I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 267 I Don't Have Time To Strangle You, Fujitoravs Redhead! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"If you beat me, I'll tell you!"

Redfield said with a little approval: "It can be seen that you have practiced very hard in the past two years."

"It's just that I am now back to the top!"

"If you don't show 100% concentration and the strength to go all out, you will only die under my umbrella.

"I see!"

If these words were replaced by other people, Hawkeye would only silently reward him with a knife.

but at the moment,

Facing Redfield who had successfully defeated him in his old age,

Instead of retorting angrily, Hawkeye nodded and said with a convincing face:

"I'm no longer distracted by other people's business."

"You are right, in order to defeat you, in the past two years, I have set up extremely hard training for myself, in order to welcome the arrival of today...


Hawkeye's aura suddenly began to climb upwards.

the whole person,

Just like the [Black Knife·Ye] in the "027" in his hand, which ranks among the [One of the Twelve Works of the Supreme Sword],

Show your sharpness.

"Very good, let me have a taste of your newly [enlightened] sword intent!!"

Redfield nodded in satisfaction.

next second.

The figures of the two are like two peerless sharp swords,

They collided heavily.

"Lin Xiao, you finally couldn't bear to come out?!"

Shanks walked out of the crowd with a sullen face.

The dark eyes kept looking at the surrounding space.

I don't know when,

The entire port was actually covered by a huge dome-shaped space.

If it wasn't because Lin Xiao just used his ability,

Instantly transferred Perona's body,

I'm afraid Shanks still won't notice this.


This guy seems to have acquired the [Op-Op Fruit] ability of [Death Surgeon] Trafalgar Law!!

No wonder it's been a long time,

Haven't heard any news about this supernova who was in the same period as Luffy.

Lin Xiao's risk factor in Shanks' heart,

It was raised a few more points again.

"How dare you do such an outrageous evil to Luffy, this time, we will hate the old..."

"You stop for a while, I don't have time to talk to you now!!"

Before the redhead could finish speaking, Lin Xiao ruthlessly interrupted her.

next second,

His figure actually disappeared directly from everyone's eyes.

when reappearing,

Has appeared in front of Rayleigh who was seriously injured by Shiryu.

"Bastard, how dare you ignore Laozi?!"

Shanks couldn't help but swear, obviously burned with rage.

As Four Emperors

No matter what kind of enemy you face,

He had never been insulted like this.

The resentment towards Lin Dao in my heart,

It has reached the point where it cannot be added.


But he didn't chase after it.

Instead, he locked his dark eyes on Perona behind the empress.

Just now he has seen the horror of this Loli girl.

If she now turns against the Red Hair Pirates,

I am afraid that many cadres,

A state of balance that was maintained only with desperation,

It will be completely broken soon.


He is going to take advantage of the gap between Lin Xiao and Rayleigh,

Take action to resolve this crisis in advance.

"Mr. Rayleigh, hold on for a while, and I will come to help you after I get rid of this little girl!!"

The redhead muttered secretly in his heart.

Immediately, he drew the famous sword [Griffin] from his waist,

towards Perona,

Suddenly, he slashed out a slash.


A mighty crescent-shaped sword energy shot out across.

"Hmph, shameless trash, have you finally revealed your true colors?"

Female Di took a step forward and stood in front of the panic-stricken Perona, snorting coldly with a look of disdain: "She is the person my adults like [My boss will never let you have it!"

"But the most ridiculous thing is that just now you shamelessly satirized my lord...You deserve it?!"

However, just when the empress was about to shatter the red-haired sword energy,

A figure was one step ahead of her,

Blocked in front of that sword energy.

"Master Hancock, let this kind of matter be handled by the old man.

Fujitora said with a very respectful expression.

After obtaining permission,

The stick knife in his hand suddenly came out of its sheath,

A blow entwined with the Purple gravity wave rushed forward.


With the swing of the blade,

A powerful horizontal gravity wave that is enough to distort space,

It burst out like a tiger descending a mountain.


A thunderous explosion immediately resounded through the sky.

The raging air waves and aftermath,

It even directly blows away all the pirates and soldiers who are fighting in the surrounding area.

"Get out of the way, you are not my opponent."

Shanks said with a rebellious face.

Although Fujitora is also a strong player in 【General】,

And it's also Rare's "heavy fruit" capable of manipulating gravity..

But in Shanks' eyes,

Fujitora is clearly no match for him yet.

This is the pride of [Four Emperors].

"You are right, the butcher is indeed not your mate."

Fujitora didn't refute, but said with a smile: "It's just that, before His Majesty returns here, it's completely fine for me to stop you."

This isn't Fujitora bragging.

There is a huge gap in strength even between [General Emperors].

But in order to decide the final winner in the battle of life and death,

Not having a few days is absolutely impossible.

at this point,

This can be seen with reference to the previous fight between Aokiji and Akainu.


Shanks was almost not directly pissed off when he heard the words, he shouted angrily: "You bastards who are working for tigers, you all deserve to die!!"

Sure enough, fish look for fish, shrimp look for shrimp, turtles look for bastards...

Lin Xiao didn't have a good bird under his command.

All as damned as that pissed-off bastard!


Fujitora's face still maintained an indifferent look of neither shame nor annoyance, but his voice had become extremely cold, and he said lightly:

"It's really ironic to say these words from you, the pirate [Four Emperors] who has killed countless people and committed all kinds of crimes!"

"court death!!"

Shanks is on the verge of breaking out.

The figure turned into a black shadow and rushed up directly.

Naturally, Fujitora did not show any weakness, and immediately greeted him with the same attitude, "I'm going to smile, Fujitora, please enlighten me!!"

Meanwhile on the other side.

When Lin Dao's figure 0.9 suddenly appeared.

Shiryu was taken aback for a moment.


Why did Mao Laozi have another extremely bad premonition in his heart?

Master Captain.....

Are you trying to "blame" me again this time?!


Can you stop "bullying" me alone?

Redhead, Hawkeye, Benn Beckman...  

the three grandsons,

Either one is more "sweet" than the Rayleigh I dealt with.

I was still hoping to use [One Piece Deputy]'s head to gain a wave of "prestige"...

Shiryu's big chin,

Suddenly it was longer.


Even if there are all kinds of reluctance in my heart,

His figure didn't dare to hesitate at all.

After Lin Xiao appeared,

He directly recruited,

He retreated behind Lin Xiao with a respectful expression.

"Rayleigh, we meet again!!".

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