I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 274 The Power Of The Sharp Sword, Shiryu Stands Up! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"Hey, redhead, I think you'll just accept your fate!"

Shiryu, who was fighting Lagi Lu, did not forget to brush up his presence at this time,

With a sinister smile, he said, "If you kneel down and beg for mercy now, maybe Laozi will be reluctant and ask the captain for you to spare your life."

"It's just that this annoying fat man must die!!"


What Shiryu ushered in was just the redhead's ignorance.

For this underdog,

Redhead is not even a bird.

This also made Human Slayer Demon's fragile heart feel very hurt.


Redhead, what the hell are you dragging around there?

If I can't beat you,

Laozi must cut off your dog's head today.

"Hey, big chin, my captain is not something you can mock at will!!"

The figure of Lagi Lu rushed forward at an extremely fast speed,

The plump face was full of fury.

It's enough for others to say a few words,

You Shiryu of the Rain can't even take one move from my captain,

How dare you have the face to challenge me here?

Really impatient to live!

While the voice fell,

Lackey Lu's hands are entwined with black armor-colored bones,

Already hit the head again.


Shiryu swung his knife to block the attack, his eyes flickered with a ferocious light like a wild beast, and he sneered, "Laozi should have said it just now..."

"You fat man, you must die!!"


Accompanied by a clear sound like a dragon chant,

[Black Knife·Autumn Water] With a cold light,

Unsheathed again brazenly.

There is no need to take the initiative to bless Armament Haki,

【Autumn Water】The sharp blade,

Just like chopping melons and vegetables,

It directly split through the flesh and bones wrapped around Armament Haki in Laki Lu's hands.


Blood splashed.

Laki Lu's plump figure flew upside down in an instant.

Although Shiryu's knife,

did not hurt his vitals,

But the long and bloody wound in front of Yuexiong,

But extremely hideous and terrifying.


The two are at Armament Haki's bout.

Shiryu with the blessing of two [big sharp knives] is even better.

"Fatty man, you are doomed today, no one can save you, I told you!" [!"

Shiryu waved away the blood on [Black Knife·Autumn Water], and said arrogantly:

"Because that jerk with red hair just made Laozi embarrass himself in front of my captain..."

"So Laozi's mood is very annoying now, and he has no time to waste too much time on a small character like you."

"I want to kill a few more cadres before the end of the war, and use your heads to please my captain."

"Fart, it is absolutely impossible for me to lose to a bastard like you."

Lackey Road rolled over,

Regardless of the bleeding wound before Yuexiong,

He casually picked up a long knife on the ground.

The jet-black Armament Haki winds up.

Originally Common's long knife,

In an instant, it became an invincible "black knife".

"The person who is going to die today is your big chin!!"

Lackey Road growled,

Then he rushed towards Shiryu brazenly and fearlessly.

"Hey, why don't you understand?"

A regretful look appeared on Shiryu's face,

Not in a hurry to attack,

Instead, he looked intoxicated at the two knives in his hands,

He muttered to himself: "The reason why famous knives are called famous knives by the world is because they can exert unique power."

"And [Da Kuai Knife Twenty-one Workers] is one of the best."

"Even if your Armament Haki is slightly stronger than mine, as long as you have them in hand, you have absolutely no chance of defeating me..."

"Rain 2 Swordsmanship - Tornado of Purgatory!!"


Blue's sword light is like a flying dragon ascending to the sky,

It actually directly blew Lackey Lu's fat body into the sky.

Puff puff--!!!

The huge tornado airflow produced by the powerful sword pressure,

It made Lagi Lu unable to control his own direction at all.

And the fierce sword energy that formed the tornado,

Then cut off the long sword in his hand instantly.

"Impossible, that guy's slash can even break the defense of Armament Haki, how is this possible?!"

in mid-air,

Lackey Lu, who kept bleeding outwards,

At this moment, nothing but shock was in my heart.

This is not the first time he has fought Shiryu.

For this existence that is almost at the bottom of Lin Xiao's group,

He handles it with confidence.

Previously in [Summit War],

Shiryu couldn't get any advantage from him.

Who wants to,

The opponent just changed two broken knives,

Such a terrifying strength erupted unexpectedly.

This greatly exceeded Lagi Lu's expectations.


Suddenly, the wailing sounds of countless pirates came from all around.

The tornado sword energy released by Shiryu,

Not only is it powerful,

And the duration is quite long,

The main thing...

It was able to move forward.

for a moment,

Already hundreds of members of the red group have been affected,

their bodies,

In Blue's Blade Tornado,

was crushed inch by inch,

Then it turned into bursts of blood and rained down.

Shiryu's area,

In an instant, it turned into a Shura hell-like horror.


After a while.

The huge sword-qi tornado disappeared.

Laki Lu's fat body fell heavily to the ground.

There was a huge bang.

Hey, Brother Lagi Lu was actually defeated by that big chin?!"

"Impossible, except for Captain Shanks and Vice-Captain Beckman, Armament Haki is the highest-ranking cadre, how could he lose to that low-level guy?!

"Not popular? Before Shiryu of the Rain joined the Lin Xiao Group, he was the famous Human Slayer Demon in Impel Down, and his current strength must be close to [General Emperor Class]!!"

There was a whisper of discussion all around.

And the area where Shiryu is standing, (Qian Zhao of)

It has already been emptied out.

It's like a restricted area of ​​life.

woo woo woo...


Laozi can hardly remember,

How long has it been since I have experienced this feeling of being feared by others?!

Since joining the captain's command,

Laozi is overwhelmed by Bullet's pervert guys every day,

It's almost becoming a "disabled demon".

If it wasn't for the captain gifting me these two [big sharp knives],

I'm afraid there will never be such a bright moment.

Shiryu already had tears in her eyes at this moment.

If Lin Xiao is present,

Maybe she would rush over to hold his thigh and cry bitterly.

Master Captain,

You are my reborn parents.

I, Shiryu, is your man in life, and your ghost in death.

But before that,

Please allow me to say the last sentence presumptuously:

"Laozi Shiryu of the Rain, from today... I can stand up again!!!".

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