I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 318 The Red Hair Collapses! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】


Lin Xiao's corners curved slightly and said lightly: "Shouldn't you ask yourself this question first?!"

"Redhead, your purpose of coming to De Reiss Rosa is not just to rescue Straw Hat Luffy, is it?!"

"Destroy this king one by one, wipe out De Reiss Rosa... Do you think this king might let the group of pirates under you go?"

"Also... I gave you a chance before, but I didn't even use Devil Fruit's ability during the duel."

"But even so, you still lost..."

"I have to say, redhead, you are really disappointing!!"

"But speaking of it, you and the Straw Hat Boy are really very similar, you both have such short memories..."

"If it weren't for your willfulness and willful will, your subordinates today would not have died here so miserable..."

"After all, the person who killed them... is actually you!!!"

Lin Xiao's words are calm and clear,

Like a sharp dagger,

Straight into the redhead's heart,

It made him feel like he was struck by lightning and had difficulty breathing.

"No, no, no...not me..."

"I didn't kill everyone...I didn't..."

The red-haired expression was extremely painful and pulled his hair,

This cruel fact is simply unacceptable.

But soon,

His left bloody left eye,

Then he looked at Lin Xiao viciously.

It's like finding the source of all pain,

The red hair jumped up from the ground,

Roaring viciously: "Lies, it's all lies... You killed them, and you did everything..."

"Yes, that's right, it's you..."

"Laozi will never let you go...I will avenge Beckman and the others!!"

While the voice fell,

Redheaded like a drunk,

raised his right arm,

He rushed straight in Lin Xiao's direction.


He did not use physical skills,

Also did not use【Conqueror's Haki】,

Even the most basic [Armed Sex Domineering] Qi is not entangled.

Just stumbling forward like that.


Bullet, Shiryu, and Fujitora, who had been guarding all around, suddenly became furious.

You are really good at fighting.

Can't you see all of us standing here?

Who gave you the courage,

How dare you be so presumptuous in front of the captain?

The reason why I keep you,

It's not because the captain has ordered you not to kill you,

Otherwise, can I still give you the chance to pretend to be B like this?

"let me!!"

With a loud roar, Shiryu got out before everyone else.


【Second Generation Ghost Toru】Suddenly got out of the sheath.

A sharp cold light flashed across.

next second,

The red-haired right arm was thrown high into the sky.


Blood gushed out from the severed arm immediately.

And the red-haired already staggering figure lost his balance,

Then directly hit the ground heavily.

"Uhhhhhhhh...my hand...!!!"

The redhead fell to the ground and howled in pain,

He lost his left arm,

Now even the only right arm that can hold a sword has also been cut off.


for redheads,

Physical pain is a trivial matter.

After losing his right arm,

Not being able to take revenge on Lin Xiao was the root of his complete breakdown.


He is no different from trash.

Beckman Vengeance,

Luffy Vengeance,

and his own hatred,

There is no chance to report again.....

Under the endless superposition of despair,

The red hair actually cried bitterly and begged: "Kill me... Please kill me..."

"It's not awesome now?!"

Shiryu slowly retracted the knife into its sheath, then stepped on the red-haired head, leaned slightly, and mocked condescendingly:

"Didn't you yell loudly before...why are you acting like a dog now?!"

"My captain, how could you, a reckless dog like you, be able to provoke you wantonly?!"

Shiryu's feet gradually increased,

The redhead just felt more and more difficult to breathe.

"Finally... can I be freed?!"

But for some reason,

facing death,

The ashen-hearted red hair unexpectedly gave off a feeling of great anticipation.

It seems that only so,

Only then can he be freed.

"Laozi saw you upset a long time ago, do you know that [Four Emperors] is amazing, even crazier than Laozi!!"

The more Shiryu spoke, the more sour he became, and he gradually lost his sense of proportion.

However, just when the redhead felt that he was bound to die,

Shiryu getting carried away,

The whole person shivered subconsciously as if struck by lightning,

Then he didn't even think about it,

just let go of your feet,

Facing Lin Xiao who was not far behind him, he fell to his knees.

"Master Captain, the little Gang 470 just got carried away for a while, almost disobeyed your order, and ruined your big event..."

When Shiryu saw Lin Xiao's handsome face that gradually darkened,

The cold sweat on the forehead couldn't stop streaming down immediately.

Immediately, he begged with an extremely pious attitude:

"For the sake of my loyalty, please forgive me this time..."

"If there is a next time, I don't need you to speak, captain, I will directly in front of you......... cut myself open!!"

No matter how arrogant and arrogant Shiryu is in front of outsiders.

Even strong men like Bullet and red hair,

It is also completely ignored.

But in front of Lin Xiao,

But he was as humble as an ant from beginning to end.

For Lin Dao's ruthless methods,

Shiryu was viscerally afraid.

Whitebeard, Garp, redhead.....

These casually pick out a ruthless character who can shock Hai Hai three times,

not one after another,

They all fell at Lin Dao's feet.


"Get up."

Lin Dao said lightly.

He never intended to punish Shiryu for having red hair.

But this group of villains must be made to remember very hard,

Who is the [King] who gives orders. .

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