916: Why did I become a hero?

When Wang Qianqian heard this, she smiled and said: "I don't want to hear you say these words of gratitude. If you really want to express your gratitude, it's better... it's better to go to a concert with me.

Su Ming was taken aback when he heard this, and then said: "Concert? What concert?"

Wang Qianqian said with a smile: "It's the Little Tigers concert. It will be held at the Workers' Gymnasium next Friday night. I want to go and see it."

Su Ming heard the words and said: I can't think that people like Wang Qianqian will also chase stars. Isn't it just a concert? What is the difficulty of this?

Su Ming thought about this and said, "This matter is covered by me. I will buy you the best location when the time comes, and keep it for you to enjoy!"

Wang Qianqian laughed at the words: "I don't want to trouble you about buying tickets. I want you to accompany me. I don't dare to be alone. After all, it's night...

Su Ming didn't think much when he heard this, and immediately patted his chest and said: "It's all right, as long as it is your request, I am absolutely satisfied with "Qi!"

The two of them then walked forward. Jinniu drove a Mercedes-Benz and followed far behind. Seeing that Su Ming had been talking and laughing with Wang Qianqian, Jinniu couldn't help but muttered, "What is their relationship?"

The two of them then opened the chatterbox and kept talking about what happened after the separation. After half an hour,

Wang Qianqian went to class, and Su Ming came to the Academic Affairs Office to report. The school leaders heard that Su Ming was coming, and they all ran over. Su Ming felt very helpless with the warm attitude of these people.

What he feared most was encountering this situation. At the moment, Su Ming had been courteous with everyone for a long time before he escaped from the academic affairs office.

The school gave Su Ming the greatest freedom, allowing him not to attend classes and even not to use for exams, which made Su Ming very satisfied.

Then Su Ming walked to the classroom and finally came to school once. He always had to say hello to his classmates.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Su Ming finally walked out of the school gate. Recalling the fanatical attitude of his classmates towards him, he felt scared, especially his deskmate Liu Xiaojun.

This guy is tall and strong. He actually rushed to the podium and lifted Su Ming onto his shoulders. He still said eagerly to welcome the great hero back. Su Ming was puzzled at the time: How did I become a great hero?

Jin Niu's Mercedes-Benz stopped at the school gate and saw Su Ming coming out. He immediately got out of the car and opened the door. After the two got in the car, Jin Niu asked, "Boss, where are you going now?"

Su Ming heard the words and thought for a while, and then said: "Go to Liu Suqing's house, there are some things to ask.

The car set off immediately, and ten minutes later, the Mercedes Benz stopped at the door of Liu Suqing's house. Su Ming got out of the car and knocked on the door, and immediately listened to Liu Suqing asking in the house: "Who?"

Su Ming replied, "Auntie, it's me."

Liu Suqing heard Su Ming's voice and couldn't help being surprised: "Xiao Ming, you are finally back!" (Noma's)

After the door opened.

Su Ming saw Liu Suqing, who was full of excitement. Liu Suqing was wearing a flaming long skirt, looking like a beautiful girl in her twenties. Su Ming couldn't help but smile:

"Auntie, I haven't seen you these days, you are getting younger and younger. And more and more beautiful!

Liu Suqing heard the words and smiled: "Your boy's mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter, come in quickly-who is that? Come in and sit down for a while."

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