943: also a tomb robber?

After the three of them were seated, Liu Suqing introduced: "Xiao Ming, this is Foreman Li. He has contracted the factory building of our Tianxia Industrial Company."

Su Ming nodded slightly and told the truth. He is not very satisfied with this Foreman Li. His dream technology is a big project. Is it possible to find a small foreman? What can I do if the project is messed up?

Liu Suqing seemed to have seen Su Ming's concerns, and she only smiled and said, "Xiao Ming, don't underestimate Foreman Li. He had participated in the construction of the Gezhou Water Conservancy Project back then."

Su Ming smiled and did not speak. He thought to himself: If you go there and move a brick, you can say that you have participated in the construction. This is not convincing at all.

Foreman Li looked very simple and honest, and when he heard Liu Suqing's words, he smiled: "Sister Liu. Don't say that. I was an apprentice back then and didn't do anything."

Su Ming finally spoke up after hearing this. His question was very direct: "Uncle Li, I want to invest in the construction of a large factory building. Especially the underground facilities, which are estimated to be more than 30 meters deep. Can you undertake such a project?

Foreman Li immediately nodded when he heard the words: "There is no problem with this. I used to dig tunnels and I am very familiar with underground engineering."

Su Ming was taken aback when he heard this, and then asked: "Have you dug a tunnel?"

Foreman Li nodded when he heard the words: "Yes, I dug in Qinling last year. Tell you, I am best at doing underground projects, and digging is not a problem at all.

Li Gongtou seemed very confident when speaking, and he had an honest image, so his words made people feel very credible. Su Ming-Wen Yanxin said:

How fresh, is there someone who is particularly good at digging? Isn't this-the same as Taurus?

Taurus used to be a tomb robber, and digging is considered to be an old job. What did Overhead Li do before? Why is he so good at digging?

Su Ming thought of this and turned his gaze to Li Gongtou's right hand, but after just one glance, Su Ming was stunned immediately, because he discovered the common ground between Li Gongtou and Jin Niu!

There is a place on the Taurus body that is different from ordinary people. This is his finger. The five fingers of his right hand are longer than ordinary people, and there are obvious bulges at the knuckles.

This Overlord Li's right hand is exactly like a Taurus! What's the situation? Could it be that this guy was a tomb robber before?

Su Ming quickly retracted his gaze, and saw him stand up and say, "Sit down first, two of you. I'll go to the toilet.

…0 Seeking flowers…

Su Ming walked out after speaking, and then he flew to the corner of the stairs. The golden bull was on guard here. Seeing Su Ming hurriedly running over, he couldn't help but curiously said, "Boss, what are you?"

Su Ming said to Jinniu nervously: "Jinniu, I saw a person like you!"

Taurus heard this question and asked, "A person like me? Do you mean that he looks a lot like me?"

Su Ming looked back after hearing this, and then whispered: "It's not that they look alike, but that his fingers are exactly like you!"

Su Ming pointed to Jin Niu's right hand while talking. Jin Niu immediately stopped when he heard the words. Su Ming continued, "Do you think this guy is also a tomb robber?

Jin Niu became silent when he heard this, his expression looked strange, and after a while of silence he said to Su Ming: "I will meet him.

Su Ming grabbed him and said, "Will it be dangerous?

Taurus heard the words and said solemnly: "Don't worry, the one who can kill me one by one hasn't been born yet!"

Su Ming was afraid of hurting Liu Suqing, so he hurriedly said: "Then you wait first, I'll call my godmother out." Again,

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