I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 57 Rewriting The Plot, The Revolutionary Army Enters The Arena! [Dazhang, Begging For The Fi


Fierce fighting can be seen everywhere in the frozen harbor.

"Brothers, don't worry about what's behind, we'll follow Little Ozzy, rush into the square in one go, and rescue Brother Ace."

Several team captains shouted and began to lead the charge.

Since Luffy was caught early,

There is no accidental intrusion of the Prison Break Alliance in the original book.

The Whitebeard Pirates were surrounded by Marine and the Pacifist Corps,

There were extremely heavy casualties.

Now the only way to break the game,

is to break through the defense,

burst into the square,

Disrupt Marine's strategic deployment.


The Seven Warlords of the Sea who were deliberately placed on the harbor wall by Sengoku,

It became the first echelon to meet the powerful enemy.


The horrible explosions almost never stopped.

Hawkeye looks flat A,

But the terrifying slash with the special effects of the sword's big move.

The Empress does not distinguish between enemy and friend,

As long as you dare to get close to her within 10 meters, all the petrochemical attacks will be taken away by the same wave.

And after losing the meat ball fruit ability,

A mechanical tyrant bear that uses "scroll laser" to continuously strike with precision.

And use Parasite String to play with the members of the white group wantonly,

Doflamingo who let it kill each other.

Except for a few powerful captains,

The other pirates are no match for these people at all.

The raging offensive stopped immediately.

"Bastard Shichibukai, get out of the way for Laozi."

"Slave Arrow!"

A group of pirates yelled and rushed towards the empress,

But even being hit by pink arrows all over the sky,

Instantly petrified into a statue.

Unlike Mero Mero Mellow,

Regardless of whether the target hit by Slave Arrow is attracted to the Queen,

will also be petrified.

But not only pirates,

A large number of Marines were not spared from this indiscriminate attack.

"Damn it, you dare to attack Marine, have you forgotten your camp?"

Facing the Marine soldiers' questioning, the Empress gracefully sat back on her pet snake Salome, and snorted coldly with extreme pride:

"The Ai family has always treated men without distinction, except for Lin Xiao, anyone who dares to approach will be punished.

"Also, although Aijia promised the World government to fight Whitebeard, it does not mean that I am on the same side as Marine.

"Has this king made it clear enough?"

Even though the Empress' attitude was extremely bad and disdainful, the sailors below were still in a state of obsession.

"Clear enough, you have worked hard."

"We know, it's so beautiful..."

They have no resistance to the empress' beauty.

Even a slight movement of the opponent's hands and feet can make these people fascinated.

But the queen's beauty is precisely her deadliest weapon.

next second.

The dozens of Marine soldiers were all petrified in an instant.

The pirates around were so frightened that they immediately changed their targets, not daring to approach easily.

"Wait, chat, chat, it's interesting. I really don't know what kind of man can subdue a woman with such a bad personality."

Doflamingo withdrew his gaze with lingering fear, and turned to look at Ozzy, who was nearly 40 meters tall, who was rushing towards him.

A cruel smirk suddenly appeared on his face.


Before Little Ozzy's big knife slashed down, Doflamingo's figure soared into the sky instantly.

between fingers,

Several sharp linear blades that were hard to distinguish from the flesh and eyes directly slashed towards Little Ozzy's thigh.

However at this moment,

A terrifying huge Slash Wave pierced the sky and came straight across the sky.

A strong sense of crisis instantly hit Doflamingo's heart.


It was too late to pay attention to Little Ozzy, and Doflamingo's stature retreated continuously.


Like a crescent of gold, a 100-meter-long terrifying slash directly split Little Ozzy's huge body in half.

The blood instantly dyed the area red like a torrential rain.

It was as terrifying as a pool of blood.

And the aftermath of the slash is "Seven Five Zero" moving forward,

A deep gully hundreds of meters long was left on the ice in the harbor before barely disappearing.

The noisy battlefield suddenly became strangely quiet.

Everyone focused their eyes on the tall and straight figure that was slowly falling in the sky at the same time.

"The slash just now..."

The world's number one swordsman, Hawkeye, finally broke the unchanging calm expression on his face.

