I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 223 I'm Going To Become The One Piece...Man! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"Okay, everyone, let's not talk about Nico Robin for now!"

"Let's first talk about your crime of breaking into the Kingdom of De Reiss Rosa without notification!"

Lin Xiao's eyes slowly swept across the members of the Straw Hat Pirates, who suddenly had the creepy feeling of being targeted by an ancient beast.

"You... what do you want?!"

Nami let out a cry of surprise, her pretty face was full of fear and panic.

"There are only two roads before you!"

Lin Xiao stretched out two fingers playfully, and said lightly:

"First, if you are willing to join me, I will naturally be able to act as if nothing happened!"

"It's impossible, let's talk about the second one!"

The members of the Straw Hat Pirates said almost in unison.

But Lin Xiao is not surprised by this.


He really didn't think much of Luffy's men.

Swordsmen, boatmen, navigators, cooks, doctors...

Today's De Reiss Rosa has it all.

So these people for him,

Not at all attractive.


Nami is an exception.

After all 11 her "sea chart" talent,

It is much better than ordinary navigators.

"The second option is that you stay here and work for 5 years as a compensation for flouting the law of De Reiss Rosa!"

When Lin Xiao said the second condition with a smirk, the members of the Straw Hat Pirates couldn't help but let out an exclamation.


"How is this possible? If we stay in this country for five years, won't our sailing dream never come true?"

"That's right, God knows what the sea will look like in 9 years' time!"

"Don't worry about it, we just wanted to pick Robin up, and we didn't do anything excessive!"

"What is the difference between you and enslaving us for 5 years, it is impossible, we will never be slaves..."

The members of the Straw Hat Pirates suddenly yelled out of righteous indignation.


If you work as a coolie here for 5 years,

And when they are free again,

I'm afraid I have even forgotten how to sail.

How do you achieve your dreams?

"Since none of you are willing..."

A look of hostility flashed in Lin Xiao's eyes, and he said with a serious smile, "Then they all die here!"

While the voice fell,

A horrible killing atmosphere,

Since Lin Xiao exploded out of the body,

In an instant, the entire straw hat group was enveloped in it.

this time,

Lin Xiao didn't deliberately control the intensity like last time.

Under the murderous attack,

Even the legs of Zoro and Jinbei,

They all started shaking uncontrollably.

Others even fell to the ground directly,

Not even the courage to look up.

"How strong is this guy? His murderous aura is so strong that it makes people breathless..."

Zoro felt that his worldview was about to be overturned.

A young man in his 20s,

Can it really be so strong that it becomes too big?

This is simply not a height that humans can reach!

Jinbei on the other side was also terrified.

Only two years have passed since the Summit War,

Lin Xiao's strength,

It turned out to be several times stronger than then.

There is no need to shoot at all,

Just relying on his own murderous aura and coercion,

It can reach the point where people are frightened.

this man,

It's just too scary.

Just like a monster.

"Asshole, we will not stay in this damn place to work for you for 5 years, nor will we let Robin stay here and be used by you..."

Luffy, who was originally in a daze, suddenly jumped up,

An extremely astonishing breath erupted from his body,

With blood-red eyes like beasts,

Staring at Lin Xiao firmly, he roared, "I'm... the man who wants to become the Pirate King!!"

"Today, I'm going to be here...to blow you away!!"


After Luffy finished speaking, Nuoda's pier suddenly fell into a dead silence.

Even members of the Straw Hats,

They all widened their eyes,

They looked at their captain in disbelief.

Luffy, your sister!

The situation was already dire.

You fucking add fuel to the fire.

Do you dislike us for dying too slowly?!

"A trash as humble as an ant dares to be so presumptuous in front of Lord Lin Xiao. Aijia will turn you into a stone sculpture today, and then you will be crushed into scum powder, so as to relieve the hatred in my heart!!"

The female dick quit as soon as she heard it.

Little bastard.

How dare you speak of my husband in front of my old lady.

I'm going to kill you today,

Luckily for you!

"Hey hey, Master Hancock, please calm down, why do you bother with this kind of rubbish, let me leave it to you!"

Shiryu's face was covered with a sinister and ruthless smile, and the [Second Generation Guiche] was slightly unsheathed in his hand, and he took a step forward and said:

"I want to see if he can still be so presumptuous after cutting off his snake's head!"

What Luffy said just now,

It can be regarded as completely igniting the anger of Lin Xiao's generals.

on everyone,

All erupted with unprecedented terror.

for a while,

The entire port is like a purgatory on earth.

The civilians in the distance just need to get a little closer,

There will be a sudden feeling of suffocation.

"Your Majesty Lin Xiao, Luffy, he just said something inadvertently. If you offend, please ask your lord to make a lot of..."

Facing such a terrifying situation, even though Jinbei was used to seeing strong winds and waves, he couldn't help feeling his scalp tingling at this moment.

Luffy's character is too impulsive.

Don't you care about the situation at all?

We are now in someone else's territory at 983!

Moreover, there are so many generals and powerhouses present,

What the hell are you doing?

Jinbei tried to ease the atmosphere full of gunpowder,

For fear of being careless,

do something violent,

angered the monster on the opposite side,

But it is really going to be obliterated here.

However, Lin Xiao ignored Jinbei,

Instead, he turned his head to look at Bullet with a playful smile and said, "He said... to be your man!!"


Bullet was immediately stunned by what Lin Xiao said.

That kid is going to be my man?

what the hell


Laozi's biggest dream is to become the One Piece.

And the kid just said that he was going to be the One Piece...


I fuck you!

You fag, Laozi is so fucking disgusting!

Can't bear it!

This is absolutely unbearable!

"Captain, don't stop me, let me kill that little b-boy, he disgusts me to death..."

Bullet, who reacted, was so angry that he almost exploded on the spot.

Stepping forward, ready to rush up,

Humanely destroy the opposite Luffy.

But at this moment.

Laidfield, who has been silent behind Lin Xiao,

But he went out first.

"It's not your turn yet, this is the 'gift' prepared for me by Your Excellency the Captain!!".

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