I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 341 Akainu's Doubts! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"It doesn't matter.

Lin Xiao waved his hands disapprovingly, and said with a light smile: "If you want to successfully provoke a full-scale war between Marine and Kaido, only the king himself can do it.

"Otherwise, with Kaido's cunning and suspicious character, he will never be fooled..."

"Maybe, we might still get burned!!"

Lin Xiao did think about letting Bullet or Redfield

Take [Eternal Pointer] for him to trade with Kaido.

But after careful consideration,

He still rejected the idea.

Leaving aside whether Kaido will fall into the trap,

This battle alone,

It will directly affect the overall plan after Lindau.

It can be said to be the most important thing.

Can't tolerate the slightest difference.


This time I went to 【Wanokuni】,

He had to be there in person.

"Mr. Zephyr, after I leave, you will be in charge of training and production of [battle suits]..."

Lin Xiao stood up slowly, his dark eyes sparkling with excitement.

He is already in mind,

I have made plans for the next step.

Planning is urgent.

This time...

He is bound to bring the whole New World to heaven,

Stir it all up!!

"Your Majesty, please rest assured that this old man will definitely train another iron army for you before the big war comes..."

Zephyr knelt down and shouted solemnly.

"Hancock, look after my house for me!"

Lin Xiao smiled charmingly, pinched the empress' delicate chin, and said very gently.


The Empress suddenly froze,

Like a (crazy) woman, she can't stop nodding with her eyes full of intoxication,

Even if Lin Xiao ordered her to die,

She will do so without hesitation.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, this concubine will always stay here and wait for the day when you come back."

three days later.

Just as Lin Xiao and Fujitora set off for [Wanokuni].

Naval Headquarters has received a cryptic message.

A signal soldier staggered into Akainu's office,

before he gets angry,

The flustered Hui reported:

"Marshal Sakazuki, the intelligence personnel just got the news...someone got the [Eternal Pointer] to [Raftel]!!"

"What did you say?!"

Akainu, who was about to get angry, suddenly changed his face, and hurriedly asked: "Is the news reliable? Back to [Eternal Pointer] in [Island of the Last Raftel]...

"Does this kind of thing... really exist?!"

"There is no way to verify the authenticity of the news. This is what the intelligence personnel heard by chance from a female geisha..."

The communicator immediately told the story in detail.

After Akainu listened,

The cold sweat on the forehead has already flowed down.

[Eternal Pointer] secretly recorded by Roger's crew when they arrived at [Raftel]

Then he was thrown into the sea by Roger...

Now he was accidentally found by a certain pirate, and he saw the light of day again......

It's all too reasonable.

It is hard for Akainu to suspect that this news is fake.

"Festa of [Celebration Pirates], didn't he die a long time ago?"

After pondering for a moment, Akainu said: "Notify Kizaru immediately, and try to arrest Festa..."

"I want to find out whether this [Eternal Pointer] is real or not in the best time I know!!"


The messenger responded, and then trotted away.

And Akainu was lost in thought.

If this [Eternal Pointer] is real...

the sea,

It is bound to set off an unprecedented chaos.

Because that is in addition to collecting [historical texts],

The only way to directly reach [The Final Island Raftel].

In order to get the 【Big Secret Treasure】 left by Roger,

Over the past twenty years,

Batch after batch of careerists emerged from the sea.

Let Marine take care of everything.

And now what worries Akainu the most is,

The history of the [Void Century] that exists together with the [Great Treasure].

That is something that the World government regards as an absolute taboo.

to this end......

They even directly destroyed 【Ohara】.

And he Akainu,

After receiving the order, he did not hesitate to sink the transport ship full of civilians.

That is something that should never fall into the wrong hands.

‥ Ask for flowers: 0


The figure of Lin Dao appeared in Akainu's mind.

must hurry before the opponent gets it,

Find out the whereabouts of [Eternal Pointer].


The situation will develop to the point where they Marine can't control at all.

Akainu can even guess,

The look of shock on Five Elders' faces when they get the news.

Akainu probably wouldn't expect to kill him.

This news,

In fact, Lin Xiao informed Momousagi before leaving,

It was deliberately released by [Anbu].

As for the purpose...

Of course, first create a tense situation for Marine,

distract them.


Warm up for the upcoming battle in advance!!

a week later.

【Wanokuni】Nearby waters.

The boat that Lin Xiao and Fujitora were on moved slowly in the sky.

Looking down at the turbulent sea below,

and the coastline that is clearly visible as far as the eye can see,

Lin Xiao said with emotion: "Unexpectedly, after two years, this king has returned here again!!"


He took away two big sharp knives [Yan Mo] and [Tian Yu Yu Zhan] from [Wanokuni].

And Kozuki Oden's daughter Kozu.

And the richest and most beautiful [Flower Capital] in the entire [Wanokuni].

This time...

His purpose is to use [Eternal Pointer] to kill Kaido,

At the same time, [Wanokuni] will be used as the main battlefield,

Unprecedented all-out war between Marine and 【Four Emperors】!

So as to take advantage of it.

"Don't even the World Government and Marine dare to set foot in this country..."

Fujitora inspected everything below with 【Observation Haki】, and then said: "Unexpectedly, the natural terrain here is so dangerous.

This is Fujitora's first visit to 【Wanokuni】.

The whole place was immediately shocked by the kilometer-high super waterfall at the entrance.

This natural barrier,

If you cannot master the correct entry method,

Even if there are many people,

It will only become the dead soul of the dead sea.


Can have the same flying ability as him and Lin Xiao. .

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