard the words, "Nine Forty Zero". After a while, he patted his head and said embarrassedly: "Well, I'm going to travel, I'm so embarrassed..."

Wang Qianqian looked at his embarrassed look and couldn't help but laugh. The expression on her face looked very funny. She jokingly said, "I knew you must have forgotten about it, but the head teacher and school leaders also They didn't say anything, they just asked me to contact you, so that you can report to school when you have time. As for classes, school leaders will not force it.

Su Ming nodded immediately after hearing this: "Okay! I will report to school tomorrow!"

Wang Qianqian tilted her head when she heard the words, and looked at Su Ming meaningfully. Su Ming asked curiously: "What's wrong?"

Wang Qianqian heard the words and said, "Su Ming, are you sure you will not report until tomorrow?"

Su Ming stayed for a while after hearing the words, and then said uncertainly: "Then, when shall I go?"

Wang Qianqian smiled upon hearing the words: "I finally found you, do you want me to run for nothing?"

Su Ming understood this immediately, and saw him stand upright: "I understand, I will report to the school with you!

Ten minutes later, Su Ming walked out of Sanjiang Hotel with Wang Qianqian. Jinniu had already prepared the car and saw Su Ming walk out with Wang Qianqian.

There was a strange look on his face. Just now Su Ming called him and asked him to prepare the car and said that he was going out. Originally, he thought Su Ming had something important to do.

As a result, he saw Su Ming walking out with a fairy-like girl, and Taurus immediately got a little confused about the situation.

After Wang Qianqian went out, he turned around and turned right, but the Mercedes Benz was parked in the parking lot on the left. Su Ming whispered when he saw it, "Student Wang Qianqian, the car is parked over there, let's go by car."

Wang Qianqian looked back at the Mercedes-Benz when she heard the words, and after a while she spoke: "I came by bike, it is not convenient to ride, so let's walk. 0"

After speaking, she turned around and walked forward, Su Ming had to wave to Taurus when she heard the words. Then followed her behind.

Jinniu couldn't help but muttered to himself: "What's wrong with Su Ming? Why is he acting like a prisoner in front of this girl?"

Wang Qingqing walked down the stairs on the right side of the hotel and reached out to unlock the bicycle. Then she pushed the car forward. Su Ming followed her, and the two of them walked far away without speaking.

The two haven't seen each other for more than three months. After seeing each other at this moment, it was back to the previous state, and no one was ashamed to speak first.

After walking forward for a few minutes, Su Ming finally couldn't help but said: "Student Wang Qianqian, how did you find me? No one knows when I live in Sanjiang Hotel."


Wang Qianqian replied after hearing the words: "I heard from my classmates. When he went home for dinner at noon, he saw a Mercedes-Benz at the entrance of Sanjiang Hotel.

Now there is only one Mercedes-Benz in the entire Sanjiang New Area. This car is yours. I know you are here when I hear the news. "

Su Ming nodded when he heard the words, and then asked: "Will you come to see me without delay in class?"

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