939: There is light on the face!

Guo Xiangqian heard the words and explained to Su Ming: "Xiao Ming, I want to call Dao Huang from the City Lord's Mansion. We can't hide this news from him.

He is my old superior, and he supports me very much. Otherwise, why do you think I can cover the sky in Sanjiang New Area? This is the result of the support of Huang Dao secretly!"

Su Ming was immediately dumb when he heard this. Of course he knew that Guo Xiangqian's backstage was Dao Huang, who really valued Guo Xiangqian's "Nine-Five-Seven".

For this old subordinate, he even rejected the proposal of the City Lord's Mansion to send a supervisor to Sanjiang New District.

Only in this way can Guo Xiangqian have absolute authority in the Sanjiang New Area, and Guo Xiangqian can decide everything by himself, saving a lot of resistance.

Su Ming nodded at this thought: "Well, you can call."

Guo Xiangqian got permission from Su Ming and immediately dialed the special line of Mr. Huang. After the call was connected, he smiled and said: "It's Xiao Zhang, right? I'm Guo Xiangqian, is Mrs. Huang free now?"

Xiao Zhang is the current secretary of Mr. Huang. He succeeded Guo Xiangqian and became Mr. Huang's secretary. Zhang knows that Mr. Huang values ​​Guo Xiangqian very much.

This own predecessor is indeed quite capable, and it is said that Su'er Industrial Park is now running smoothly.

Presumably his future will be limitless in the future, so Xiao Zhang showed great respect to Guo Xiangqian, and only listened to him with a smile:

"Brother Guo, Mr. Huang is in a meeting now. Normally, he will not answer the phone at this time, but since you are calling.

I don't think he will refuse. You can wait a while and I'll give a briefing. "

Guo Xiangqian smiled upon hearing the words: "Then I will trouble you."

After waiting for less than two minutes, Mr. Huang's voice came over: "Xiao Guo, what can you do with me?"

Mr. Huang's voice sounded very calm and calm, and Guo Xiangqian suppressed the excitement in his heart. Respectfully said:

"Old leader, Xiao Guo misses you very much. Is your health okay? You have not committed the old rheumatism, right?"

Mr. Huang laughed when he heard the words: "It's rare that you remember this. My old rheumatism is the root cause of the disease, and it can't be cured.

However, I follow the method you provided for daily acupuncture and moxibustion, and the effect is pretty good. Now the number of illnesses is getting less and less, Xiao Guo, are you okay? "

The reason why Mr. Huang attaches great importance to Guo Xiangqian. That's because the former secretary is very attentive and can help leaders consider everything.

He knows how to behave well in dealing with people. It is true that Guo Xiangqian is much better than his current secretary, Zhang, if it weren't for Huang Dao to place his own staff in Sanjiang New Area.

He was still reluctant to let Guo Xiangqian go outside.

Guo Xiangqian said respectfully after hearing the words: "Thank you for the old leader's concern. I am doing well. Now I work at a fixed point in the industrial park every day. I know that the old leader has given me a lot of help. Please rest assured, Xiao Guo will not shame you! "

Guo Xiangqian is showing loyalty. No matter how good the relationship between superiors and subordinates is, he will gradually become alienated if he doesn't contact him for a long time. Although Guo Xiangqian is running the industrial park very well now.

But he has always been embarrassed to call Huang Dao. After all, he estimated that 2.3 would be able to do what he is now. What Guo Xiangqian wants is a place that shines, so that he can report to the old leader.

What does it mean to be brilliant? That is to do things that others can't do

For example, pull investment. Now that the dream technology founded by Su Ming has such a large expected scale, he felt bright on his face, and only then took the initiative to call the old leader to explain the situation.

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