I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 260 Collapsing At The Touch Of A Button? War Of Snipers! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"Brothers, rush in and loot De Reiss Rosa..."

"Get Brother Luffy back..."

"Destroy this country..."

Under the leadership of several cadres,

Outer members of Red Hair Pirates,

One by one, it was as if they had been injected with chicken blood,

shouting slogans,

With an excited expression, he launched a charge.

And De Reiss Rosa did not show any weakness.

"Hot-blooded boys of De Reiss Rosa, the time has come to test you!!"

"For His Majesty Lin Xiao, for our homeland, and for our loved ones... Let's wipe out all the enemies who will commit crimes in the future!!"

The battle flag in Betty's hand kept waving.

A strand of invisible fluctuations that can awaken the potential power in people's hearts,

Instantly swept out.

If we only talk about pre-war mobilization,

I am afraid that even if the huge forces of Naval Headquarters and other Four Emperors groups are added up,

And no one is more professional than Betty.

"Destroy the invading enemy!!"

"Destroy the invading enemy!!"

Shiryu and others, who have long been unable to hold back,

Then he greeted them with a well-trained Royal Marine.

in the blink of an eye,

The two steel torrents crashed into each other.

Intense and bloody slaughter,

Instantly filled every corner of the pier.

Although the strength of the members of the red-haired 913 pirate group is extremely good,

But compared with returning to the army,

The offensive was clearly haphazard.

Often by virtue of personal bravery,

Carry out small-scale breakthroughs and attacks.

The situation with De Reiss Rosa is quite different.

Well-trained Royal Marine,

While forming small phalanxes to meet the enemy,

between us,

There is also a high degree of offensive and defensive coordination.

Like a man in heavy armor,

Like a heavily armored knight with a sharp blade,

Both offensive and defensive.


Under the encouragement of Betty [Inspiring Fruit],

Soldiers of the Royal Marine,

Immediately, a terrifying strength several times higher than before erupted.

These people were originally the elites carefully selected by Zephyr in the Royal Marine,

After being promoted,

The power that erupted can be imagined.


The Red Hair Pirates suffered extremely heavy casualties.


But it was only the beginning of the war.

"Damn it, the strength of these soldiers is even stronger than the elite Naval Headquarters who participated in [Summit War]?"

"How did that guy Lin Xiao manage to train so many elite soldiers in just two years?!"

Shanks' face instantly turned hideous.

the immediate situation,

Obviously exceeded his expectations.

Although for the Red Hair Pirates,

As long as there are no casualties among core cadres,

No matter how many peripheral members die,

He can be after the war,

Easy recruitment replenishes back.

After all, these days,

There are real cannon fodder,

That's as much as you want.

But in this almost one-sided situation,

Shanks couldn't figure it out.

how to say,

The Red Hair Pirates are also a majestic Four Emperors group, right?

So many people died at the beginning of the war,

Is the gap that big?

"Shanks, have you forgotten the Demon fruit power that waving the flag?"

Beckman raised his finger and pointed to Belo Betty, who was in the rear, waving the battle flag and adding buffs to the Royal Marine soldiers, and said solemnly:

"Although the soldiers of De Reiss Rosa are well-trained, after all, they have been in the army for too short a time, and their combat power cannot surpass ours by so much."

"If my guess is correct, the reason why they became so strong should be influenced by that woman's Devil Fruit ability?!"

"The ability to inspire others' fighting spirit and potential?!"

Shanks immediately recalled the later stage of 【Summit War】,

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates, who were defeated like homeless dogs,

It was an extremely abnormal scene of launching a counter-charge to Marine.

Now it seems,

Presumably it was influenced by the ability of this flag-waving (bbej) girl Devil Fruit.

"Yasopp, kill that vicious woman for me!!"

Shanks ordered with a stern look.

Just get rid of Bello Betty,

Even if there is a certain disadvantage in numbers,

But with the extremely balanced overall strength of Red Hair Pirates,

It is still possible to form a "50-50 split" situation with Royal Marine.

Even a slight upper hand is not out of the question.

This is the confidence that Shanks dared to attack De Reiss Rosa.

Unlike the Whitebeard Pirates,

The officers of the Red Hair Pirates can be said to be among all the Four Emperors regiments in New World,

The one with the most balanced strength.

In the whole group,

Even Devil Fruit's ability users are few.

All of them are real high-end combat power.


Red Hair Pirates also has the luxury configuration of Shanks and Benn Beckman [general level].

That's why it is called the most balanced [Iron Wall Pirates] by the world.

"Just give it to me!"

There was a look of resentment on Yasopp's face, while aiming at Betty,

He muttered to himself in a low voice: "Usopp, don't worry, Dad is here to avenge you!!"

"Lin Dao...he will definitely die under my gun!"

Accompanied by a gunshot.

A special bullet wrapped around Armament Haki,

cut through the sky,

As quickly as needed,

Straight towards Bello Betty's head.

call out--

Sharp and narrow special bullets,

cut the air,

Makes a noise similar to ghost crying.

rapidly spinning projectile,

With terrible destructive power and penetrating power,

Constantly twisting and tearing apart the space ahead.

"Stop looking down on people there, you are not the only sniper here!"

On the opposite side, Fan Oka's face showed a look of extreme displeasure. While shooting back, he said in a serious manner like a magic stick:

"If you dare to attack Miss Betty, His Majesty will be angry... It seems that your fate is destined to end in a miserable tragedy."


The two bullets collided precisely in midair.

Then it exploded.

strong aftermath,

It actually directly blown the nearby pirates away.

It is clear,

The bullets of the two are all special high-explosive bullets.

"You bastard who got in the way, Laozi will take you first today!"

Yasopp roared ferociously, and kept pulling the trigger with his fingers, bullets whizzed out one after another.

"It's not sure who will take the knife."

Fan Aoka showed a disdainful look on his face, and at the same time he fought back accurately, imitating his brother Shiryu, and snorted coldly:

"It's time for Laozi to take the throne of【The Strongest Divine Archer】!".

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