948: What! My people dare to bully?

All five people entered Su Ming's new home. Jin Niu and Li Sancai went directly to the bedroom to sleep, while Liu Suqing went shopping with Li Qiaoyun.

Su Ming was left alone on the sofa to rest for a while, and then he wanted to enter the house and write a new operating system.

Su Ming buys scientific research equipment in order to get money from Gates. Once promised to write a new operating system for Microsoft.

Now that I was free, I started to write it, but before he turned on the computer, his satellite phone rang.

Su Ming heard Vivian's voice after answering the call: "Su Ming, it's me... I'm here now-Sanjiang."

Su Ming said with a smile: "That's good, you are now an international student, go to school-have you reported?"

Vivienne whispered after hearing this, "Well, I'm at school, but...I don't want to stay here anymore...

Su Ming was stunned when he heard this, and then he asked, "Why?"

Vivian whispered after hearing the words: "Those male classmates, they...

Su Ming immediately understood when he heard the words, he laughed and said, "Do they think you are beautiful and haunt you?"

Vivienne was silent for a while after hearing this, and then said: "Yes...

Su Ming laughed when he heard this: "This is normal! Shouldn't boys like beautiful girls? You should be happy. What's so scary?"

Vivienne heard this and said in a very small voice: "They want to bully me...

Su Ming paused when he heard this, and then he said loudly: "What? Does anyone dare to bully you? How are you now?"

Vivian said with embarrassment: "I'm fine, but the person who bullied me has something. They were beaten by me. The teacher asked me to review, Su Ming, what should I do?"

Su Ming said angrily when he heard this, "Don't be afraid! Don't make a review!

A girl who is bullied by a boy can't fight back. How can there be such a truth in the world? You wait, I will go right away!

Su Ming went out after speaking. Jin Niu and Li Sancai drank a lot of wine, and they all fell asleep. Liu Suqing and Li Qiaoyun did not come back when they went shopping, so he could only rush over.

Half an hour later, a taxi stopped at the gate of Sanjiang Foreign Languages ​​Institute. Su Ming paid the car and turned around to walk into the campus.

As a result, the security at the door stopped him and asked him to show his student ID. Where did Su Ming get his student ID?

…Please ask for flowers………

In desperation, he had to sneak over the courtyard wall to enter the campus where no one else was. Then he took out the satellite phone and dialed Vivienne's number. After the call was connected, Su Ming asked, "Vivienne, where are you now? Huh? I'm already in.

Vivian said with joy upon hearing this: "I'm on the third floor of the red teaching building!

Su Ming turned his head and looked at it, and then he said: "Night, I saw it, you wait a while, I will come here."

Three Foreign Language School is a well-known foreign language professional school in China. There are many foreign students here, including students from different nationalities. It has a reputation as a "small country" in the heavenly dynasty.

In order to allow these foreign students to adapt to the learning environment here, the teaching buildings of Sanjiang Foreign Languages ​​College are all Western-style.

The red school building mentioned by Vivienne is very conspicuous because there is a big windmill on the top of the school building.

Su Ming walked straight to the teaching building. Just as he reached the third floor, he saw Vivienne, who was wearing a pink dress with her schoolbag on her back, looking seductive and fresh.

It's just that she is standing against the wall at the moment, her head drooping slightly, and Su Ming greets, "Vivian, why are you standing here?"

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