I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 404 Yamato Who Is In Love! [Please Subscribe! 】

But what Lin Xiao said was the truth.

【Slippery Fruit】former eater Alvida.

It was originally an ugly face,

Big fat tits Madara.

After being hit by Straw Hat Luffy,

After eating [Slippery Fruit] by mistake,

Even the appearance has undergone a shocking change.

The whole body has become extremely smooth,

slim body,

The appearance is very different from before.


If you do not use [Armament Haki].

Common's attacks couldn't hurt her at all.

While hitting her,

will be ejected directly.

To some extent, the effect

It is almost the same as 【Meatball Fruit】.

But in fact, this [Slippery Fruit],

In terms of preparation, it should be regarded as the lower fruit of [Meat Ball Fruit].

Between the two…………

Although there are many similar effects.

But in the main capacity,

Still very different.

[Meat Ball Fruit] Regardless of actual combat and power,

You have to leave dozens of streets away from [Slippery Fruit].

but have to say

In order not to waste the powerful physical skills of Bartholemew Kuma, the world ZF,

really painstaking,

I found the most suitable [Devil Fruit] for him.

"It looks good..."

Yamato held his cheeks,

Muttering enviously:

"If only the [Devil Fruit] I ate was his [Slippery Fruit]!!!"


Lin Xiao turned around curiously and asked.

he long ago,

I already know Yamato's 【Devil Fruit】.

It is a powerful [Phantom Beast] that is not inferior to Kaido at all.

Full name: [Zoan·Dog Dog Fruit·Phantom Beast·Dakou True God Form]!!

It is the "wolf~`God" in Legendary.

It is the real patron saint of 【Wanokuni】.

And this 【Devil Fruit】,

It was Yamato who secretly ate it when he was very young because he was always hungry.

This also directly caused her since that day,

They can no longer touch the sea water.

Therefore, it is impossible to leave [Wanokuni] to go out and wander.

"Because... because..."

There was a rare twist on Yamato's pretty face.

After sneaking a glance at Lin Xiao,

Then he boldly said:

"Because in that case, no matter how much I enjoy beautiful products, I don't have to worry about getting fat..."

finished speaking,

Yamato covered his cheek in embarrassment.


No matter what kind of woman.

The love of beauty seems to be directly engraved into the DNA of this species.

Even a belligerent fool like Yamato,

He even cares about his body shape.

But Lin Xiao didn't know.

If it is Yamato in the original book.

Then she doesn't care about whether she will gain weight at all.

but now………

Yamato felt that he had met the most important man of destiny in his life.

That is...Lindau!!!


She suddenly cared about her appearance and posture.

At the same time that the three of Lin Xiao were chatting and laughing.

The battle on the bottom Fang Ping stage,

Already broke out with a bang.

PX-0 didn't give Quinn a chance to think too much at all.

The body is like a spirit snake,

Straight through the attacks of many pirates,

in the blink of an eye...

He appeared directly in front of Quinn in the ruins.

And on the way,

Attack of all pirates,

All were slid away by his [Slippery Fruit] ability.

Under the blessing of [Zero Friction] ability,

As long as the strength of【Armament Haki】does not surpass【Devil Fruit】,

It simply cannot really cause damage to PX-0.

All attacks...  

will directly "slide" when it touches its skin

Although the effect is not as good as [ruo ball fruit],

The effect of being directly "flyed" in an instant looks so shocking.

There is also no "heaven-defying" power of [rou ball fruit] that can pop out even fatigue and pain.

But if we only talk about the area of ​​action,

[Slippery fruit] can be said to far exceed [rou ball fruit].

Because of the ability of 【Meat Ball Fruit】,

All of them are gathered on the cat-like (meat) pad in the center of the capable user's palms.

And [Slippery Fruit],

It acts on the whole body without dead ends.

That is to say...

Even in blind spots that PX-0 can't see.

As long as the opponent cannot surpass the fruit ability strength of PX-0.

Even if attacked,

It wouldn't hurt him at all.

This seemingly tasteless [Devil Fruit].

Once used properly,

A terrifying force far beyond imagination will erupt.

And the world ZF,

Obviously also saw the far-reaching potential of this 【Devil Fruit】.

And that's exactly what happened.

【Advanced Taijutsu】by Bartholemew Kuma

Combined with the special effect of [Slippery Fruit].

An unexpected combination of the two.....

Unexpectedly, a powerful battle power far surpassing that of the past broke out.


Before Quinn could make a defensive move,

fat body,

He was blown away by the PX-0 again.

"..Damn it..."

Quinn got up from the ground ferociously.

Now he's out of shape,

Returned to human form.

And that plump face,

It was full of furious and ferocious expressions.

"Bastard machine, you... are you a little too complacent!!!"


Quinn's voice just fell.

A huge fist hit him hard in the face.


Quinn's fat body was blown away again.

and many pirates along the way,

It was directly smashed into fleshy mud.

"Hand over the antidote, otherwise.....die!!!"

The figure of PX-0 once again appeared in front of Quinn.

The tone is extremely cold,

There is no fluctuation at all. .

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