I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 444 Kizaru Is Bloody! [Please Subscribe! 】


Terrible explosions soared into the sky.


Kizaru's [Radium Photo Beam] is enough to blow off the giant tree above the [Sabaody Archipelago] with one blow.

But it was a breeze.

He was blocked by BIG MOM raising his arm.

The aftermath and shock of terror.

It directly hit the surrounding platforms.

Suddenly there was a loud noise like thunder.

The platform shook violently again.

"Hey, Lusheng...what the hell are you doing?!

"Quickly stand up!!"

Kizaru kept avoiding BIG·MOM's attack in the sky.

The whole person looks as embarrassed as possible.

But the green bull fell to the ground.

In the face of such urgent urging.

But he still couldn't get back up smoothly.

The strong figure trembled slightly.

Blood kept spilling out of the corner of the mouth.


Without the slightest majesty of a strong man.

"I....I know, but I can't move my body!!"

Green Bull glanced at BIG MOM in the distance,

A pale smile was forced on his face.

After all, he still underestimated the strength of BIG MOM too much.

He was just hit head-on by the opponent.

Now just hold your head up,

It has already expended a lot of energy.

It must take a while to fully recover.

"Damn it, you bastard..."

Kizaru became anxious when he heard that.

Angrily said:

"Do you think I can handle this crazy monster by myself?!"


Kizaru let out angrily.

The body turned into a series of photons.

Appeared directly above the head of BIG MOM.

A terrifying strike entwined with jet black 【Armament Haki】.

It slammed heavily at the oncoming BIG MOM.

However, in the face of this sudden blow.

BIG·MOM also responded extremely swiftly.

With a large sword wrapped around 【Conqueror's Haki】,

He slashed towards Kizaru.


When the two forces collide together.

There was a loud noise in an instant.

The people nearby immediately covered their ears.

And the terrifying aftermath produced by the collision of forces.

It explodes instantly.

It raged out in all directions.

Swept away.

Kizaru's whole body was enveloped by an extremely terrifying force.

Even though his [Light Speed ​​Kick] didn't really touch the blade in BIG MOM's hand.

But the strength of the opponent.

But there is no doubt that it was passed directly from the air.

And after less than two seconds of stalemate.

He flew his figure far away.

Although as [Admiral].

Kizaru's strength is not much worse than BIG MOM.

But the opponent's Steel Constitution is comparable to pervert.

And the blessing of [Conqueror's Haki] that Kizaru does not have.

But let the gap between the two.

showing an extremely unbalanced situation.

Especially after BIG MOM went into a crazy state.

Such an unbalanced situation.

was further expanded.

So much so that Kizaru started just now.


There is no way to touch BIG·MOM in the true sense.

Not to mention the damage done.


What kind of monster is this?

Did that guy Lin Xiao really defeat such a monster with just one person?!

Kizaru until this time.

I have to admit that Lin Dao's strength is indeed much stronger than him.

Although I am extremely dissatisfied.

But what good is that for a bird?

Their record is clearly there.

An enemy that he and the Green Bull could not defeat together.

Lin Xiao is alone,

Just beat BIG MOM away.


Human to human

It's really going to piss people off!!

Kizaru steadied himself again.

His expression was extremely serious, and he stared at BIG·MOM all over the world.

The fear in my heart is beyond words.

And just that blow.

It also had a big impact on him.

Blood trickled down from his forehead.

Then he dyed the collar of his crisp White shirt red.


Kizaru was actually injured.

BIG·MOM just saw that.

Contains 【Conqueror's Haki】hit.

After all, it is not what Kizaru can resist with 【Armament Haki】.

"..This is the power of [Conqueror's Haki]......"

Kizaru's face gradually became serious. .

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