I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 372 The Power Of The Four Emperors, Admiral Strikes! [Please Subscribe! 】



Dense shells pierced the sky,

Like a giant rain curtain,

Not only cover Kaido and BIG MOM above,

At the same time, members of the [BIG MOM Pirates] on the sea are also included.


"Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma"

Kaido and BIG·Mom looked up to the sky and laughed wildly at the same time.

Then the two looked at each other tacitly,

With one voice:

"Just with this bit of artillery fire... want to kill us too???"

"That's right...you guys, don't you really look down on 【Four Emperors】?!!"

The voice fell.

The two shot at the same time.

【Tornado·Bad Wind】!!!

"Seven Seven Zero" Kaido's huge dragon body, hundreds of meters long,

like a spinning top,

A circular motion is made.


Immediately, countless huge wind blades appeared,

Like the slash of a weasel,

No less than a full-strength blow from the sword,

each dish,

are enough to cut mountains,

split the sea,

That battle was like a "natural disaster".

【Tianman Dazizai God】!!!

BIG·MOM is stepping on [Thundercloud] Zeus, holding [Little Sun] Prometheus in his left hand, and holding a big knife in his right hand to take a broken wheel.

Huge thunderbolts descended from the sky,

In an instant, they were connected in mid-air into a dazzling Bai Lian that people couldn't look directly at.

top down,

Traversing between heaven and earth.



in the blink of an eye.

Many cannonballs shooting Kaido and BIG MOM head-on,

Then it exploded!

The loud bang resounded through the sky.

It keeps spreading outward.

The entire sky was shrouded in a huge shock.

that scene,

It's as spectacular as fireworks in the daytime.

give a kind of...

It feels like the sky will be blown through at the same time.

And at the same time as the explosion sounded,

The resulting shock waves and air waves,

Also swept out like a hurricane.

the calm sea,

It was suddenly hit by the waves.

The mighty waves surged up and down,

Even the warships swayed from side to side non-stop.

Allied soldiers on deck,

Suddenly fell down.

even some unlucky fellows,

It even fell directly into the sea.

Originally formidable momentum,

It suddenly became confused because of this sudden bump.

The scene was once extremely embarrassing.

But for the coalition soldiers at this moment,

really spooked them,

But it is the wind blades that are about to fall in the sky,

And chain lightning like Bai Lian.

Although these people,

All are elite soldiers in Marine and World government,

but totally unimaginable,

Kaido and BIG MOM are able to do this.

That's nearly ten thousand shells!!

round shot,

It is enough to destroy a small island...

But in front of these two [Four Emperors],

But he couldn't even survive a single face-to-face.

they now,

Only then did I truly feel the horror of [Four Emperors].

in other words…………

their artillery attacks,

The threat to Kaido and BIG MOM is almost zero.

No wonder the two of them laughed so arrogantly just now.

such an attack,

for them,

I'm afraid it doesn't even count as a tickle?!

"Do it!!"

Akainu roared without looking back.

The subjects are naturally the three Admirals behind them.

But Akainu is not prepared to stay out of the matter,

Immediately, the right arm directly transformed into magma with billowing smoke,

He punched towards the sky.

【Great Eruption】!!!

Akainu's right arm instantly enlarged to form a giant lava fist.

Then flew into the sky with a bang,

Resist the many wind blades falling head-on.

And its power remains undiminished,

Continue to attack Kaido and BIG MOM in the sky.

"Yo yo eh~~~ This battle is really scary~~~~"

Kizaru said wretchedly,

crossing hands at the same time,

Dazzling photons condensed from his fingertips.

【Eight Feet Qiong Gouyu】!!!

Countless dazzling light bombs hit the sky like dense raindrops.

In the collision with the wind blade,

Exploded with a bang..

Set off a new round of violent waves.

"Ha la la la la...Mr. Magellan, your ability doesn't seem to be suitable for air-to-air combat, so leave the rest of the work to me!!"

The green bull said very frankly.

"Then get rid of you!!"

Magellan stopped his figure and said gratefully.

As the green bull said,

Most of Magellan's venom attacks,

It's all about humans.

Now to deal with these wind blades and lightning,

It is really impossible to do a large-scale attack like Akainu and Kizaru.

"They are all colleagues, so why be polite..."

The green bull waved his hand nonchalantly,

Immediately, an extremely terrifying power erupted from his body.

【Storm Pear Blossom Gun】!!!

The green bull's arms instantly transformed into huge tree trunks.

Arm-sized sharp wooden guns,

like a bullet,

swarm out,

Densely blasted towards the sky.

Although it is only a wooden gun,

But the power contained in it is no weaker than the attacks of Akainu and Kizaru.

almost every wooden gun,

Can destroy a wind blade.

"Great, Marshal Sakazuki, and the three Admirals have all shot..."

"Four [general-level] powerhouses join forces, and they will definitely be able to block Xia Hai's attack...

"Marine shall prevail........justice shall prevail..."

Watching Akainu four people shoot 4.8 one after another,

The Marine soldiers who were still in panic,

Immediately settled down.

There were expressions of admiration and excitement on their faces.

As long as these four are around,

Their Marine will not be defeated.

Admiral For every Marine soldier,

represents the highest honor,

And Naval Headquarters highest combat power...

"Oh? That green bull Admiral, is it really a [Devil Fruit] ability user related to 'wood'?!"

Above the sky, when Lin Xiao noticed the attack method of the green bull below, a light flashed in his eyes.

For this mysterious new Admiral,

Even though Lin Xiao had been telling [Anbu] to pay attention to this person,

But still failed to collect too much information related to it.

It is because,

The green bull shows up too rarely. .

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