I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 358 The Warship Appears Suddenly! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"Good thing?!"

Kaido suddenly widened his eyes like copper bells,

He looked at BIG·MOM viciously and said:

"That kid slept with Laozi's daughter, why is that a good thing?!"

"Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma..."

BIG·MOM showed a sinister smile on his face,

Said without hesitation:

"Isn't having a daughter just to be used?"

"Just before we find [Ralph Drew], we can use Yamato to hold him down first...."

"Then when we get the [Big Secret Treasure], the first thing we do when we come back... is to kill him together!!"

"It seems to make sense?!"

The anger on Kaido's face gradually subsided,

Smile a little instead,

A very rare compliment to BIG·MOM:

"Linlin, your brain is still easy to use."


Kaido picked up the huge wine gourd,

Gudong Gudong is a burst of binge drinking,

After drinking it all,

Looking sideways at his opponent Jhin, he said: 11

"Jin, will the information recorded in [Oden's Diary] be of any help to our voyage this time?!"

"Uh, this...."

A look of embarrassment appeared on Jhin's face.

He is not a navigator,

It is impossible to judge the weather information recorded in this diary,

Is it helpful for this voyage.

And the suspicious Kaido,

do not trust others,

Even the professional navigators under him didn't believe it.

Jhin could only bite the bullet and say:

"This is not sure yet, but most likely it will come in handy..."


Kaido let out a long sigh of relief.

That's fine.

Laozi's 1 billion is not in vain.

If you spend a sky-high price to buy a broken diary that is completely useless.

Then Kaido really cried.

"How's the preparations going, Quinn?"

After a short pause,

Kaido turned to look at Quinn on the other side and asked.

"Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, and it is estimated that we can officially set sail in two days at most.

Quinn loudly reports.

"very good."

Kaido nodded in satisfaction,

Then he looked at BIG·MOM again and asked:

"Linlin, where are you?!"

"In addition to the thousands of people brought this time, do you want to send some more people?"

Even at this moment, the two have formally formed an alliance.

But for safety period,

Kaido still did not agree to let other people from [BIG·MOM Pirates] enter [Wanokuni].


Now the crew of BIG MOM,

Still waiting for orders near the waterfall at the entrance of 【Wanokuni】.

"No need, it's not to fight, these people are enough."

BIG MOM waved his hand in a lack of interest.

Then the delicious dessert in front of you,

Keep going to Daxie (plug).

"Oh well."

Kaido didn't say much,

Then he ordered his subordinates to speed up their preparations.

Time passed quietly.

two days later.

[Wanokuni] port.

More than a dozen large ships flying the flag of [Beasts Pirates] are displayed side by side.

The deck was full of people.

The pirates are carrying food and fresh water needed for the voyage.

Preparations are nearing completion.

Inside the Skull Castle.

Kaido is sitting in a private room drinking with Lin Xiao and others.

His purpose is simple.

Eviction order.

After all, we are about to leave 【Wanokuni】and go to 【Raftel】.

How could Kaido feel at ease to keep this scourge of Lin Xiao here?


To Kaido's surprise.

Lin Xiao readily agreed.

Said that before they officially set sail,

I will leave with Fujitora.

Kaido was overjoyed when he heard that.

but somehow,

But there was always an ominous premonition lingering in his heart.

blue blue blue...

At this moment, the phone bug next to Kaido suddenly rang.

Kaido picked up the microphone and pressed the answer button.

"What's wrong?!"

The moment the phone is connected,

Immediately the caller's expression appears,

It was Jhin, one of the [Three Disasters].

But at this moment, Jin's expression,

But already anxious to the extreme.

As soon as the phone was connected,

He hastily exclaimed:

"Brother Kaido, it's bad!!"

"The scouts have just spotted a warship in the nearby waters, heading towards our Wanokuni!!"


Kaido frowned, and asked very displeased: "Is the news accurate?!"

"Marine's trash, when did they have such courage..."

"How dare you take the initiative to run wild on Laozi's territory?!"

This is not Kaido pretending to be B.

but the truth.

In the past twenty years.

Marine never dared to set foot in the waters near [Wanokuni].


Jhin hesitated for a moment and said, "The communication was interrupted unexpectedly, so we can't confirm at 95 o'clock for the time being..."

"I'm going to see for myself."

Say it.

Jhin hung up the phone.

The figure suddenly changed into [Pteranodon form]

Straight into the sky.

When Jhin had just flown more than ten nautical miles,

on the horizon far away,

Saw a galloping warship approaching.

Although the outline is somewhat blurred.

But Jhin can clearly distinguish,

hanging from the top of the mast,

The flag with the wrench and the seagull on it.

That's right.

Their identity is Marine.


Jhin did not see the figure of the accompanying commander on the deck.

"It really is a warship!!"

There was a little doubt in Jhin's eyes.

Don't these Marines know that this is the territory ruled by us [Beasts Pirates]?

Even if you want to provoke,

What's the point of sending just one warship?


Is this just passing by by chance?

Jhin thought about it,

back into human form,

While flapping its wings to maintain its flying posture,

He took out his phone and dialed it.

"Brother Kaido, it has been confirmed that it is a Marine warship..."

"But I haven't seen who the commander-in-chief is yet?!".

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