I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 214 Four Ways To Gain Lifespan! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"Damn it, Lin Dao, don't you really think that I will be at your mercy?!"

Luo gritted his teeth and roared with a dark face.

There is no difference between these two options at all, okay?

It's not like bullying people!

Laozi is a clay figurine,

There is still a bit of blood!

"It's beyond your control!"

Lin Xiao had an evil smile on his face, glanced at the trembling members of the Heart Pirates, and said lightly:

"If you don't want to watch them die miserably one by one, then donate [Operation of Immortality] to me!"

"I can assure you that after getting what I want, all of your captains can leave alive!"

In Lin Xiao's dark eyes,

Rare bursts of greedy light.

In today's world.

Something that can make him show such an attitude,

Really pitifully few.

And [Op-Op Fruit] and its ultimate ability after awakening [Surgery of Agelessness],

It happens to be all in it.

Especially the [Operation of Immortality] that can give people eternal life.

It can be said to be something that everyone dreams of.

In fact, in addition to [Surgery for Agelessness],

There are generally three ways to prolong life.

The first one is the [Yellow Spring Fruit] eaten by Brook in the straw hat group.

Although until now,

The official also did not give the setting of the lifespan of Brook after his resurrection.

However, the effect of [Yellow Spring Fruit] can bring people back to life,

But it is obvious.

The second type is BIG MOM's [Soul Soul Fruit].

Its [Soul Mantra] ability,

can take someone else's life,

To plunder in the way of the soul,

and attached to itself,

So as to obtain the effect of longevity.

It can be said to be very vicious.

And the third,

It is the [pure gold] that is as famous as the [unageing surgery].

Legendary [pure gold] can prolong human life,

It is an extremely valuable treasure.

Even the Celestial Dragons did not hesitate to send members of the CPO to search for [Pure Gold].

Although Lin Xiao knows the last piece of [pure gold] in the world,

It's actually hidden in a lantern hidden by a giant lantern fish,

But if you want to find this lantern fish in the vast sea,

It is simply a fantasy.


The real function of [pure gold] is not eternal life.

Rather, it is similar to minimizing the body's metabolic capacity,

In order to resist the invasion of aging.

In layman's terms,

It should be called "Frozen.~age".

This is why the little girl who ate [pure gold] in the original book,

Obviously already 200 years old,

But the body and mind are still at the stage of children.

Instead of spending a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to find 【Pure Gold】,

Lin Xiao naturally has no suspense,

Choose the fastest and most convenient [Op-Op Fruit].

"[Surgery for agelessness]?"

When Gion heard this, a look of shock appeared on Qiaoqiao's face.

Maybe other people don't know about the rumors of [Surgery For Agelessness],

But for her former "Admiral backup",

I am no stranger to this Legendary.

"Your Majesty, is this the real reason why [Op-Op Fruit] is called the ultimate Devil Fruit, and the world government offers a reward of 5 billion sky-high prices?!"

"That's right!"

Lin Xiao would not hide from his woman, and nodded slightly to confirm.


This time it's not just Gion,

Bullet and the others who reacted suddenly were also shocked.

After switching back and forth between Luo and Lin Xiao a few times, everyone gave their captain a thumbs up and shouted: "Captain Niu B!!"

"Damn it, he even knows the secret of [Surgery for Immortality]!!"

Luo's face showed a look of inexplicable horror,

But it was soon replaced by unwillingness, humiliation, and anger.

no doubt,

He didn't want to see his crew die.

Even if you pay your own life for it, you have no complaints.

But not as a last resort,

How could he be willing to do the [Surgery for Immortality] for Lin Xiao?

After all, once this ability is used,

Demon fruit power itself will die instantly.


Luo decided to fight to the death first.

"Damn it, Lin Dao, don't think that you are a multi-fruit ability user, I will be afraid of you!"


A rapidly rotating transparent ripple burst out from his palm.

in the blink of an eye,

A semi-circular special space is formed,

Cover the entire tavern.


The [Ghost Cry] in Luo's hand cut off suddenly, but the target was not Lin Xiao and his party, but the civilians in the tavern who were trembling with fright.


A sharp cold light flashed past.

next second,

The bodies of more than a dozen civilians were instantly cut into several sections.

And under Luo's command,

It hit the direction of Lindao like a rain curtain.


This is just Luo's blindfold.

his true purpose,

It is to transfer all the crew members out.


almost at the same time,

Luo and a dozen members of the Heart Pirates suddenly disappeared from the spot.

when it reappears,

They were already more than ten meters away from the tavern.

"..Listen to me, this move won't hold Lin Xiao and the others back for long, everyone will split up and run away immediately, each one alive is one!"

There was a look of determination on Luo's face,

Clearly, the worst has been prepared.

"Captain, I...we're not leaving!"

"Yes, we will live and die with you!"

Beibo and the others said in trembling voices.

"Bastard, don't whine about here, hurry up, or it will be too late..."

Luo was almost pissed off by them.

Obviously everyone was so frightened that they almost peed their pants,

But why don't you insist on staying here.

You idiots, you will die like this!

However, just when Luo was about to reprimand everyone,

Unexpectedly, a figure as strong as a hill,

Suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Little devil, does my captain allow you to go?!"


With a casual punch, Bullet directly sent Luo flying heavily.

Then with a small head in each hand,

Holding Bepo and another pirate in his hand,

He grinned coldly and said with a sneer: "I can't see (Wang Nuohao) coming out, you guys... you are quite friendly!!"

"How can it be?!"

Luo struggled to stand up from the ruins, his face already covered with horror.

Bullet speed,

It's actually no worse than the teleportation he created with his fruit ability.

Is this the strength of a general?

The gap is just like a moat!

"Ah...my legs are glued...

"Captain, help me..."

"I don't want to die..."

At the brief moment when Luo was stunned, Katakuri and others followed suit.

The ground under the feet of the members of the Heart Pirates,

In an instant, it turned into a rice cake swamp that made people unable to move.

One by one, crying for father and mother, they asked Luo for help.

But in the face of this group of murderous gods,

What can Luo do?

Da da da--

After a sound of heavy footsteps,

The figures of Lin Xiao and Gion slowly appeared in front of Luo.

"How about it, have you considered it?".

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