I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 427: The Ability To Wash Fruits! [Please Subscribe! 】

Crane Vice Admiral saw the key to the [Wheel into the Way] at a glance.

this strange weapon,

The reason why it can continuously release a large amount of flames.

All because it's right in the middle.

Has a [artificial Devil Fruit Pug SMILE] ability.

It is precisely because of his constant running.

That's why the huge [Wheel into the Way] has a flame attack.

That is to say...

Just get rid of this human dog.

The weapon in Black Maria's hand was of little use to the crane.

"Hee hee hee, as expected of the Crane known as Marine's think tank "Seven Seven Kingdoms Vice Admiral...... Can you tell at a glance?!

Black Maria smiled coquettishly and praised:

"But even if you see it, it's useless. Although [Phantom Fog] is not effective for you, you'd better stop daydreaming..."

"You Marines will never be able to defeat Kaido-sama!!"

At the same time as the voice fell.

Black Maria's huge body suddenly shot out several spider threads.

Draw a huge spider web in mid-air.

And her body also dexterously climbed up.

At the same time, the huge [Windao] with flames burning in his hand spun crazily.

On the platform around the crane.

Immediately, it was engulfed by a large flame.

She was directly besieged inside.

"How...you can't escape now, right?!"

Black Maria said proudly: "If I were you, I would obediently choose to be caught without a fight."

"Because if that's the case, maybe Master Kaido will spare your life for the sake of your age!!"

Look at that.

It seems that the victory is already in hand.

And those [givers] in front of her.

They also rushed towards the crane with grinning grimaces.

If the veteran elite Vice Admiral like Crane can be dealt with smoothly.

Presumably their reputation.

It will directly resound throughout [New World]!!

"I think the one who can't escape is you!!"

A sharp cold light flashed in He's old pupils.

The figure quickly passed through the crowd like lightning.

Go straight to the [Runirodo] that Black Maria swung down.

In the astonished eyes of the other party.

[Wash fruit] ability activates again.

"Dry Cleaning!!!"

A wave with the power of purification swept out.

The human-headed dog [Giver] in [Wheel into the Tao] suddenly seemed to be dehydrated.

The limbs froze directly on the spot.

The whole person shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then hit the ground heavily.

And the [Wheel Entering the Way] that lost its power also stopped turning.

"Damn it...you dare to resist?!"

Black Maria was startled and angry,

Continue to swing [Wheel into the Way] and throw it at the crane Vice Admiral.

The ground exploded.

Arouse soaring smoke and dust.

"Don't you understand Crane Vice Admiral?!"

Black Maria seems to have found her attacks hard to hit Vice Admiral,

So while maintaining an attacking stance,

While turning on the cannon mode, he said:

"For the current war, I think with your wisdom... you should already know it already?!"

"There is absolutely no way you can defeat the combination of Kaido-sama and BIG MOM!!"

Black Maria's face was full of complacency, and she continued:

"Although the momentum of your coalition seems to be huge, this is [New World], a paradise and paradise for pirates..."

"The longer you stay here, the more suddenly you will be attacked by other pirates..."

"Besides... this is [Wanokuni], the residence of our [Beasts Pirates], with natural geographical shielding and advantages!!"

"Even if you can defeat us, as long as we retreat to the waterfall..."

"No matter how many people you have, you still can't make it to [Wanokuni]!!"

"How about talking about this, don't you understand something?!"


0.0 Crane's firm eyes did not waver in the slightest..

Said in a cold tone:

"I don't need to understand anything!!"

"All I know is that this battle... our Marine is for 【Justice】!!!"

The figure of Crane Vice Admiral deftly walks through the numerous 【Givers】.

[Wash fruit] ability,

And【Marine Six Styles】perfect combination.

Not long after.....

She cleared up dozens of [Blessers] by herself.

And at this time...

Black Maria also stopped attacking with a solemn expression. .

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