I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 25 Ai's Head Is So Dizzy, What Should The Child's Name Be? [Ask For Flowers, For C

Chapter 25 Ai's head is so dizzy, what's the name of the child? [Ask for flowers, for collection, for evaluation! 】

Amazon Lily Kingdom.

Nine Snakes.

Lin Xiao stood in the empress' bedroom and waited quietly.

The two sisters Sandersonia and Marigold stood on both sides holding weapons,

Staring at him cautiously.

I'm afraid that Lin Xiao will do something wrong.

Just a few steps behind the curtain,

The empress sat powerlessly on the body of the pet snake Salome,

Grasping the lapel with plain hands,

The expression is extremely tangled.

The man outside actually knew the secret behind her,

Is it a coincidence or does he really know something?

hesitate again and again,

The Empress finally made a decision.

"Come inside... man!!"

Lin Xiao opened the curtain and walked in.

Dang even saw the empress's body full of white and red fruit.

Even though Lin Xiao hated the empress' arrogant personality very much before,

But he had to admit it.

Perfect face + hot figure + buff blessing of sweet fruit.

The empress's title of the world's most beautiful woman deserves her title.

It's just that there is no trace of profanity in his eyes,

On the contrary, it is like looking at a delicate work of art.

Study carefully.

"Damn it, your reaction is still so rude!!"

See Lin Xiao's normal reaction,

The Empress felt slightly disappointed and frustrated.

Is he really a man?

He actually saw that his body didn't have any distracting thoughts.

Worth mentioning...

The empress immediately rolled up her long black hair, turned her body slightly, pointed her smooth back at Lin Xiao and said:

"What you said before... is this pattern, do you know its true meaning?!"

"This is the emblem of the Celestial Dragons!"

Lin Xiao said lightly: "It is branded on the people raised by the nobles of the world, and it is the proof of an inferior race that cannot be erased in a lifetime!"

"No... that's right, the three Aijia sisters... used to be slaves to the nobles of the world!!"

Trembling fear filled the empress' voice,

Lin Xiao could tell,

That tragic past had hit her hard and hurt her a lot.

"Aijia doesn't want anyone to know about our past, even if we want to deceive people in the whole country, we won't let anyone catch a clue...No one can control us again!"

"Aijia is afraid of repeating the same mistakes. I am really afraid, so afraid that I can't be more afraid..."

The empress who is strong and cold in front of outsiders,

In front of Lin Xiao, she cried like a child and was helpless.

"Don't worry, no one will know because I can get rid of it for you!"

Lin Xiao said confidently.

The flying dragon's hoof imprint on the backs of the three empress sisters,

After being scalded by fire,

It is just a special "color Madara" formed by subcutaneous pigmentation.

For the rou. ball fruit that can bounce off even pain and fatigue, such traces,

It's just a piece of cake.

In order to completely capture the number one lick...uh, die-hard female fans in One Pirate, Lin Xiao naturally wants to remove this nightmare-like trace for them.

"What, you... You said you could help us get rid of this brand?"

The three empress sisters suddenly widened their eyes in surprise and surprise, their faces were full of anticipation, "You...you are not lying to me!"

Lin Xiao is no nonsense,

walk straight up,

I activate rou. ball fruit ability,

With a single "bo~", the flying dragon's hoof imprint on the queen's back was blown away.

"Ah, Xiao...disappeared!!"

"Sister, that trace is really gone..."

Sisters Sandersonia and Marigold pointed at the Empress's back and screamed.

"Really...really gone..."

The empress is not afraid of being exposed,

trot all the way to the mirror,

Looking at his flawless back,

Two lines of tears rolled down.

"Thank you... thank you..."

Lin Xiao then erased the marks of the two sisters, Sandersonia and Marigold.

"Would you...would you look down on Aijia who was once a slave?"

The Empress asked with tears in her eyes.

Get rid of the biggest demon in this life,

The Queen's voice has undergone a great change,

It gives people a feeling that if you listen too much, you will get diabetes.

Lin Xiao smiled and shook his head.

"Hee hee, you are really cute!"

A rare shy look appeared on the empress's face,

Then he rushed back to the tent to put on his clothes neatly.

what to do,

It seems that he has seen everything...

Will he think I'm a dissolute bad woman...

He shouldn't hate me...

What's his name……

Countless questions flooded into the empress's mind at the same time,

Let her have a feeling that her brain is about to shut down for a while.

"Hancock, I have something else you'll love!"

Lin Xiao's voice suddenly came from outside the curtain.

The empress trembled, and immediately made up her mind with her pretty face:

"Wow, he actually called me Hancock, and he has a gift for me, is he going to propose to me?"

"It can't be done, Aijia's head is so dizzy, what should be the name of the first child..."

"What are you writing in there, don't you want to kill the Celestial Dragons who gave you a miserable childhood?"

Lin Xiao urged impatiently.

Women are inkblots.

"What are you talking about, my god... Celestial Dragons?!"

The female emperor rushed out of the curtain at once, her pair of beautiful eyes were full of astonishment.

"That's right, I caught it while hunting pirates in Sabaody Land!"

Lin Xiao stamped his right foot slightly,

Instantly a piece of quicksand appeared on the ground,

The bodies of the three Celestial Dragons slowly floated up.

Because quicksand is breathable,

So the three Celestial Dragons didn't die directly.

But the endless darkness and fear in the sand sea frightened the three of them into idiots.

Lying on the ground at this moment, except for the non-stop twitching,

I can't even make a sound,

Like a useless person.

"Well, if you want revenge, kill them!"

Lin Xiao pointed to the three of them and said to the empress.

At this moment, the three Boa·Hancock sisters have already fallen into a state of blank mind.

How dare this man... kidnap Celestial Dragons! !


PS: Asking for flowers and votes, please vote for free flowers and votes, my brother is very grateful! ! !

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