I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 220 Black-Bellied Girl Robin, Strange To Despair! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"Tch, that's the way it is here, what did Jinbei just say about the strict guards?"

Luffy pouted, crouched on the pier with a displeased face and muttered:

"In the end, didn't we sneak in easily?!"

"Luffy, don't be so loud, be careful not to be spotted..."

Before Nami finished speaking, she pointed to a figure in the distance with surprise on her face,

He yelled: "Oh?! Everyone, look, isn't that Luo Chen?"

"That's right, it's definitely Robin sauce, you can't go wrong!"

Sanji's eyes suddenly became heart-shaped, and at the same time, two pillars of blood sprayed out from his nostrils, almost flying him up.

"We were so lucky to meet Robin directly here!"

On the faces of other members of the Straw Hats,

They all showed expressions of unbelievable excitement.

Luffy even raised his arms high,

Excitedly ran over directly.

"Hey.....Robin....we're here to pick you up!!"

"Although they told me that you are a spy sent by that bastard Lin Dao, how is this possible......"

"I don't believe you are that kind of person at all, it must be that bad guy who forcibly snatched you here, right?!"

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, no one can take you away from us!"

"As for that bad guy Lin Dao, sooner or later, I will punch him flying!!"

Luffy babbled a lot,

But Nico Robin on the opposite side remained silent.

Looking at the partners who sailed with me in the past,

On Nico Robin's hooded face,

A look of pain was revealed.


This emotion was quickly replaced by a coldness and determination.

During the time I came to De Reiss Rosa,

She really saw it,

What is strong!

World government, Marine, Four Emperors...

These powerful existences that make the world tremble,

All in front of this rising superpower,

Return in defeat.

And His Majesty the young emperor who led the country to keep leaping forward,

Let Nico Robin,

There is a sincere feeling of wanting to kneel down and surrender.

And most importantly.

In the paradise of De Reiss Rosa,

She Nico Robin,

No longer need to hide and hide like before,

Live a miserable life like a street mouse.

it's here,

She can enjoy the sun and rain to her heart's content,

Walk freely in the streets and alleys.

You can also study the [History Text] openly.

And her nickname,

He is no longer the [Son of the Devil] who was cast aside by the world in the past.


Has become a respected 【Historian】.

all in all,

As long as Nico Robin doesn't have second thoughts about Lin Xiao,

De Reiss Rosa is the "paradise" that can shelter her forever.

And these kinds,

But it was all something the Straw Hat Crew couldn't give her.

and in this world,

There will never be a second situation like it.


"Go back, Luffy...I will never go with you!"

Nico Robin slowly lifted the hood over his head,

The white neck is slightly raised,

Enjoying the warm sunshine in the sky with a relaxed face,

However, he said in a slightly alienated and indifferent tone:

"Sorry, I have now officially joined His Majesty Lin Xiao's camp, and De Reiss Rosa is my new home!"

"Here, I can have everything you can't give me, especially freedom..."

"Although I am very grateful that you have come all the way here to meet me, I am really sorry that I no longer want to continue sailing with you!"

In front of this sudden scene,

The members of the Straw Hat Pirates were stunned.

The smile on his face froze even more.

Although before arriving,

They had also envisioned a similar scenario.

But no one can guess,

Nico Robin's attitude,

To be so indifferent and decisive (bbcd).

this person,

Is it really the Robin-chan they used to get along with?!

Is she really Lin Xiao's spy?

Has she really been lying to us all this time?


"Hey, Robin, you bastard!"

"Stop joking with us, what the hell are you talking about, I will never accept what you just said!"

Luffy seemed to understand something, and growled through gritted teeth:

"I see, Riding is that bastard Lin coercing you to say this, right?"

"Don't be afraid, I will definitely beat him into the air with my own hands... Crack!!!"

Luffy has not finished speaking,

He was sent flying by a slap on the face.

And the one who made the move,

It was Nico Robin.

"Robin, you..."

Luffy looked at each other in disbelief,

It seems that he has not reacted yet.

that figure,

Obviously so familiar.

But for some reason,

At this moment, however, there is a feeling that makes him feel strange,

Another feeling of despair.

"How can the prestige of His Majesty Lin Xiao be slandered by despicable pirates like you?!"

Nico Robin yelled with icy cold eyes: "Although you all came here to pick me up, I'm really touched by it!"

"But if you really think about me, you should leave here immediately and disappear from my sight!

"Robin, stop talking nonsense, okay?!"

Nami couldn't bear to see it any longer, so he yelled loudly: "From just now, what are you talking about!"

"Obviously you were a pirate before! And do you know how determined we are to come here to save you!"


There was a sneer of disdain on Nico Robin's face, and after glancing at the members of the Straw Hats, he said lightly:

"I have only one identity from beginning to end, and that is the last scholar of Ohara. I and you... have never been the same!!"


The members of the Straw Hat Pirates stood on the spot as if struck by lightning.

This nasty black-bellied woman,

To be able to say such heartless words......


With his head drooping slightly, Luffy, who couldn't see his expression clearly, said slowly:

"That is to say...their guesses about you before are all true...you have been deceiving us all this time?!"

"Are you actually... a spy sent by that fellow Lindau?!"

"At this point, does it matter what the answer is?"

Nico Robin sneered again: "Anyway, we are no longer companions now!"

"If you don't want to die here, you'd better leave now..."

However at this moment,

A cold voice full of jokes,

Floating from afar,

It was heard clearly and abnormally in everyone's ears.

"Hey, Nico Robin, you're being rude!"

"Is this the way this king taught you to treat guests?!"

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