I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 236 Borrowing A Knife To Kill Someone? Let Garp Fight Him! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

Red Line.

Holy Land, Mariejois.

in the hall of power,

Five Elders who just got a reply from De Reiss Rosa,

Sitting together with gloomy faces.

"I didn't expect that guy Lin to be in charge?!"

Flat hat Five Elders growled with a bit of malice in his eyes.

It seems that Lin Xiao's decision,

Greatly exceeded their previous expectations.

"Yeah, I really didn't expect that he would dare to openly leave - De Reiss Rosa in the current situation where he is the target of public criticism."

Blonde Five Elders sighed slightly: "Is this guy crazy?!"

To know now,

Lin Daoming's secret enemy,

It's not just World government and Marine.

Among the Four Emperors alone,

Except that Kaido of the Beasts is Lindau's nominal ally,

the remaining three,

BIG MOM, Redhead, and Blackbeard,

But all of them have irreconcilable contradictions with him.

not to mention,

those who had been lucky,

Ready to go fishing in De Reiss Rosa,

But just after entering the territorial waters,

Just like the New World pirates who sunk the main ship.


Even if it is said that Lin Xiao has enemies all over the world now,

It's not an exaggeration.

"In this way, the method of using theoretical pressure to curb the expansion of De Reiss Rosa will not work!"

Five Elders with long straight hair sighed, slightly disappointed and said:

"After all, if there is no handle, it is likely to be used by that little fox, which is counterproductive!"

Just as Lin Xiao guessed.

The real purpose of Five Elders inviting him to participate in 【World Summit】,

In fact, it was predicted that he would not dare to leave De Reiss Rosa,

ready to take the opportunity by discrediting his reputation,

arouse the resentment of the common people,

Thereby further curbing the terrifying expansion speed of De Reiss Rossana.


Their calculation this time,

Everything fell through with Lin Xiao's appointment.


There was a sigh in the hall of power.

The Five Elders suddenly felt very tired.

damn it,

The Laozi have played tricks all their lives,

old old old

To meet such a thorn who doesn't play cards according to common sense.

I can't beat it,

You can't even kill them.

And one careless,

It will also be calculated by the little fox Lin Xiao.

Does this bastard still have the law?

"How about... let's use this opportunity to get rid of him directly!"

The balding Mustache Five Elders had a hideous grin on his face,

There is a look of eagerness between the brows.

To know,

After experiencing the painful lesson of [De Reiss Rosa Naval Battle],

Five Elders fear the most,

It is the [Power of Poseidon Poseidon] on Lin Xiao.

And the Red Line,

In addition to the natural isolation advantage of 10,000 meters from the sea,

It also has the special property of being indestructible.


During the 800 years of World government rule,

Red Line didn't know how many times it was going to be shot through.


However, Five Elders holding the sword immediately shook his head and refused: "Although the power of [Poseidon] cannot be used in Mariejois Lin Xiao..."

"But don't forget that his own strength should not be underestimated either!"

"And if he accidentally leaked the news, he would notice it in advance..."

"In the future, the World Government and Marine's plan to purchase seastone may be completely ruined!"

"damn it!!"

It's okay not to talk about seastone, but when it comes to talking about it, Five Elders suddenly swears with resentment on his face, and then said a little angrily:

"In the past two years, the money we spent on purchasing seastone products has increased nearly 20 times compared to the Doflamingo period!!"

"Lin Xiao, that bastard, raises the price today, raises the price tomorrow when it rains, and raises the price the day after tomorrow when he is in a bad mood. He fucking treats us as his personal money-making machine!!"

"If it weren't for the restraint of seastone, even if Marine fights him to the death, he won't be as arrogant as he is now!"

all the time.

The main reason why Five Elders did not take action against Lin Xiao and De Reiss Rosa for a long time,

In addition to being afraid of his [Poseidon] identity,

It is because Lin Xiao holds the "seastone lifeline" of World Government and Marine.

No matter how much the CPO guys try to negotiate with the Beasts Pirates,

Kaido only replied with one sentence: "Laozi only cooperates exclusively with Lin Dao."

Five Elders can only praise this: "Kaido, you are a big fool!"

However, the development momentum of De Reiss Rosa in the past two years,

It really scared the five of them.

And it has reached the point where they are a little restless.

Therefore, in order to effectively curb forest roads,

That's why he was invited to participate in [World Summit].

"Actually, it's not a bad thing for Lin Xiao to participate in [World Summit]!"

Holding a sword, Five Elders showed a treacherous smile on his face, stretched out his hand to adjust his glasses, and said:

"You know, among the 50 countries that came to participate in the conference this time, there are quite a few countries whose territory has been looted by Lin Xiao!"

When the other Five Elders heard this, their eyes lit up.

"And I also heard from the CP that many of the kings who came this time intend to promote the abolition of the Seven Warlords of the Sea system!"

Five Elders holding a sword continued to add: "If it is passed, we can take the opportunity to take back the [legal right to plunder] in Lin Xiao's hands as a matter of course!"


"In this way, if he robs another country's land in the future, it will inevitably lead to more intense conflicts and struggles..."

"good idea!!"

The other four applauded in unison.

"Hey, we just need to send someone to secretly provoke those idiot royal families and let them unite to resist Lin Xiao!"

"That's right, and Seven Warlords of the Sea has long existed in name only, and it's time to abolish it!"

"After all, Vegapunk's experiments have achieved considerable success. Even if the Seven Warlords of the Sea is banned now, we still have the ability to restrain the Four Emperors!"

"However... such a good opportunity, wouldn't it be a pity not to teach Lin Xiao a lesson?!"

The hall of power fell into silence again.

until a long time later,

One of the voices suddenly sounded.

"Although it's not convenient for us to make a move, we can definitely use that person to deal with him!"

"The man? You mean... Garp?!"

"That's right, the enmity between the two of them cannot be resolved casually!"

"And regardless of who wins in the end, Garp or Lin Xiao, it's a good situation for us to reap the benefits!"

"After all, both of them are prickly..."





A brand new conspiracy surrounding Lin Xiao begins here.


For the upcoming Epic-level war,

This is just an appetizer. .

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