I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 432 Jhin's Race? ! [Please Subscribe! 】

"Created so much gunpowder that Laozi couldn't see clearly!!"

Pero Ross Pero complained,

Then he said with a sinister smirk:

"But thanks to my candy wall, otherwise...the guys under Kaido wouldn't be as arrogant as they are now!!"

"Damn Marine, you dare to sneak attack when your mother is not traveling with a large number of troops, damn it..."

"But the damnedest guy is that Lindau guy..."

Pei Ross looked up at the figure above the sky,

His eyes were full of hatred.

"Three five zero" in his opinion.

The root cause of all this was provoked by that guy Lin Dao.

According to this kid's calculation.

It must be deliberately using the [Eternal Pointer] leading to [The Final Island Raftel] as a bait.

I want Kaido and BIG MOM to kill each other.

But I didn't expect...

On the way, a coalition army came out.

It's really embarrassing!!

if possible.

Pei Ross really wanted to kill Lin Xiao directly with the arrow in his hand.

It is good to settle the gaffes and embarrassments outside [De Reiss Rosa] back then.

He dared not do that.

Even if the coalition forces of Marine and the world ZF are not here at this moment.

Ross Perot didn't dare to attack Lin Xiao rashly.

For the fear of this god-killing man,

has already been engraved deeply,

They are in the hearts of the children of the Charlotte family.

"Forget it, let's clean up this group of Marines who are in the way..."


Just as Ross Pero's deadly arrow aimed at the weakened Crane Vice Admiral,

And prepare for the moment of departure.

A slender figure stepped on [Moonwalk] and flew over from a distance.

The crisp and delicate drink is packed with endless anger.

He rushed towards Pei Rosspero.

"You don't have a role to play here!!!"

Tina with long pink and red hair Rear Admiral,

The fist entwined with jet-black【Armament Haki】slammed down.


Perot's figure suddenly flew out heavily.

Only a scream was heard.

The person has already been smashed onto the platform by the strange force.

It's just Rear Admiral though.

But Tina's strength is not inferior to Smoker's and the like.

It's just that she has a weird temper.

Not very gregarious.

This leads to a slow rate of promotion.

Seeing that Ross Perot is now planning to sneak attack Vice Admiral.

Then he shot directly in anger.

"You toothless villain, Tina will not let you go......"

The voice fell.

Tina's figure was already chasing in the direction of Pero's fall.

the other side of the battlefield.

The battle between Jhin and the CPO leader has resumed.

After returning to the ground.

The strength of the CPO leader can be fully displayed.

Although it is still much inferior to Jhin.

But at least it won't be as embarrassing as it was in the sky before.


Jhin is like an iron wall that he will never be able to overcome.

With terrifying flames..

Reignite the battlefield.

"It's time to send you to die..."

Jhin slowly raised his right wrist.

between palms.

Suddenly, a ball of leaping flames burst out.

The deadly temperature rises rapidly.

It was about to hit the exhausted CPO leader.

"Flame Emperor!!!"

But at this critical moment.

A tall and strong figure suddenly stood in front of the head of the CPO.

It is a [Pacifist] in the [SSG Special Corps].


A red flame shield blocked in front of the two of them.

Turn into an iron wall of life.

Forcibly blocked Jhin's ultimate move【Yan Huang】!!

The two flames intertwined fiercely.

A strong impact swept across.

Finally, the flame of Jhin was dispelled into the invisible.

The head of the CPO had a smile of aftermath on his face.


Stare at the flames on Jhin's body.

It seems to remember something.

Some proudly said:

"I've heard that....4.3...A long time ago, there was a race that could produce flames on the Red Line?!!"

"Amber of fire?!!"

Jhin on the other side was silent.

It seems to be the default.

The CPO's eyes became more determined.

I didn't expect him to be of that race.

So today...

It is even more necessary to clean up Jhin thoroughly.


for him.

Today's battle is over.

The figure slowly stepped back. .

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