I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 406 Suicide! [Please Subscribe! 】

In the original!

If there is no operation of this wave of horse fleas like Quinn.

Even if the Kozuki warriors are brave enough to die,

But it was not enough to kill the tens of thousands of [Beasts Pirates].

"Kaido, it's not me targeting you..."

Lin Xiao's deep eyes,

Slowly turn down to Kaido who is fighting with Akainu and the other four on the Fang Ping stage.

The corner of the mouth sweeps up the signature smirk,

Said lightly:

"Even your own subordinates...will kill you!!~!"

At the same time, the most down Fang Ping-on stage.

Accompanied by the fall of Quinn's words.

The final dignity of the [Waiters] and [Enjoyers] who have just been named,

Has been completely trampled by Quinn.

"Brother Quinn, what do you mean by that..."

"Yeah...Are you going to let us die?!"

"And Brother Quinn...Why did you say [Man-made Devil FruitSMILE] will not be available anymore???"

"That's right... His Majesty Lin Xiao is still here, aren't we allies?!!"

All the pirates had strange expressions on their faces.

But in the face of the powerful [Three Disasters],

Even if their hearts are full of complaints at the moment,

But he didn't dare to show it.

"Ahh...you are right!!"

Quinn didn't care about the eyes of the pirates,

He continued proudly:

"For soldiers, we [Beasts Pirates] can have as many as we want!!"

In Quinn's eyes,

people are like ants,

Fate is like grass.

Even if it is a companion in the pirate group,

in his eyes,

It is just a "consumable" that can be discarded at any time!!!

"As for the [artificial Devil FruitSMILE] thing..."

"As you guys, you don't deserve to know such an important situation..."

Quinn raised his head at this moment,

He glanced at the forest road above the sky from a distance.

There was a stern smile on the corner of the mouth.


You kid can enjoy the last happy hour here.

As long as we get through this crisis right now,

The next person to die....

It must be you!!!

Quinn's words did not cause widespread rebellion.

Because anyone with a discerning eye can see now,

battle on the top platform,

It is obvious that Kaido and BIG MOM have the upper hand.

Even if 【Pleasant】 and 【Waiting】 have already been made in the heart,

As long as we can end this battle alive,

The next step is to break away from [Beasts Pirates].


but had to, as Quinn said,

Keep fighting.

because they know,

Once infected with 【Ice Ghost】,

Quinn, that disgusting fat man, would never use an antidote to save them.

"Hand over the antidote, or... die!!!"

Just when Quinn was triumphant, PX-0's cold and emotionless voice rang in his ears again.

"Goddam machine, fuck Laozi with laser cannons!!!"

Quinn opened his jaw, and a laser blasted out.

But the figure of PX-0 on the opposite side disappeared from the spot in an instant.

when it reappears,

Already came to mid-air.


PX-0—Punched down, and Quinn's beastly head was immediately blasted to the rear.

Blood spurted from his spigot.

Even the huge figure retreated backwards.

This shows how powerful the PX-0 is.

"Sliding Blaster!!"

PX-0 did not give Quinn too many chances to fight back,

Without waiting for the other party to stand up,

Then perched on it again.

The whole person bombarded Quinn's torso like a cannonball.


Quinn is like a football,

It was directly blasted out from a distance.

"Hmmm...is this the modified power of the [Pacifist]?!"

"Even Quinn, one of the [Three Disasters], is no match at all... Isn't this kind of power too terrifying?!"

Asking for flowers……………

"Hahaha, now this group of pirates looks pretty good..."

"That's right, we will win this war..."

"As long as we defeat Quinn and get the antidote for [Ice Ghost Plague Bomb], we will definitely be able to turn the tide of the battle..."

The soldiers around saw this scene in front of them,

A look of excitement suddenly appeared on his face.

Even the [Pleasants] and the [Waiters] have the same thoughts in their hearts.


How could the majestic [Three Disasters] be defeated so easily.

"Hey, you bastard, you can't beat me with this kind of attack alone?!"

Quinn's clamor resounded through the battlefield again,

The huge figure stood up slowly,

With a hideous look on his face, he roared:

"It seems that the ZF of the world has paid a lot of money to you, but this is also good..."

"After Laozi defeats you, he will take you apart to see if the Vegapunk guy's skills... have improved!!"

At the same time as the voice fell.

A laser cannon with black light flashed out.

"【Black Light Fire】!!!"


The entire bottom platform trembled.

Where PX-0 just stood,

A very large hole was directly blasted out.


The figure of PX-0 has jumped into the air ahead of time.

This time...

He did not choose to use the ability of [Slippery Fruit] to take the [Black Light Fire] forcefully.

Because his data has been analyzed,

this attack,

It is very likely that his body will be harmed.


Saw PX-0 leap into the air.

Quinn's face suddenly showed a smirk of a successful trick.

long neck,

It was actually divided into several pieces under the eyes of everyone,

over a distance of tens of meters,

Open your mouth wide open,

He bit PX-0's shoulder hard. .

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