I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 244 Im Appears, The Light That Must Be Turned Off! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"[Throne of the Sky] represents the oath to uphold the 'equality' between the kings and never have a dictatorial heart!!"

"No one can sit on this throne..."

"And the 20 weapons guarding the throne are the oath made by the [first 20 people] who created this world 800 years ago!!"

"That location is the very center of the world, a symbol of peace that no one can touch!!"

"Just as the highest authority in the world is governed by the Celestial Dragons who are the 'Five Elders' who are the 'highest' at the same time, there is no unique king in this world!!"

"Then, let the kings here take the oath together...

Looking at the few kings not far away, under the flickering of the clergy, they bowed and swore to the [Throne of the Sky] piously.

Lin Xiao immediately lost interest in continuing to watch.

The bullshit "no one's finger",

Isn't Im still sitting firmly on the [Throne of the Sky]?

The so-called [Oath of 20 Kings],

It's just a false propaganda by Celestial Dragons and World government to deceive the world.

It's a trick used by those in power.

Those who believe are fools.

Lin Xiao, who lacked interest, took Fujitora back to the residence directly.

But before entering the door,

In the corridor, I met two familiar faces.

Surprisingly, it was Nafirutaly Cobra, who had been blackmailed by him for 2 billion Berry,

and his daughter,

Princess Nafirutali Vivi of Alabasta.

"It's really you..."

Cobra also found Lin Dao, the smile on his face froze instantly, and the cold sweat dripped down his forehead.

"Father, what's wrong with you, what's wrong with you?!"

Princess Vivi asked with concern.

At the same time, he turned to look at Lin Dao with some doubts and curiosity.

This man... so handsome!!

Princess Vivi was instantly attracted by Lin Dao, who was so handsome.

Of course,

She didn't know the handsome man in front of her,

Once in the palace,

Blatantly extorting 2 billion Berry from her father.

"Don't look at him!"

Cobra is like a frightened bird,

He dragged Vivi behind him,

And with a not-so-broad back,

completely covered her up.

As if Lin Xiao took a second glance,

The daughter will die on the spot.

it seems that

He was really frightened by Lin Xiao.

"Long time no see, Cobra"

A meaningful smile curled up at the corner of Lin Xiao's mouth,

Without waiting for the other party to speak,

He went straight into the room.

Cobra, the pedantic and incompetent fellow,

I'm afraid I don't realize it at all,

Shortly after the end of this World Summit,

The Naferutali family, considered traitors by the Celestial Dragons,

There will be a catastrophe.


Even Lin Xiao couldn't be sure,

Im's [Lights Out] order,

When will it start.

"Huh... let's go!!"

As Cobra pardoned,

Involuntarily pulled up Princess Vivi and ran to the other end of the corridor.

Why can I meet him here?!


For the safety of Vivi,

Had to get someone to change us to a room away from here.

absolutely not,

Let Vivi have the slightest interaction with that guy.

noon the next day.

【World Summit】will be held as scheduled.

Including Lin Xiao,

Kings or royal families representing 50 countries entered the venue one after another,

Sitting around a huge round table.

"My lords, this time, let's have an in-depth discussion on this beautiful world...!"

After the staff of World government finished their opening remarks,

Then he retreated respectfully.


Kings with evil intentions tore off the mask of hypocrisy,

for their own benefit,

Chatter staged a lengthy argument.

However, for the sake of our own people,

and considered by other countries,

almost none.

Although Lin Xiao is participating for the first time,

But it is not surprising.

After all, in the eyes of the World government and Naval Headquarters,

As long as there is no bloodshed,

Even if it is [Peace].

So the previous [World Summit],

In the end, they basically ended up breaking up on bad terms.

This time should be no exception.

"My lords, I propose..."

Cobra glanced cautiously at Lin Dao who was resting with his eyes closed, and then he stood up bravely and said:

"Officially abolish the [Seven Warlords of the Sea] system, restore order to the sea, restore peace to all countries, and restore a brand new chapter to the world..."

while speaking,

Cobra looked at Lin Xiao with trepidation all the time,

Afraid of saying something wrong,

It's going to piss off this guy who's a million times worse than Locke Dahl.

but until it's over,

But there was no reaction from Lin Xiao on the opposite side.

Not even lifting an eyelid.

Cobra, who was somewhat ecstatic, didn't know,

Lin Xiao was feeling sad for him at the moment.

A signal of the destruction of the Naferutali clan,

It started with the proposal to abolish the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Without knowing it, Cobra,

Already on the road to perdition.

at the same time.

On the corridor leading to the main hall where the [Throne of the Sky] is located,

Five old figures walked side by side.

"..it seems that the meeting has already started......

Hearing the melodious bell from outside, the blond Five Elders said lightly: "Just yesterday, King Cobra of Alabasta suddenly asked to meet us."

"The Naferutali family is the only descendant who chose to stay in Xiaquan in [the first 20 people] 800 years ago!"

Five Elders, with a bald mustache, said with a touch of disdain.

"In other words, traitors..."

Long straight hair. Five Elders had a look of contempt in his eyes.

These kings who call the wind and rain in the lower world,

In the eyes of those in power,

It is also an ant that can be wiped out at any time.

"Could he have noticed something?!"

Holding a sword, Five Elders said worriedly: "I hope he doesn't make any trouble in the meeting!"

"As long as Lin Xiao doesn't make trouble, the others... can't make any waves at all."

When Five Elders in the flat hat mentioned Lin Xiao's name, his face was full of resentment.

"That's right, the balance of the world is destined to be impossible to maintain forever."

Holding a sword, Five Elders said again: "It seems that we need to use a big cleaning in the near future to show the strength in our hands to those guys who are about to move.

In the depths of Pangu City.

Inside the mysterious 【Between the Flowers】.

A figure completely covered in a gorgeous Black robe,

Standing quietly in the center of the room full of flowers.

not far behind her,

A sharp long sword was stabbed obliquely above the ground.

From those fragments scattered on the ground,

The faces of Lindau, Shirahoshi, and Princess Vivi can be vaguely recognized.

"Master Im, everyone has arrived."

A maid knelt down on the ground from afar, reporting with a respectful expression.

Em did not say,

He just walked out slowly.

all the way,

Finally, he slowly walked up from the side of the [Throne of the Sky].

When her figure sat upon the throne, the fire,

The Five Elders below all knelt down and said:

"Five Elders, see Master Im!!"

"Have you decided which [light] must be extinguished from history this time?"

"If you have a conclusion........ then please express it!!".

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