I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 320 Revealing The Red Hair's True Identity, Who Is He? ! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"Is not it?!"

Hawkeye stood up slowly, glanced at the red hair with an extremely complicated expression, and then continued:

"Even though he is no different from a useless person now,... Shanks, he is still [Four Emperors] with a reward of 4,048,900,000 Berry."

"Handing him over to Marine is probably far worse than killing him now, Your Majesty."

"When did I say I was going to hand him over to Marine?"

The smile on Lin Xiao's face became more and more evil, and he said with deep meaning:

"Hawkeye, although you and Redhead have been good friends for many years, I'm afraid you still don't know his real identity..."

"Huh? What... the real identity?!"

Hawkeye was immediately taken aback by the question,

A puzzled and bewildered look appeared on his face,

After thinking hard for a long time, he slightly shook his head and said:

"I only know that Shanks is from West Blue. Could it be that besides being a pirate, he has other unknown backgrounds?!"

"That's right!!"

Lin Xiao nodded firmly and said, "If I told you now that his real identity is... Celestial Dragons, would you believe it?!"

"What did you say?!"


As soon as this remark came out,

Don't talk about Hawkeye,

Even Zephyr and others who have been around all the time,

There was a look of shock and disbelief on all the faces.

[Four Emperors] one of the red-haired Shanks.....

The real identity turned out to be Celestial Dragons?!

This Nima......

Isn't this news too shocking?

If it is known to the world,

I'm afraid the whole sea will be fried, right?!

"Your Majesty, could it be that..."

Zephyr frowned and thought for a moment, then said with some uncertainty:

"The redhead, did he also leave Mariejois's Celestial Dragons for some reason like Doflamingo?!"

"The specific situation is not clear in a few words..."

Lin Xiao waved his hand with a face that I was not interested in the Eight Trigrams news, and continued in a simple and clear way: "The identity of the red-haired Celestial Dragons should not be wrong.

"After all, the pirate who can make the Five Elders take time out of their busy schedules to meet, looking at the whole sea, there is absolutely no way to find another one!"


Hawkeye and the others were once again shocked by Lin Dao's words.

The existence of the Five Elders,

Lin Xiao had already popularized it to them a long time ago.

Later, with the addition of Zephyr and Momousagi,

They are concerned about the existence of high-ranking Celestial Dragons such as the Five Elders,

It has long been no surprise.

But now hearing that the redheads were able to get the Five Elders to meet alone,

One by one suddenly came to the spirit.

pricked up their ears,

For fear of missing any next details.

Only Bullet, a former member of the Roger Pirates, frowned and muttered in a low voice:

"Damn it, I really didn't expect the grandson of the red hair to be such rubbish as Celestial Dragons, but...... No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a damn thing?!"

"Is it really not like it?"

Lin Xiao glanced at Bullet, and said with a half-smile: "Let's not talk about other things, as a member of the Roger Pirates, the redhead has an inseparable relationship with 【Pluton】Rayleigh.

"If he wants to know about [The Last Island] Raftel, and [The Great Secret Treasure], do you think... Rayleigh will tell him?"


Bullet scratched his head in bewilderment, hesitating and hawing, he couldn't answer at all.

He's the best at fighting,


It is really "too difficult" for this combat madman.


Hawkeye and the others have already heard the "overtones" from Lin Dao's words.

"Then, as a pirate (Four Emperors), why is he so uninterested in the big secret (baa) treasure?"

"Also, the red-haired man is obviously a pirate, but after being promoted to [Four Emperors], he acted as a 'big well inspector' to maintain order and balance in the sea..."

"[Summit War] prevented Kaido from attacking Whitebeard's territory, and then appeared in [Marineford] non-stop, preventing Marine from killing the Whitebeard pirate group.

"Over the years, behind every major event that happened on the sea, there seems to be his red-haired figure..."

"I'm afraid even Marshal Marine isn't as lenient as he is?"

Lin Xiao finished speaking,

The surroundings suddenly became silent.

all eyes,

All focused on the redhead who had fainted from the pain.

"he~tui~~....... The thing Laozi hates the most in his life is Er Wu Zai and Celestial Dragons!!"

Bullet spit out a mouthful of sticky phlegm onto the top of the redhead's head.

For Lindau's words,

He has always been unconditionally convinced.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I said how could he rise rapidly in just a few years, and then jump to become the king of the New World......"

Shiryu muttered in a strange way: "It turns out that it's a Second Generation who relies on the background!!"

Since I learned some new words from Lin Xiao,

Shiryu can't help but show it off.

"Your Majesty, are you going to let me give Shanks directly to the Five Elders?!"

After hesitating for a moment, Hawkeye finally made up his mind.

to be honest,

He still hasn't gotten over the shock that the redheads are "Celestial Dragons."

This man who was both his friend and foe,

no matter how you look at it,

Not like Celestial Dragons kind of crap either.


When Hawkeye carefully recalled the redhead's behavior style over the years,

was surprised to find,

It seems that there is only the explanation that Lin Xiao just said,

It is the most reasonable and appropriate.

"Although you haven't lost your [Seven Warlords of the Sea] identity yet, you haven't seen the Five Elders themselves at all..."

Lin Xiao shook his head slightly, and said lightly: "You just need to send Hong to [Holy Land] Mariejois, and then help me pass a message, telling those five old dogs, "This is a gift from me."

"Oh, by the way, you'd better not stay there too much, because one of the topics of [World Summit] this time is [Cancellation of the Seven Warlords of the Sea system]

Lin Xiao reminded kindly at the end.

"I understand...... Thank you, Your Majesty, for your reminder!!"

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