I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 248 Don't Even Want The Face Of A Marine Hero? ! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】


With a dull bang,

The semicircular rock wall exploded from within.

A huge pillar of fire rose into the sky,

There is also a terrifying thunder that contains a destructive aura.

The moisture in the surrounding air is evaporated in an instant,

Form a suffocating hot space.

Even the ground within 100 meters of Fang Yuan,

All under this terrifying fluctuation,

There are signs of cracking.


A body covered in jet-black armed colors,

In a state of embarrassment, he flew upside down from the thunder flames.

After running through several buildings in succession,

It crashed into a ruin.

“Vice Admiral Garp!!”

The garrison of [Red Port] who rushed to support from the periphery,

All were stunned by the sight in front of them.

Their eyes widened one by one,

With horrified eyes on Garp in the ruins,

and the road opposite,

Among the young figures who walked out of the thunder flames calmly,

Wandering back and forth.

"Hey, are you kidding me, the one who got blown away...is Vice Admiral Garp!!"

"The majestic [Marine hero], the strongest iron fist, how could he become so embarrassed, what happened?!"

"That guy, 11 looks so young, how can he be so strong?!"

"This...is this the true strength of [The World's Strongest Emperor]?"

"It turns out that Legendary is true..."

"Vice Admiral Garp is [Legendary Marine], he should be able to defeat him, right?!"

"But I always feel that His Majesty the Emperor seems to be stronger

All the sea soldiers suddenly fell into silence.

Originally they received orders,

at all costs,

Discourage both parties in a fight from stopping.

But in front of this devastating battle,

Obviously, it's beyond the scope of what Common people like them can interfere with.

Just a few guys who didn't know how to live or die,

Before approaching 100 meters,

The body was directly smashed by the raging aftermath.

No bones remained.

not to mention,

There is also a blind warrior who can manipulate gravity standing by,

No one is allowed to intervene in the battle between the two.


These sailors are now,

He didn't even have the courage to step up to check on Garp's injuries.

I can only stand there stupidly,

Let the situation escalate.

"Lin Xiao!!!"

Garp let out an angry growl and struggled to his feet from the rubble.

Blood trickled down from the corner of his forehead.

The suit on his body has been burnt to pieces,

Show off a powerful physique.


In addition to anger at this moment,

Garp felt more shocked.

Extremely shocked.

The young man walking slowly across the street,

Just the strength of Taijutsu and Armament Haki,

It's already on par with him.

If you add the attack method of the streaky Eight Gate,

this battle,

It has evolved into a unilateral beating by Lin Dao alone.


The beating made Garp angry, annoyed, and helpless.

If it weren't for decades of rich combat experience,

Whenever at critical times,

Make an instinctive counterattack and defense,

I'm afraid Garp is seriously injured by now.

"We must not let this despicable bastard continue to live, otherwise..."

"Dragon and Luffy, sooner or later he will die!!"

For his own son and grandson, Garp is going all out this time.


The aura on my body broke through the limit,

It has climbed to an extremely terrifying level.

And the flowing Armament Haki,

Then on Garp's body surface,

Formed a layer of indestructible protection like armor.

Garp seems to have returned to his peak,

Gives people an aura of a demon god coming to the world.

this time,

for family,

He decided to fight to the death!

"Lin Dao, you have no guts, do you only use those heretical fruit abilities?

Garp tore off the broken suit on his upper body, and roared provocatively: "Do you dare to have a head-to-head confrontation with the old man!!"

"Garp, you old double standard dog!"

Fujitora was furious when he heard the words: "In order to win my Majesty, don't you even want your face?!"

damn it,

If you can't beat it, you can say you can't beat it,

Why is this still playing tricks?

Can fighting with the Devil Fruit ability be called heresy?

If you really want to say that,

You Marshal Akainu of Naval Headquarters,

And the current three Admiral,

There are also a group of generals and officers who own Devil Fruit,

Are they all the same breed as pirates?

You really can't be too double-standard!!

Garp, you are an old comrade in your 70s and 80s,

And there is a [Marine Hero] title on his head,

as shameless as now,

really good

Garp, however, simply ignored Fujitora's sarcasm,

Just staring straight at Lin Xiao,

He is waiting for the other party's answer.


he knows,

The proud man opposite,

I will definitely agree.


What can face count at a time like this?

For the future of his son and grandson, Laozi

I don't even have to die,

Still care about the face?!

"Hehe, the way I treat my own son and grandson is much better than that of an outsider like Ace!"

A playful look flashed in Lin Xiao's eyes, and he sneered and mocked: "If you had been as shameless as you are now, I'm afraid that idiot Ace...wouldn't have died, right? !"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Garp restrained the urge to run wild, and asked: "You just say 667 dare to call it a day?!"

"Although I know you are aggressive, but I can't help it... Who told me to do this."

Lin Xiao's corners slowly raised a bloodthirsty arc, his eyes were full of turbulent fighting intent rising like flames, and he sneered coldly:

"Garp, are you ready to die?!"

The moment the voice falls,

The aura on Lin Xiao's body suddenly climbed several times,

And it continues to increase exponentially.

Gold Conqueror's full of holiness and majesty seems to be free of money,

Like a hurricane, it swept across the entire 【Red Port】in an instant.

Whether it is a Marine soldier,

Or the family members of soldiers preparing to evacuate,

All under the influence of this fluctuation,

With absent-minded eyes, he knelt down in Lin Xiao's direction.

There is only one thought on their minds at the moment,


Even though it's nighttime,

But by the bright moonlight,

Garp and Fujitora, among the few who remained conscious, found to their astonishment that

Even Liuyun in the sky,

All in this terrifying wave,

Forms the rare Uzumaki shape.

"I wipe it, it's not good, His Majesty is angry!"

Seeing this, Fujitora's forehead immediately dripped with cold sweat,

Originally, he was nearly 100 meters away from the two of them,

Jumping in several ups and downs,

have fled further afield.


If you continue to stay here, you will be affected. .

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