I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 200 How About Being My Son-In-Law? ! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma, Lin Dao, you are the first person who can make this old lady so embarrassed, since the Rocks Pirates disbanded!!"

A venomous light flickered in BIG MOM's pupils.

Now with bloodshot eyes,

Like a Lion Majesty waiting for an opportunity,

Quietly looking at Lin Xiao's weakness.

After a previous battle,

she has discovered,

In front of this man opposite,

The previous reckless fighting methods simply don't work anymore.

this slippery brat,

He didn't fight head-on with her at all.

But like flying a kite,

Constantly attacking and consuming her.

It's ten thousand times more despicable and shameless than pirates.

But BIG·MOM has put away the previous contempt already at this moment.

Regardless of kendo, Conqueror's Haki, Devil Fruit ability, body art...

The strength shown by Lin Xiao,

It really startled her.

This kid in front of me,

Is it really only twenty years old?

Even her and Whitebeard, Kaido, these guys who are called monsters by the world.

At the same age as Lin Xiao,

It can't even reach this level of horror.

He's the real monster!

And the reason why BIG MOM mentioned the Rocks Pirates, 467

It's all because she learned from Lin Dao,

Thinking of two things that she hated,

And the figure of fear.

These two people are the former [Marine Hero] Garp,

And [One Piece] Roger!

Thirty years ago,

If it wasn't for these two guys suddenly appearing in 【Valley of the Gods】,

I'm afraid that at that time the sky was in full swing,

The Rocks Pirates aiming for world domination,

It will not be disintegrated and destroyed.

And this kid in front of me,

Likely to be the next to reach the heights Garp and Roger were in their prime.

This made BIG MOM angry,

And jealous.

My wife is the one who can reach the top of One Piece after Roger!

Big Mom can't even imagine,

[One Piece] This title is in Lin Xiao's eyes,

It's no different than trash.


What he wants to do is become the [King] of this world!

"Boy, Tu Niang really underestimated you before...

A treacherous look flashed in BIG MOM's eyes, and he said in a bewitching tone:

"I can give you a chance now, as long as you nod your head and agree to be my son-in-law, and volunteer to become an affiliate of our Big Mom Pirates, I will not feel guilty about the past."

Forgive you not to die!"

while speaking.

BIG·MOM manipulated Napoleon in the bicorne hat that had just been sent flying with his mind,

It flew to Lin Xiao's back silently.

The sharp cold light of the blade was already aimed at his vitals.


Fujitora, who "watched" this scene from a distance, did not intend to remind him at all,

Instead, he couldn't help shaking his head with emotion.

I really don't know what you fat woman thinks,

How dare you use dirty tricks in front of my majesty.

After being clouded for so long, why can't you figure it out,

from beginning to end,

Your Majesty, he is the most sinister one!

"To be your son-in-law?"

Lin Xiao frowned with disdain.

Even the three-eyed girl Pudding who married Sanji in the original book.

His beauty is also not as good as Betty, Momousagi and others around him.

Not to mention [the world's three beauties] such as Empress, Shirahoshi, and Xiaozi.

In addition, Lin Xiao also has Nico Robin who can interpret historical texts,

There is no need to "bear the burden of humiliation".


"You don't look in the mirror to see how ugly you are, what beautiful daughters you can give birth to, I don't want to live with an ugly ghost every day!"

Although this is a bit harsh,

There is also a little appearance association.

But given the choice,

Which man would choose to be ugly?

"Ignorant bastard... Napoleon, hack him to death!!"

BIG·MOM was so angry that he screamed, grabbed Prometheus (bbea) above his head with his big hand, and slammed it heavily on Lin Dao.

The sky is on fire!!"


Prometheus suddenly burst out with majestic flame power.

like a blazing sun,

It crashed from the sky.

at the same time.

The huge sword behind Lin Xiao also suddenly fell.


The monstrous flames swallowed most of the island in an instant,

All the vegetation and animals above,

in the blink of an eye,

All turned into fly ash.

"Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma, thunder and lightning can't deal with you, I don't believe that the flame of Prometheus can't kill you!"

Big Mom showed a smug grin on his face, clapped his hands and applauded: "If you dare to go against my mother, the result will be death!"

"Looks like I've been underestimated again!"

Just when BIG MOM was triumphant, Lin Xiao's playful voice came out from the endless sea of ​​flames again.

"This.....doesn't even work with flames?!"

The smile on Big Mom's face froze instantly, and then she saw Lin Xiao's figure slowly walking out of the sea of ​​flames.

Just like the gods in charge of the law of fire,

Where Lin Xiao has passed,

The surrounding flames all retreated to the sides automatically,

Make a way for him.

And the little sun Prometheus lay obediently in Lin Dao's palm.

He didn't dare to move at all.

In front of 【Mera-mera Fruit】,

Its essence is flame,

There is no resistance at all.

It's just that Lin Xiao wants to eliminate or completely control it,

It is also impossible.

As it is with the bicorne Napoleon,

and Thundercloud Zeus,

All are the strongest Homiz created by BIG MOM with his own soul.

In addition to the [Soul Soul Fruit] that can defeat them,

For the time being, there is no good way to completely eliminate them.

at this point,

Lin Xiao has just experimented with the ability of [Frozen Fruit].

"Bastard, quickly give me back Prometheus and Napoleon!!"

BIG MOM's complexion changed drastically in an instant, and then he rushed towards Lin Xiao like crazy.

"Give it back to you? Okay!"

There was an evil smile on Lin Xiao's corner, and he raised his right hand violently, and the endless sea of ​​flames covering most of the island suddenly began to frantically gather towards his palm.

in the blink of an eye,

A huge Great Fireball that is as hot as the sun is formed.

"These two wastes will be returned to you together!"

While the voice fell,

Lin Xiao waved his arms fiercely, and directly threw the huge fireball and the great sword Napoleon at the oncoming BIG MOM at the same time.


Horrible explosions and endless flames rose again.

"Ah ah ah ah ah......"

BIG MOM's shrill screams resounded across the entire island in an instant. .

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