I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 293 Mutiny, The Black Group Collapsed? ! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】


The atmosphere on the pier suddenly became extraordinarily weird.

The battle started from the moment Lin Xiao shot,

Then inexplicably stopped.

The members of the Blackbeard Pirates were already dumbfounded.

They just feel that their throats are a little dry,

The corners of the mouth trembled uncontrollably,

And stared blankly at the giant arm that Blackbeard dropped on the ground.

This scene before me,


It has become a lingering nightmare in their hearts.

their captain,

Blackbeard, one of the dignified [Four Emperors],

A man endowed with the power of two kinds of Devil Fruit,

To be cut off by someone with a knife?!

This Nima is too outrageous, isn't it?

At a loss!

this moment,

Tens of thousands of pirates turned their heads together,

He stared blankly in the direction of Blackbeard.

but their sight,

But they didn't gather on their own captains.


It all converged on the young figure standing proudly opposite Blackbeard.

Just at that moment,

their attention,

All were attracted by the shocking scene of the sea being split into a "big rift valley".

That's why I ignored the severed arm of my 11 captains.

now come to my senses,

This scene looks particularly dazzling and shocking.

And all this,

All but that man named Lyndau,

It's just a knife waved casually.

Broken arm, split the sea......

What kind of terrifying power does this need to have,

to achieve this level?

Lin Xiao's strength,

It is simply beyond the scope of what these pirates can imagine.

"This.....is this really a human method?!"

"Oh my god, while severing Captain Teach's arm, the mere aftermath splits the sea so easily, it's kind of scary..."

"Captain Teach was still in the transformation state just now, a monster, a proper monster..."

"That's right, if the target of the blow just now was us, I'm afraid..."

The faces of the pirates showed fear and terror.

even the body,

They trembled uncontrollably.

They began to tremble in their hearts.

Originally these people,

He also reported the idea of ​​following Blackbeard to plunder and kill.

I thought I could easily swallow the big cake of De Reiss Rosa.

But now it seems that

Don't talk about sharing the cake,

After this battle,

How many people are still alive,

It is already an extremely difficult problem.

Pirates on the pier,

suddenly timid,

I retreated in my heart.

Even if they are all outlaws with their heads pinned to their belts,

But there will never be anyone who hopes that he will die early.

not to mention,

The figure standing in the distance at this moment taunting their captain,

Although alone,

But in the hearts of nearly 30,000 of them,

At the same time, an invincible sense of terror and oppression arose.

Let them not dare to act rashly.

in the hearts of many,

The idea of ​​fleeing de Reiss Rosa has already been born.

This country is really terrible.

From the moment of landing,

One after another accidents emerge in endlessly.

They don't want to stay here any longer.

if possible,

They never want to set foot on this land again in their lives.

This country called De Reiss Rosa,


Already in the hearts of all the pirates,

It has become a taboo place like a scourge.

An atmosphere of fear and cowardice,

Started a massive chain reaction in the Blackbeard Pirates camp.

Not long after,

Some terrified pirates became restless.

these people,

There was no loyalty to Blackbeard in the first place.

The reason for joining,

I just want to borrow the name of Blackbeard [Four Emperors],

It's all about showing off in the sea.


Once they decided that Blackbeard must be defeated,

Regardless of the impact on the battle situation,

At the beginning, while howling, he scrambled to the outside of the port.

"I...I don't want to die here..."

"Captain Teach's plan failed and we all fell for it..."

"That's right, all of these are traps that have been prepared long ago. If we continue to stay here, we will only die without a place to die..."

"Laozi doesn't want to stay here to be buried with Teach..."

"Yes, I can't die either, I still have a lot of treasures that haven't been squandered...

"Captain Teach is no match for that guy named Lin Xiao, run away, everyone..."

"The ship has been sunk, what should I do..."

"Swim out, just leave this sea area..."

Hundreds of pirates rushed to the periphery of the port,

The scene was as spectacular as making dumplings.

"This... is this going to escape?!"

Ai En looked at the shocking scene in front of him, and lost his voice: "Your Majesty just made one move and scared them all away?!"

And the Warriors of De Reiss Rosa in the battlefield,

Then they subconsciously swallowed and spit.

This is the "one ride is worth a thousand" in Legendary, right?

Oh no!

It should be said that "one man makes an army".

They suddenly felt,

The fierce battle between myself and this group of pirates before,

It's like child's play.

Obviously in the last second the two camps were still fighting to the death,

next second.

With Lin Xiao's formal 940 shot,

The Four Emperors group of nearly 30,000 people was scared to death.

If you don't see it with your own eyes,

Who can believe this?!


For those of them,

The pride of being under Lin Xiao's command in my heart,

And a sense of admiration for this 【King】,

It reached its peak almost instantly.

such a scene,

It really should be seen by people all over the world.

make them realize,

Our 【King】,

In the future, it will rule the whole world.

"Hey hey hey hey hey, so handsome, really handsome...!!!"

Perosa rested her pretty cheeks on her little hand, tilted her head, and floated in mid-air, staring at Lin Xiao obsessively.


tall and handsome,

Look good no matter what you do.

"Bastards...you cowardly bastards!!"

"Go back to Laozi, Laozi hasn't lost yet!!"

"Burgess, wolf, hurry up and kill those guys who escaped with Laozi......"

"Who the hell dares to take another step back, Laozi will kill Hui first!!"

Blackbeard's bloodshot eyes widened and he kept roaring.

He couldn't care less about the pain of his broken arm now.

He knows better than anyone,

the scene before me,

If it is not stopped quickly,

I'm afraid the entire Blackbeard Pirates are about to collapse completely. .

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