927: So it's him! His identity is very different!

Before this, Governor Xu had heard Liu Suqing and Guo Xiangqian call Su Ming Xiaoming, so he did not know Su Ming's real name.

Hearing this name at the moment, he suddenly felt a little familiar. After speaking, he stopped and looked at Su Ming blankly.

The police dragged him away, and when he walked halfway, Governor Xu asked, "Is that kid really Su Ming? Is that international mathematician Su Ming?"

The police chuckled and said, "It's rare, otherwise how many Su Ming?

Let me tell you, he is an internationally renowned person. The country sent a large number of police forces to search for him last time. "

Mr. Xu immediately turned into cotton candy when he heard this, and he couldn't walk anymore. On the other hand, Su Ming and others were greeting Officer 957 Chen.

Now that the matter was over, they didn't want to stay in the Inspectorate too much. After a few people had finished saying hello and just wanted to leave, Officer Chen stopped Su Ming and said:

"Mr. Su, the last arson case in your house has been solved, and the people are still locked in our police station. Since you are here, we might as well handle this case as well.

Su Ming was taken aback when he heard this, and then asked, "The case was solved? Who set the fire?"

Liu Suqing said at the moment: "Look at me, you have forgotten this. The person who set the fire was a relative of your family. According to his account, he was dissatisfied with you for bullying their family. That's why he sneaked back to set the fire."

Su Ming said with disdain after hearing this: "I bullied their family? Where do you start? Even if you bully, they are bullying me!"

Secretary Qin said embarrassedly: "I am also to blame for this. After you left that day, I asked someone to take the remaining few people to the police station.

After that, let them write a letter of guarantee to ensure that they will not go to your house again in the future. That young man is one of them. It is because of this that he went to set fire.

Su Ming came to understand, and saw him sternly: "This guy has something wrong, right? If I were as narrow as him, I'm afraid I would retaliate against society long ago!

Officer Chen, such a person must be severely punished, and their family will compensate me for the loss! My house cannot be burned for nothing!"

At the same time, Su Ming had this idea in his mind: the original (dacd) was not done by the genius army, I don't know when they will come back again?

Officer Chen took out the relevant information about the arson case and asked Su Ming to sign it. Su Ming looked at the file and found that the case was written with the words "particularly important". He couldn't help but laughed and said, "Officer Chen, this is extremely important. !"

Officer Chen smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "Mr. Su, your case has alarmed the leaders of the City Lord's Mansion, and Mr. Huang personally gave instructions.

Let us solve the case within a time limit, so we treat this case as an important case. Thanks to you for being able to solve the case so quickly!"

Su Ming said strangely: "How did solving the case have anything to do with me?"

Officer Chen heard this with a smile: "You said that the suspect was wearing double-star sneakers. We found the suspect based on this clue. Do you think it is related to you?"

Su Ming came to understand when he heard the words, and saw him hehe with a smile: "Anyway, it's fine if the case is solved.

Next, Su Ming signed the relevant documents and waited until all the procedures were completed.

It was already nine o'clock in the evening. Officer Chen sent a few people outside the gate, and then watched them leave in a Mercedes-Benz.

On the Mercedes-Benz, Su Ming was talking to Guo Xiangqian: "Uncle Guo, do you think that Governor Xu will be detained for a few days?",

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