I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 337 Life And Death Choice? ! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】


If it is true.

The real source of the present war,

with Lin Xiao

But there are inextricably linked.

Precisely because in the previous naval battle,

BIG MOM lost to Lin Dao.

lost a lot of troops,

Even the number one star Katakuri,

and many other children,

They all joined Lin Dao's command.


Wanguo was also stolen by Kaido.

Although in the end BIG·MOM returned in time,

The nations were not destroyed,

But the loss has reached an extremely alarming level.

from now on

She is also called "the weakest Four Emperors" by the pirates of 【New World】!!

For the irascible BIG·MOM,

is simply unacceptable!

So... "eight nine three"...

Desperate to salvage the situation,

And BIG MOM who took revenge on Lin Xiao,

then turn his gaze,

Locked on the [Germa 66 Legion] far away in [North Blue].

After all, to create a powerful replica corps,

It only takes five short years!!

Naturally, BIG·MOM could not refuse such a temptation.


By accident,

BIG MOM is just like in the original book,

Send a marriage request to Vince Mo Ke Judge.

at the time of the wedding,

Wipe out Vince Mo Ke's family.


It is logical to take over the entire [Germa Kingdom].


Since Sanji died in【Kingdom of De Reiss Rosa】


Judge turned down BIG·Mom's request for marriage.

In his opinion,

His three sons were the pinnacle of his scientific prowess.

How could it be handed over to someone else...

Judge, who thought he could get away with it by explaining,

but never imagined,

What ushered in was actually the monstrous anger of BIG MOM.

In desperation,

BIG MOM actually ordered directly,

Forcibly killing the Vince Mo Ke family,

And snatch all the scientific power of [Germa Kingdom].

Judge, you are really shameless!

I can't beat Lin Xiao,

Still can't beat you?!

BIG·MOM will obviously be angry with Lin Xiao,

It all fell on Judge.

Speaking of...

Judge is unlucky enough.

He should be,

If people sit at home, disaster will come from heaven!!

"Vince Mo Ke Judge, I advise you not to continue dying......"

[BIG MOM Pirates] on a big ship,

a tall,

The whole body is covered with armor made of biscuits,

A man with a great sword,

stand on the bow,

He stared coldly at Vince Mo Ke Judge on the opposite side and roared.

His voice was like thunder,

Even though there are constant explosions all around,

It still clearly passed into the ears of everyone in Vince Mo Ke's family.

He is Charlotte Cracker, one of the "Three Generals of Desserts"!

A big pirate with a reward of 860 million Berry.


The present appearance,

But not his real appearance.

in order to hide,

his real body,

It's always been hidden in the body of this biscuit Warrior.

And at his side,

Still stands the third daughter of the Charlotte family,

Charlotte Armand.

She is one of the female members of the Chaet family,

In addition to Smoothie, one of the "Three Generals of Desserts",

The strongest one.

Holding a famous sword [White Fish],

She is a female swordsman who is in her prime as a swordsman.

And behind the two,

Also standing were several other children of the powerful Charlotte family.

It can be said,

BIG MOM is bound to win this battle.

On the other hand, Vince Mo Ke's family,

Including Judge,

The members of the royal family all looked pale.

It's like facing a big enemy.

[BIG MOM Pirates] It was not a huge existence that they could handle.

but now,

Unless all technology is handed over,


before them,

There is only death!

"Father, it's a death anyway, so fight them?!"

The eldest son Yiji said angrily.

"That's right, we are 【Germa..."

The second son Niji chimed in: "How can they be allowed to show their power there?!!"

"You two idiots hurry up and shut up!!"

A beautiful woman reprimanded with a cold face: "[BIG MOM pirate group] but the Four Emperors group of [New World], with our level, rushing up can only die...... "


It is the eldest daughter of Vince Mo Ke's family, Zheng!

is in this family,

The only person with both IQ and EQ online...

"Then what do you say?"

Yiji retorted with a face of dissatisfaction: "Could it be that we want to hand over the science and technology and the entire kingdom that we rely on for survival?!"

"Absolutely not!!"

Judge said with a resolute expression: "These are all the things we rely on to revive [Germa Kingdom] and unify [North Blue]..."

"No one can take it away from me!!"


at this moment,

A magnetic male voice suddenly sounded from behind Judge and the others.

Everyone looked behind in horror,

I saw the clearing,

I don't know when,

Two men, one old and one young, unexpectedly appeared out of thin air.

That nice voice just now,

It was sent by the young man standing in front.

"Who are you.....…"

Before Judge speaks,

Reiju in the back row directly dragged away the three stinky brothers who stood in front of him,

With eyes full of admiration and obsession, he stepped forward and said:

"Is it really you, [World's Strongest Emperor] His Majesty Lin Xiao?!!"

"Hey, Reiju, what nonsense are you talking about there, how could this kid be that big shot?!"

"That's right, [Kingdom of De Reiss Rosa] is in [New World], and here is [Northern 3.3 Sea]..."

"Couldn't you be scared stupid by the [BIG MOM Pirates]?!"

Yi Zhi and the other two stinky brothers immediately turned on the mocking mode.

Even if Reiju is their big sister,

And he showed no mercy at all.

Instead Judge,

There was a look of extreme shock on his face.

Although he has never met Lin Xiao,

But the other side's handsome face,

But from time to time, it will appear on the front page headlines of major newspapers.

It doesn't matter whether he wants to pay attention or not.


Such a noble man,

Why did it suddenly appear here?


Or is it at this critical moment??

Judge's expression gradually changed from shock to panic.

Could this guy be...

Do you also want to annex [Germa Kingdom]? !!.

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