I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 417: A Man From Cp9! [Please Subscribe! 】

And the other side.

Even with the addition of [Pacifist].

As long as the antidote hasn't been snatched from Quinn.

in a short time.

They still couldn't get rid of the trouble of [Ice Ghost].


Right now is the best time to cripple Marine.

Then they can free up a large number of people.

Started against the world ZF.

"Although I still have something to say..."

Foz Fu pressed his hands on the handle of the knife, and said while slowly pulling out the knife:

"But in the current situation, it's better to get rid of you, the guy who is in the way as soon as possible!!"

"So...the next battle, I have to be serious!!"

At the same time as the voice fell.

The blade in Foz Foz's hand was out of its sheath.

But what surprised the flying "747" mouse was.

In the long scabbard.

Surprisingly, there is a short blade that is as long as a dagger.

"Blade Gun!!!"

The dagger in Foz Foz's hand swung sharply.

Several air bombs actually formed in the air in front of him.

Facing the flying squirrel, it attacked.


Seeing this, the flying squirrel was stunned.

As Marine Vice Admiral.

He is naturally familiar with [Six Forms].

And he is very pure about several of them.


He saw it at a glance.

This trick Foz Fau used.

It is the improved version of [Flying Finger Pistol] in [Six Forms].

Can be done by swinging a dagger.

Thus launching a blade-shaped air bomb to attack.

It's impossible to guard against!!

The bloody traitor....

"One-Sword Style Broad Slash!!"

Huge sword energy erupted from the long sword in the flying squirrel's hand.

Directly shatter the oncoming [Blade Spear].

Then the castration continued unabated.

Slashed towards Foz Feru.

"It's not bad..."

Foz Fowler was prepared for this.

【Shaved】Instant activation,

His figure suddenly disappeared from the spot.

when it reappears,

It has come to the top of the flying squirrel's back.

"Tempest Kick!!"

The air blade flew across the sky like a slash.

But it was directly blocked by the flying squirrel using [Armament Haki].


The huge force pushed the body of the flying squirrel back a few meters.

It just stopped.

After transforming into the strongest [human-beast form].

The power of every move and every style of Foz Fu has been improved to the maximum.

The flying squirrel is obviously struggling now.

"Should you call this move [Iron Body]?!"

The flying squirrel said with a serious face: "This is the [Six Styles] used by ZF and Marine in the world.

"Speaking of... I heard about it a long time ago!!"

"In CP9, the spy agency of the ZF in the world, a certain member who was imprisoned in [Impel down] because of a big event in the early years......."

"Escaped from prison in the previous [Summit War]..."

"It's just that I'm curious, what kind of mistake did you make... the world's ZF will put you, a secret spy, into that kind of prison!!

"This is really incomprehensible!!!"

Facing the malicious questioning of the flying squirrel.

On the contrary, Foz Fau obviously didn't care.


"It's unbelievable...you, a Marine Vice Admiral, even know such old things!!"

Foz Fu laughed nonchalantly and said:

"But you are right...that rumor is indeed a fact!!"

"And we... also met once in [Impel down]!!"

"By the way, there is also that guy Lin Xiao..."

Foz Fowler pointed to the figure above the sky.

Then went on to say:

"Although I am very satisfied with my current life..."

"But it was because of a major mistake 12 years ago....... I had a very difficult time in [Impel down]!!"

So far.

A look of incomparable resentment burst out in Foz Fau's eyes.

Looking far into the distance.


It is where the world ZF member and commander [Kong] Sora is..

Foz Fu gritted his teeth and said:

"You may not know, once upon a time... I was inside CP9, but I was called a genius no less than Rob Lucci!"

"The Tooth Gun!!!"

Foz Fowler let out tooth-shaped air bombs from his mouth.

Suddenly, it attacked the fully focused flying squirrel.

Although he was talking about his past.

But it doesn't mean,

The fighting between them has ceased.


The flying squirrel's pupils widened suddenly, barely avoiding the [tooth gun].

but one side of the cheek,

But there was still a bloodstain.

Dangerous and dangerous.

"Your ability is really quite amazing..."

The flying squirrel sighed solemnly:

"Although I am also a user of [Six Styles]...but I have never seen such a change of [Six Styles] before!!"

"Even if your experience is a bit sympathetic...but it shouldn't be the reason for you to join [Beasts Pirates]?!"

The flying squirrel wasn't lying.

Common people.

Even if you can learn one or two of the [Six Forms] well.

It takes a lot of time and talent.

Even many people... 3.2

He couldn't learn one of the [Six Styles] in his whole life.

Although the flying squirrel himself is also a master who is good at [Six Forms].

But to be precise.

He has only just mastered the two items of [Shaved] and [Moonwalk].

And Foz Fau in front of him.

To be able to use all [Six Forms] at the same time.

It can be said to be a rare strong man.

Even in Naval Headquarters.

At least would be a good candidate for Vice Admiral.

And the opponent's [Six Styles] variant attack.

It's even more amazing.

To know………

[Six Styles] is a physical technique created to exceed the limits of human physical strength.

It must be learned through rigorous training.

Marine Advanced General and above,

More or less will master one of the physical skills. .

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