945: It's all fate, I can't force it!

Taurus was detained in this way for more than a year. Later, he pretended to obey and was released. For the next few years, he lived under surveillance. Even if he was "worked in the ground," someone was watching him.

Later, he seized the opportunity to take his younger brother and ran out. Six other young people followed them, and Li Sancai was one of them.

These people who ran away had one thing in common-they were all orphans, the father of Taurus died in a tomb rob, and his mother died in childbirth while giving birth to his younger brother.

Li Sancai was even worse than him. His father and 30 all died in the grave when he was five years old because of a landslide. These few people can come together because their family environment is the same.

After the eight young men escaped, they were hunted down by the villagers. Neither side was good. After several fierce fights, four of the eight died and two were taken back.

Only the two most capable people escaped. Those who were caught back were Li Sancai and his sister Li Qiaoyun. The two who escaped were Jin Niu and his brother Jin Hu.

Li Sancai and his sister were arrested and detained for some time. When all the people in the village were gathered, they were taken out for trial.

According to the village's rules, Li Sancai and his sister were about to be buried alive. Unfortunately, on the night before the execution, there was a heavy rainstorm in the sky.

The mountain torrents and mudslides destroyed the village. The people in the village were all sorrowful. Li Sancai and his sister escaped because they were hung on a big tree.

Later, Li Sancai tried his best to break the rope and get free. The brothers and sisters checked the situation in the village and found that everyone was dead.

Both felt that this was God's retribution, and the robbery of the tomb was very detrimental to the yin, and it was worthy of the people in the village to end up in this way.

The siblings left the mountain and brought some antiques when they came out. After selling the antiques, the two started a business.

In the end, they would pay what they did. After two years, they had lost everything. The two of them went to the construction site to work hard.

As a result, the two of them worked very well. After a few years of work, they set up a contracting team and contracted projects across the country. The past few years have also been pretty good.

Li Sancai paused at this point, and then sighed: "After so many years, I thought we would never see again, Brother Niu, I didn't expect you to follow the big boss now.

Jinniu sighed after hearing the words: "It's a pity that the eight of us escaped, but now only three of us are left. Where is she?"

Li Sancai heard the words and took out the big brother's road: "I will call her and let her come over. If the younger sister knows that you are here, she will be so happy!"

Jin Niu laughed at himself and said: 957 It's a pity that the tiger is gone, otherwise the younger sister and him will have a good result.

Jin Hu and Li Qiaoyun had a good relationship when they were young. If nothing else, they would have been married when they grew up.

It's just that the accident has happened. Jinhu has been dead for several years. I don't know how Li Qiaoyun would feel when he heard the news?

Li Sancai sighed after calling, "This is all fate, I can't force it...

Su Ming never spoke. Hearing this, he curiously said: "Your village has been robbing tombs. It stands to reason that you should have made a lot of money for so many years? But why do people in the village still live in the deep mountains and old forests? ?"

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