I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 204 Is He Worthy To Be King? ! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"Blu blu blu..."

On the way back, the phone bug in Lin Xiao's pocket suddenly rang.

Take it out and have a look,

It was Redfield calling.

"Your Excellency, Captain, Riku Dold III and the Commander-in-Chief have officially launched their operations!"

"Now that the group is on their way to the Highland of the King, do you want to destroy them all now?"

"Don't worry, just wait!"

With a disdainful arc at Lin Xiao's corner, he said with a smirk:

"Since they want to humiliate themselves so much, let them understand it!"

"Your Majesty is right!"

Betty raised her brows sharply, and snorted coldly with disgust on her expression: "It seems that the Assassin's Army is really at the end of the road, and the methods are so depraved and unbearable!"

"Long, that hypocritical fellow, has always advertised himself as a man of justice, all day long in the name of liberating the world, and the people use the slogan of freedom to do evil."

"Now, in order to retaliate against His Majesty, he is ignoring the status quo of the freedom and prosperity of the people of De Reiss Rosa."

"And trying to use the outdated members of the royal family to stir up a dispute and war again, in order to overthrow Your Majesty's regime.

"And the plan he made clearly included the lives of his subordinates..."

"Such a shameless act really makes people feel pretentious!"

As the former commander of Dongjun of the g Ming army,

Betty has more say than anyone.

Long has long used brainwashing methods to instill the concepts of "freedom and equality" and "peace and liberation" into the members of the G Revolutionary Army.

Now it seems that

It's just a big joke.

The so-called ideals and ambitions,

In fact, it is nothing more than his personal thoughts and wishes.

This point before meeting Lin Xiao,

The performance is not obvious.

That's why it highlights how "great" he is.

But after meeting Lin Xiao,

The dragon has been defeated many times,

In a state of mind breakdown,

He immediately showed his true colors.

Betty finished speaking angrily, and imitated the big sister's usual appearance again, snuggling up to Lin Dao's leg with a sweet face.

That cute look,

It's as cute as a harmless little animal.

It's just that everyone on board knows,

It's all just a fucking illusion.

The tenderness of this maiden,

It was always a gesture that would only be shown to His Majesty Lin Xiao alone.

On weekdays,

Your Majesty's women,

One is tougher and more ruthless than the other.

They are all ruthless characters who kill people like hemp.

If someone is fascinated by their delicate appearance or,


Your time of death has come.

at the same time.

On the road near King's Heights.

A team of about 300 people, poorly dressed but fully armed,

They are advancing rapidly towards the palace.

The leader rushing forward,

It was the old King Liku and his son-in-law Cyrus.

And behind the two,

All of them are old ministers of the Liku clan.

Most of these people are old, weak, sick and disabled.

But even so,

in everyone's eyes,

Still shining with the light of urgency and greed.

"Hey, why haven't those guys from the G Ming Army arrived yet?"

When the group arrived at the agreed meeting place, they did not see the members of the g-revolutionary army who planned the operation appear.

The old King Liku frowned suddenly.

An ominous premonition welled up in my heart.

"Axilu and the others may have been delayed by something!"

However, Cyrus didn't care about this, and said impatiently: "Father-in-law, don't wait, the opportunity is not lost, let's start first!!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, the people of De Reiss Rosa are waiting for your call!"

"Yes, liberate this country ruled by evil!"

"Long live King Riku!!"

"The royal family of the Kingdom of De Reissrosa will always be the Riku family!!"

"Your Majesty, please take the throne again..."

Without giving the old King Liku a chance to speak at all, the crowd behind him began to howl and howl.

The sound quickly alarmed the nearby residents.

growing crowd,

Start flocking to the huge square in front of King's Heights.

"Hey, isn't that old King Liku, what are they doing?"

"Fart King Liku, in this country, he is also worthy to be called king?"

"That's right, there is only one king in this country, and that is His Majesty Lin Xiao!!"

"These guys have weapons in their hands, this is preparation..."

"Damn it, these people are not planning to take advantage of His Majesty Lin Xiao's fight against the Four Emperors to attack the palace?"

"No way, is this really something a human can do?"

"That is, how much His Majesty Lin Xiao has devoted to this country, so that we can live such a happy and free life, won't the conscience of this group of people hurt?"

"Nonsense, if these dogs have a conscience, how can they eat?"

"It makes sense......"

Although the vast majority of civilians in the square at the moment are former De Reiss Rosa "natives"

But regarding the attitude of the old King Liku,

But it is surprisingly consistent with other civilians who have integrated into this country.

There can only be one king in this country,

That is Lindau.

It is precisely because of the existence of this god-like man.

Only then can they live a life like ".. Paradise" like today.

Enjoy freedom without war.

Even if the extremely vicious Four Emperors group strikes,

Still by their Emperor,

blocked out of the country.

As for this shitty King Liku?

what is he

How dare you compete with His Majesty Lin Xiao for imperial power?!

"Everyone, please be quiet, His Majesty King Liku has something to say to everyone!"

Cyrus threw out a sword energy casually, and cut a huge stone sculpture in two in the square instantly, and the noisy crowd suddenly fell silent.

Old King Liku walked up to the top of the steps with a complicated expression, looked down at the dense crowd below, and didn't speak for a long time.

"Father-in-law, now is not the time to hesitate, if you don't act quickly, the consequences will be disastrous..."

Cyrus approached anxiously and persuaded, "Do you want to see Violet and Rebecca implicated?"

Thinking of my daughter and granddaughter,

A look of determination flashed in the old eyes of Riku Dold III.

The bow did not return (Nuo Wang is good) the head arrow.

at this point,

Even if he is not for himself,

Think about your family too.

"People of De Reiss Rosa, you are all deceived by the illusion created by Lin Xiao."

"Although the country seems to be very prosperous right now, it is like a castle in the air and is always facing a huge crisis.

"Any warlike country will be destroyed, and De Reiss Rosa is no exception!"

"Lin Xiao has always acted arrogantly and domineeringly, and has made many enemies on the sea. The World government, Marine, pirates, and even today's Four Emperors [are] all showing us his tyrannical behavior

"As for those who opposed him, they were all turned into dolls without exception. How is this kind of behavior different from a bandit like Doflamingo?"

"So, in order to avoid the destruction of this country we depend on, let us raise our arms and overthrow Lin Xiao's tyranny..."

"Return De Reiss Rosa back to...【Nation Without War】Let's adopt it!".

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