933: blame you!

Even so, Liu Suqing was only secretly angry, and also very embarrassed, so she just reminded the Taurus to turn off the light, and did not reach out to hit the Taurus.

Taurus hurriedly turned off the light, so that it would not be so embarrassing at least, and then he fumbled and pulled out the hanging skirt corners.

Then Taurus wanted to get in the car and leave immediately. He felt that it would be a torment to stay here for an extra minute.

But Liu Suqing stopped him and told him that Su Ming asked him to take the computer back, and Jin Niu had to stand there and wait.

Liu Suqing opened the door to enter the house and changed her clothes, and then she greeted the golden bull into the house to get the computer.

Taurus is also too hearted. He wanted to take away the computer case and monitor all at once, so he picked up the monitor first.

Then Liu Suqing handed him the bundled case and keyboard. The reason why Taurus took a slap is because of this.

Liu Suqing was very cooperative and put the case on the monitor. Jinniu wanted to turn around and go out. When he turned around, he ran into Liu Suqing who was standing in front of him.

Taurus took a slap and didn't say anything. He held the computer and went out. He felt that tonight was too wicked, and that all bad things had happened. At this moment, he still felt quite depressed when he talked about what happened.

Unlike his depression, Su Ming is laughing at this moment. Su Ming thinks this fact is too funny. Someone like Taurus was beaten by a woman, and this slap caught his rebuttal-- No words at all.

It's funny thinking about it!

He laughed and said: "Hahahaha! Taurus, you really have you! My godmother is good to you! I only gave you a slap! Changed to the king... Uh, changed to another woman, only I'm afraid that I will even kill you-I have my heart!"

Su Ming originally wanted to say "change to a woman like Wang Qianqian", but suddenly felt something wrong when he said it, so he immediately changed his words. Taurus did not hear the omission in Su Ming's words.

I saw him calmly said: "Don't be happy. I really want to talk about it. This matter has nothing to do with you."

After Taurus spoke, he took out something from his pocket and said: "The reason why the car door hangs on Liu Suqing's skirt is all because of this.

Su Ming looked down and realized. What Jin Niu holds in his hand is a walnut clip, which Su Ming and Jin Niu bought from Austria.

…0 Seeking flowers…

Su Ming bought a few kilograms of walnuts and prepared to eat them on the road. For this, he bought this walnut clip. Later, he smuggled back home with Jinniu.

The walnuts were not finished. The clip was placed in the groove of the car door handle. Because of this, Liu Suqing's skirt corners were hung.

Taurus put the clip on the coffee table, and then said in a deep voice: "I'm going to sleep in the car and call me if I have something to do.

After Taurus said this, he turned around and went out. Su Ming looked at the clip, a little bit dumbfounded: "This is a coincidence. A clip can cause so many things. These two people are really interesting--

Su Ming stopped here suddenly. He seemed to have thought of something, and saw him hehe with a smile: "Speaking of which, these two people are quite good friends. How about bringing them together?

Su Ming got up early the next morning, as usual. He first went for a run to exercise, and then ate breakfast on the street.

At a quarter past eight in the morning, Su Ming returned home and changed his clothes to go out. Jin Niu had prepared the car. When Su Ming got in the car, Jin Niu said, "Boss, where are we going now?

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