941: Fertilizer does not leave outsiders' fields!

As soon as he thought of this, the door of the room opened, and the Huang Dao walked out with a blushing face. Seeing Xiao Zhang standing at the door, Dadao Huang stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder and said:

"Xiao Zhang, I want to learn more from Guo Xiangqian, look at people, and went to Sanjiang New District for a few months. I have achieved great results!"

Xiao Zhang was a little flattered. Dalai Huang had never been so kind to him. Although Dalai Huang said what he said now is equivalent to coaching, his attitude is absolutely amiable, so Xiao Zhang nodded immediately:

"I must work hard, old leader, what results have Secretary Guo achieved? How about you tell me? In this way I can also have a goal."

Mr. Huang laughed when he heard the words: "Guo Xiangqian has pulled one billion dollars in investment. This goal is a bit difficult!"

Mr. Huang was in a good mood, and he reached out and patted Xiao Zhang on the shoulder again, and then walked into the meeting room with a red face, and Secretary Xiao Zhang stood stupidly on the spot, listening to him muttering to himself:

"This goal is really too difficult..."

Mr. Guo's voice came from the conference room: "Comrades, we must vigorously, continuously and unwaveringly adhere to the path of reform and opening up!

Only in this way can we do a good job in construction! Only in this way can the people live a good life. Some people have opinions on the reform pilot in the Sanjiang New Area.

It is right to have different opinions. After all, any reform is not smooth, but we can't even have the courage to try!

So far, this reform is extremely successful!

Just now, Mr. Guo from Sanjiang New District called me, and he got another billion dollars in investment! Do you think we should support such people?

Should we delegate power? Should we persist in the pilot work in Sanjiang New Area!"

Mr. Huang spoke loudly. On the other hand, Guo Xiangqian was extremely happy. His monopoly of power in the Sanjiang New Area made many people dissatisfied, although under the pressure of Mr. Huang, no one dared to say anything in person.

But don't mention the ugly words secretly, now it's fine, with such a large investment, it can definitely stop everyone's mouth!

Guo Xiangqian hung up the phone and sat down with a smile. He turned his eyes to Su Ming. This young man is definitely his lucky star. It seems that the act of holding his thigh is quite effective.

Su Ming saw Guo Xiangqian staring at himself without speaking, so he smiled and said: "Big brother Guo, you still need to pay more attention to investment matters. The most important thing now is to complete the start-up procedures as soon as possible.

Although it will take more than a month for the company to be formally established, the construction period cannot be delayed. "

Su Ming didn't want to delay time. He can do whatever he can now, and wait for more than a month before hesitates. Guo Xiangqian heard this and immediately patted his chest and said:

"I'll make a decision now, your construction site can start at any time! Don't worry about the approval procedures at all!"

In Guo Xiangqian's view, as long as the construction of Su Ming's new company starts, it means that this investment will definitely not go away (Nuo Li Zhao), and he can be relieved by starting construction earlier.

Su Ming turned his head and said to Liu Suqing: "Auntie, this project is handled by you. Remember to pay attention to the quality of construction."

Su Ming said this to make Liu Suqing profit. This is a big project. Let Liu Suqing take over. She can definitely make a lot of money.

Besides, Liu Suqing is his own, and the quality of the project is guaranteed. Why not do it if you kill two birds with one stone?

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