I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 300 Blackbeard's Secret! ! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】


In the next second, a huge golden coffin with extremely luxurious shape fell from the sky.

The ground of the entire port trembled.


The golden lid is opened,

Six golden chains as thick as arms shot out from the coffin in an instant.

Just dragged Blackbeard's body into it.

【Ding, the system has detected the body of the newly deceased ‘Marshall D Teach’ within a day, which meets the conditions for ability plundering, and the system has automatically deducted 1 billion Berry...... 1


"Captain Blackbeard... was killed so easily?!"

"How could this be? Isn't Captain Teach a Phantom Beast? Why can't he restore the damage caused by Lin Xiao?!"

"That kid's Conqueror's is too scary... Even the power of [Dark Fruit] can't compete with it!!"

The sudden scene in front of him was really astonishing.

So that Burgess and others,

Almost dropped his jaw in shock.

Even under siege,

Nor did they feel as hopeless as they do now.

After seeing Blackbeard's body dragged into a golden coffin,

They all stared wide-eyed,

There was an expression of disbelief on his face.

It's not about battles between [general level] powerhouses,

Will it take at least a few days, or even more than ten days, to decide the final victory of 777?

What is this in front of you?

Blackbeard with the double fruit ability,

and the dragon who wields the power of the hurricane,

With the combination of the two,

Not only failed to kill Lin Dao as he wished.

On the contrary, people were

Killed one of them without breaking a sweat...

This is... can you believe it?!


Lin Xiao is definitely a monster.....

Burgess and others couldn't believe their eyes.

They even began to doubt life.

[Ding! VIP ability looting is complete!]

[Ding! Congratulations to Host, you have obtained the "Dark Fruit" ability of the newly deceased "Marshall··Teach"!】

【Ding! Congratulations to Host, you have obtained the ability of "Big Buddha Fruit" possessed by the newly deceased "Marshall · D · Teach"!】

【The system has been automatically "scale-free" to eliminate side effects such as seawater and seastone, please feel free to use the host!】

[Ding! Congratulations to Host for obtaining the special spiritual energy "D's will", status: to be activated!]

【Ding! Congratulations to Host for getting the special Constitution: "Chimera Triploid"!】

(Note 1: Chimera is a mythical animal with the head of a lion, the body of a sheep, and the tail of a snake in Greek mythology.

In modern medicine, scientists call the phenomenon that normal people carry at least four sets of DNA the Chimera phenomenon.

Some scientists believe that the frequency of this phenomenon in the population in the future may be as high as 10% to 15%. )

(Note 2: Triploidy is the phenomenon that someone carries three sets of DNA in his body, which can be regarded as having three "blood factors" in pirates,

Therefore, in the original book, Blackbeard can have [Shock Fruit] and [Dark Fruit] two Devil Fruits at the same time. )

【Ding! Congratulations to the Host for obtaining "Intermediate‧ Armament Haki". Since it does not exceed the level of the Host itself, it is automatically converted into the corresponding experience!】

[Ding! Congratulations to Host for obtaining "Intermediate·Observation Haki". Since it has not exceeded the level of the Host itself, it is automatically converted into corresponding experience!】


After Lin Xiao obtained all the abilities of Blackbeard,

His expression was slightly stunned at first,

Immediately, the angle of the stalk sweeps up a radian,

Looking at Blackbeard's corpse that collapsed from the golden coffin, he muttered to himself:

"So that's it... [Chimera Triploid], presumably this is why you can have two Devil Fruit abilities at the same time!!"

well known,

Devil Fruit has always been called "the incarnation of the sea devil".

Those who eat the evil (bbfi) devil fruit,

Will be given a demon-like ability.


It must be noted that,

Each person can only eat one Devil Fruit at most.

If it is because of greed for power,

and eating more than one fruit,

The body will explode because it cannot bear the "curse".

This is the eternal "iron law" of the sea

But the ambitious Blackbeard,

But in the absence of a system,

This "iron law" was broken.

all the time,

Even Lin Xiao was very curious about how Blackbeard did it.

Now it seems.....…

I'm afraid it was done by relying on his special [Chimera] Constitution.

Generally speaking,

After people eat Devil Fruit,

Devil Fruit will directly act on the [blood factor (DNA)] of the human body through the blood.

and react with it,

to rearrange and merge,

mutate human genes,

And eventually cause the eater's body to produce upgraded,

Thus possessing "superpowers".

It is precisely because of this,

Once the [Bloodline Factor] of the Common people is "transformed" by a Devil Fruit,

It can no longer accommodate the "transformation" of the second Devil Fruit.


Only after eating the second Devil Fruit, the "self-explosion" situation will occur.

And in this situation, for Blackbeard who has three [Bloodline Factors],

But it can perfectly avoid the past.

"You really can always bring unexpected surprises... Teach!!"

Lin Xiao said lightly.


for him,

Even without the special Constitution of [Chimera Triploid],

He can also have various Devil Fruit abilities.


This special ability, which is a treasure for ordinary people,

To Lin Xiao, it was like chewing wax.

No bird at all.

In contrast,

[Dark Fruit] that can directly plunder the "Devil Fruit power" in other people's bodies,

That's what Lin Xiao really wanted.

【Dark Fruit】in Lin Xiao's heart,

The strategic value is almost on par with [Lion Fruit], [Stone Fruit] and so on.

He is also going to be like Kaido,

Using this devil fruit,

Create an army of truly capable people far surpassing the Beasts Pirates.

And the first goal of the trial,

He had already chosen it.



The grievances between him and the dragon,

It should also be completely closed.

"Dragon, your handpicked helper is now dead..."

Lin Xiao's eyes slowly turned to where the dragon was, and he grinned and said, "Now...how are you going to avenge me?!".

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