I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 425 Phantom, The Deceased! [Please Subscribe! 】

And Black Maria only needs to retreat into the 【Illusory Snow】.

She has confidence.

Because that is her main battlefield.

"Marine represents [justice], I will not allow you to trample on this honor!!"

Crane's tone was unusually harsh.

Facing Black Maria who retreated into the [Phantom Fog].

There was no hesitation on his face.

He stepped in and walked in.

in those days.....…

She is someone who even fights against the Four Emperors every day.

A mere [Six Volleyers].

Not worthy of being feared by the crane.

This is the confidence brought to her by great strength.

Veteran powerhouses are definitely not just called for casually!!


Black Maria continued to create more [Phantom Fog].

While smiling, he said:

"Courage is truly admirable, Tsuru Vice Admiral..."

157 "However, since you took the initiative to send it up...then I won't be polite to you, little girl?!"

"Next... please watch the performance I have carefully presented for you?!!"

At the same time as the voice fell.

Her huge figure was completely hidden in the gray [Phantom Fog].

However, just when Crane was preparing to use [Observation Haki] to lock Black Maria's position.

There was a change in the [Phantom Fog] in front of him.

Several familiar figures walked slowly in her direction.

"Xiao He, long time no see, do you.... miss me?!"

A blue-haired middle-aged woman who looks very similar to Crane Vice Admiral,

Now standing in the mist far away,

Smiling and beckoning to Crane Vice Admiral.


Although Crane Vice Admiral is already 7(bbef)6 years old.

But the moment he saw that woman.

In the pupils of old eyes,

Still got wet.

That's right...

The woman on the opposite side was her mother whom she had sworn to for a long time.

She has been around for decades,

I have never seen that familiar face again.


She is now older than her mother.

But that's not all!!

Another figure.

Also slowly walked out from the mist.

"Xiao He, come to my side quickly..."

This time it was a middle-aged man.

And his identity.

It was Tsuru Vice Admiral's long-lost father.

In Crane's memory.

Or I only saw my father when I was very young.

Then he fell ill and died.

Did not expect today...

it's here.

She was able to meet her parents unexpectedly.

But with the appearance of the third figure.

Crane Vice Admiral couldn't keep his composure any longer.

It was a man with a strong build and a good-looking face [and dressed in Marine clothes.

After coming out of the mist.

Immediately, he looked at He with a doting face and said:

"Xiaohe...are you alright?"


Crane Vice Admiral's eyes suddenly turned red.

The man on the opposite side.

It was her first boyfriend.

It is also because of the death of this man.

She will never marry for life.

And there are rumors about her affair with Garp and Sengoku.

In fact, they are all non-existent things.

Crane chose to live alone in order to protect his lost love.

The three people on the opposite side stood side by side.

Waving to Crane Vice Admiral non-stop:

"Xiaohe, why don't you come here?!"

"I didn't expect you to grow up so big, I've always wanted to see you..."

"How have you been all these years..."

"I want to see you too..."

Hezhong said with a choked voice: "But why did you appear here?!"

One side involuntarily walked forward.

And this scene.

All fell into the eyes of Lin Xiao and the others high above the sky.

【Observation Haki】Fujitora, who is the highest level, said with some doubts at the moment:

"Is that fog the [Devil Fruit] ability of that [Six Volleyers] member...or did she create it with something else?!"

"Why can't even my【Observation Haki】...can't distinguish the authenticity?!"

Fujitora was so surprised.

Because this has never happened before.

so that he was a little curious,

How on earth did Black Maria do it.

To know.

His [Observation Haki] is the one born with [Awakening].

Not only the range of perception is extremely wide.


Different colors can also be used to distinguish the states and moods of different people.

It's even clearer than what the Common people can "see" with their eyes open. .

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