I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 296 That Man Will Never Be Defeated! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

The fact is just as Zephyr guessed.

From the beginning to the end, Lin Xiao never wanted to really let go of this group of vicious pirates.

Those who dare to attack de Reiss Rosa,

There must be a painful price to pay.


If they can actually take out the remaining Blackbeard captains and officers,

Lin Xiao will naturally keep his promise,

Leave their lives behind.


He never said,

There will be no punishment for their crimes.


surviving pirates,

All will be sent to the sugar ~,

After being transformed into a doll,

Assigned to underground ports and other places where labor is needed,

Work till you die!

"Lin Xiao!!!"

Blackbeard's beast-like roar filled with anger instantly resounded throughout the port.

Before this scene of cannibalism,

and Burgess et al. who were gradually submerged by the sea of ​​people,

This sudden and huge turning point,

Greatly stimulated Blackbeard's sensitive nerves.

Push him directly to the brink of collapse.

"It took Laozi two years to work so hard to build a family business, but...you ruined it all!!"

Blackbeard's heart was already bleeding.

Originally in [Summit War],

[Shock Fruit] which he regards as his own,

As well as the Fengfu that originally belonged to him,

Without exception, Lin Xiao snatched them all.

If it wasn't for the [Great Buddha Fruit] on Sengoku's body in exchange for a very tragic price,

I'm afraid he shut himself off right then.


When he led his 30,000 younger brothers in high spirits,

Prepare for a bloodbath,

When the de Reissrosa kingdom of Lindau was massacred to a river of blood,

Such an accident happened again.

That bastard Lin Xiao...ah no, it should be called a devil!!

Even under his nose,

In just a few words,

So he split up the 30,000 people under him and turned against him!!

Who dares to believe this shit?

Blackbeard really regrets it now,

Why did I become obsessed with ghosts in the first place,

Hearing the dragon's nonsense,

Come and attack Lin Xiao.

Where is this shit coming to sneak attack people?

Obviously, they are here to deliver food!!

Thinking of this,

Blackbeard's bloodshot eyes turned viciously at the dragon.

I've known for a long time that this 25-year-old boy has no good intentions.

Back then, he should have been killed directly.

"Captain Teach, now is not a good time to talk nonsense with him!"

The dragon was keenly aware of Blackbeard's emotional changes, so he directly opened his mouth and brought the topic to the current battle situation.


at this moment in his heart,

To Blackbeard, grieved and angry.

Instead of sympathy,

On the contrary, there was a little gloating idea.


I'm not the only one who read Lin Xiao's Taoism.

Haven't you Blackbeard always boasted of being smart?

It's not like I'm a bear now,

They were all lost by that kid?!

"Captain Teach, the current situation is becoming more and more unfavorable to us."

"If it continues to drag on, once the battle with the Red Hair Pirates on the other side is over..."

"Don't talk about killing Lin Xiao, it's still unknown whether we can leave alive!!"

Although Long felt a little gloating in his heart, the current crisis situation did not allow him to be careless at all, and immediately said in a very fast and deep voice:

"Right now, we can only join hands to fight him with all our strength, and try to get rid of him before his powerful subordinates arrive..."

"Only in this way can we reverse the defeat and gain a chance."

"Don't forget, right now...our common enemy is waiting there!!"

While the voice fell,

The dragon's eyes full of hatred,

It has already landed on Lin Dao who is sitting on the [Throne of Sand] opposite.

while the other party,

At this time, Xiang Long seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

The eyes of the two intersected each other in mid-air,

Suddenly aroused silent collision and sparks.

"Papa papa..."

Lin Xiao clapped his hands approvingly, and said lightly with contemptuous eyes:

"It's really worthy of being the top leader of the former g-revolutionary army. No matter what time this mind is, she is always sober!"

"Blackbeard, you trash, if you had handed over the Pirates to the dragon earlier, you wouldn't have ended up in the current situation.

Lin Xiao's calm posture,

in the eyes of the dragon,

It immediately made him feel like he couldn't help but want to go crazy.


This is Chi Guoguo slapping me in the face!

‥ Ask for flowers...-

Long's hatred for Lin Dao,

It has reached an unprecedented level.

The same goes for Blackbeard.


And only with Lindau's head,

Only then can the pain in his heart be eased.

"Lin Dao, no matter how much you sow discord, Laozi will never be fooled by you..."

Blackbeard roared like a ghost, and his voice resounded like rolling thunder across the entire port in an instant: "Today, Laozi must nehd you with his own hands!!"


Endless black air shot up from behind Blackbeard.

Like a black curtain,

Soon the ground near him was completely covered.

objects on the ground,

Whether it is a building or a living person,


All under the action of endless suction,

Sink into the dark endless world.

"Thief hahahaha... Now that you bastards have betrayed Laozi.

"Then there is no need for Laozi to continue to suppress the devouring power of [Dark Fruit]."

Blackbeard opened his arms violently, and laughed wildly with a ferocious expression:

"I want to use the power of darkness to swallow everything in front of me...everything that belongs to you Lindao into nothingness.

"If you commit evil yourself, you cannot live."

Long narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a cold voice: "Lin Dao, your crimes can be said to be full of evil!"

"Not only did I single-handedly destroy the g-combat army that I worked so hard to build, but also made my son Luffy into the miserable state it is today...it's unforgivable."


Suddenly, out of thin air, a series of indistinguishable blade-like cyclones appeared around the dragon.

Even solid ground,

All of them were blown out of cracks under such a whirlwind.

"All listen to my order and retreat to the outer defense line!!"

Zephyr reacted almost immediately, and gave the order to retreat without hesitation.

the next battle,

It is no longer within the reach of these people.

"But His Majesty is alone..."

Ai En's face suddenly turned pale, obviously worried about Lin Dao's safety.

"Silly girl, that man is [The World's Strongest Emperor]."

Zephyr said with extremely firm eyes: "He...will never lose! Knife!".

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