I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 238 Clouds Move In All Directions, The New World Is About To Boil (Part 1)! [Kneeling To Sub

New World.

A certain sea area.

On the deck of the Red Force.

After Shanks answered the phone call, the smile on his face froze instantly, his eyes widened, and he stood there in a daze.

Luffy turned into... an old man?

Could it be that I heard wrong?

What the hell is going on?

Why did that idiot want to provoke Lin Xiao again?


Shanks, who was in shock, quietly slipped the wine glass in his hand to the ground, made a shattering sound, broke into several pieces, and splashed all over the ground.

And the cadres around turned their heads when they heard the sound,

Immediately, he was attracted by the rare nervous look on his captain's face.

"Shanks, what the hell happened?"

Vice-President Benn Beckman even stepped up and asked, "Since you answered that phone call, have you been restless?"

"It was...Mr. Rayleigh calling!"

Shanks took a deep breath, adjusted his emotions, and said in a deep voice: "He said that Luffy took his crew to De Reiss Rosa!"


At the same time as the conversation fell.

The entire deck suddenly became silent.

Beckman, Lagi Lu and other cadres,

All eyes widened in shock.


Is it possible that Luffy is crazy?

How dare you take the initiative to provoke Lin Xiao?

Doesn't he know,

That guy Lin Xiao,

But even the 200,000 fleet of the World Government dared to kill a lunatic.

Luffy is a little too reckless, right?

"Mr. Rayleigh is not kidding you?!"

Beckman said with a dignified expression, somewhat still harboring a trace of fantasy in his heart.

After all, Lin Xiao is now the lord of a country,

and by his side,

There is also a group of evil parties that are famous all over the world.

No matter how idiot Luffy is,

Shouldn't he be able to do such a stupid thing that seeks his own death?

But Shanks' almost frozen expression,

It has already explained everything.

Luffy he really did.

Beckman's eyes widened in horror.

He can't even imagine,

Why did this kid make such a crazy move.

Does he not want to live?

"Hasn't this kid Luffy been practicing with Mr. Rayleigh?"

Lackey Lu put down the piece of meat in his hand, and asked with a frown: "Why did he suddenly run to De Reiss Rosa to find Lin Dao's trouble?!"

Thanks to Shanks,

Everyone in the Red Hair Pirates has an instinctive crush on Luffy.

So for his every move,

Has always been very concerned.

It's just that the current wave of horse fleas is operating,

The truth is a bit confusing.

"I heard that the cause was that a female member defected from his pirate group and joined Lin Dao's command...

Shanks said helplessly.

This is a real hammer.

Everyone no longer doubted the authenticity of the news.

Because Luffy that silly boy,

for his own crew,

It is absolutely impossible to do such a mindless thing.

"Wait a minute, Captain..."

Yasopp, who has never spoken, seems to have suddenly remembered something,

Push aside the crowd and walk forward quickly,

He asked nervously, "Did Mr. Rayleigh say what happened to Luffy's crew...especially my son Usopp!"

An unbearable look flashed in Shanks' eyes, but finally he gritted his teeth and replied, "Except for Luffy and Jinbei...all dead!!"


Yasopp's eyes widened in astonishment,

For a while, it was difficult to accept this painful fact.

"Damn it, Lin Xiao, that bastard, is so insane... he didn't even spare a group of children!!!

Lackey Lou and the rest of the Red Hair Pirates,

All of a sudden, they roared with hatred.

These people have directly and selectively "forgotten",

Lin Dao's age is actually almost the same as that of the members of the Straw Hats.

And the person who took the initiative to provoke this time,

It wasn't him either.

"Captain, we must not let it go!!"

"That's right, we must seek justice for Luffy and Yasopp's son!!"

Immediately there was a shout of righteous indignation on the deck.

for Lindau,

The members of the Red Hair Pirates absolutely hate it.

Because he was promoted to [Four Emperors] from Shanks,

The first one to challenge openly,

And he didn't give the slightest bit of face to the stunned young man.

members of the red group,

Each of them has long been simmering with anger,

She is going to find Lin Xiao to "discuss" the lost face again.

Now is the chance,

They naturally don't want to miss it.

"Shut up all of them!"

Beckman yelled with a cold face, and there was no sound on the deck.

As the deputy of the Red Hair Pirates,

Beckman has the same majesty and power on board as Shanks.

Even core cadres like Lagi Lu and Yasopp,

He also didn't dare to make trouble in front of him.

"What are you going to do?"

Beckman looked at Shanks with a complicated expression, obviously guessing the decision the other party was about to make.

"This time, I really can't stand by!"

Whether it's for Luffy,

Or for Yasopp's son,

Shanks had to shoot Lin Xiao this time.

It's just that unlike those blindly confident crew members,

Shanks knew Lin Xiao's horror very well.

In just two years,

This guy under twenty years old,

So the kingdom of De Reiss Rosa, which was tossed by Doflamingo, was riddled with holes,

Created a world-class super empire today.

Such means and courage,

Even Shanks felt ashamed.

And Lin Xiao880's own growth rate,

It is even more incredible.

Kill Aokiji!

Defeat BIG MOM!

The bounty has exceeded the historic 6 billion Berry.

All in all,

All to prove one thing to Shanks.


Lin Xiao is a talented monster like horror,

"Super Trouble" with even worse methods than pirates!!

wanting to be an enemy of such a person,

It takes a thorough plan.


Likely to die without a burial.

At the same time as Shanks' voice fell,

The nervous Yasopp suddenly let out a long sigh of relief.

Although he was young,

Leaving behind his young son Usopp with ease,

With his seriously ill wife Bancina.

But that is because he advocates the spirit of freedom.

does not explain,

He doesn't care about his two families in his heart.

Now the son is killed,

Yasopp anyway,

We must avenge this great revenge.

"I see!"

The matter has come to this point, and Beckman is not stopping, and after a moment of thought, he said: "According to previous information, the territorial waters near De Reiss Rosa are guarded by an ancient giant elephant!"

"We must figure out a way to successfully avoid it, otherwise let alone rescue Luffy, we may not even be able to do a normal landing!!"

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