The so-called layman watches the excitement, while the insider watches the way.

He knew better than anyone else the horror of that slash just now.


What really surprised him was.

who cuts out such a slash,

It turned out to be a black-haired boy under 20 years old.

What the hell kind of talent is this?

It doesn't look like it will take long,

His title as the world's number one swordsman,

I'm afraid it will be snatched away by the other party.

"Hmph, I just came here now. After the war is over, it's time to rectify this group of rebellious guys."

Sengoku on the execution platform heaved a long sigh of relief when he saw that it was Lin Dao who came.

Then he waved his hand and shouted loudly:

"Don't just stand there dumbfounded, he is Lin Dao, the newly promoted member of the Seven Warlords of the Sea Corpse Collector, and is our Marine's helper.

"All officers and soldiers, evacuate from the ice immediately, absolutely do not let the pirates board the square."

With Sengoku's order issued, the battle began again in an instant.

"Porusalino, is this the guy who blew you up in Sabaody?"

Akainu crossed Erlang's legs and said unhurriedly.

"Don't say it so harshly, this little brother is very strong except for his stinky smell. Why don't you try it yourself?"

Kizaru replied with a wretched expression on your face.

"He is indeed strong!"

Aokiji pushed the blindfold and said with a serious expression.

Unlike Marine's calm reaction.

The Whitebeard Pirates,

Especially the captains who were robbed by Lin Xiao.

After hearing that Lin Xiao is the newest member of Shichibukai,

Suddenly everyone was filled with righteous indignation.

What the hell.

How dare Shichibukai snatch Four Emperors?

Fuck him!

The captains raised their weapons and were ready to rush to confront Lin Xiao.

"Don't rob me of any of you, that guy is mine!"

Marco is the first to bear the brunt.

Today he has to abolish this B no matter what he says, and get back his face!

"My silly sons, don't be fooled by that old fellow Sengoku, we have only one goal right now, and that is to save Ace.

An incomparable Haki voice came from the Moby Dick, and Whitebeard threw the cloud in his hand on the deck and beat him hard.


The surging air waves whizzed out, and the earth trembled accordingly.

"That little brat, leave it to me to clean it up in the future."

Whitebeard said this almost through gritting his back molars.

If it is not for the overall situation.

He might have rushed over to the little bastard who dared to rob him.


Laozi couldn't eat well these days, couldn't sleep, and tossed and turned thinking about this shit.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get.

If I don't give you a hammer,

Laozi will not be called Whitebeard from now on!

"Hey, is it true or not, Whitebeard actually..."

When Whitebeard's words spread across the battlefield.

Regardless of Marine or Pirate,

Or the audience in front of the screen at the moment.

Everyone was shocked by this scene.

The most powerful man in the world,

Whitebeard, one of the Four Emperors.

He even said that he would personally deal with a boy under the age of 20.

The amount of information here,

It's also a little too big!

"Is there any deep hatred between the two of them?"

"Isn't it Whitebeard's daughter who was raped by that little brother?"

"Didn't you hear that Whitebeard has a daughter?"

"It's hard to say, but seeing how handsome he is, maybe the two of them are desperate..."

"Well, it makes sense..."

"A dad like Whitebeard who protects the calf must not tolerate his daughter being abducted by others, so he is so angry.

"Brother, you got the truth..."

"Hey, if I were Whitebeard's daughter, I would definitely elope with that little brother, who made him so handsome."

"Mom, please take me, I also like that big brother very much!"

for a while.

All kinds of bloody Eight Trigrams about the relationship between Lin Xiao and Whitebeard,

It actually faintly overshadowed the heat of this war.

"Chachachacha, brat, so you are the newcomer."

"I heard that the sand crocodile, the Golden Lion, and that trash Moria all died at your hands..."

A stern look suddenly appeared on Doflamingo's face, obviously he was worried about Lin Xiao's slash just now, and he said every word: "You really like to show off!"

While the voice fell,

His arm jerked downward.

swish swish

Five almost transparent sharp lines descended from the sky.

"Trash, hurry up and get the hell out of me.... Perfume Femur!"

Like lightning, a beautiful figure rushed behind Lin Xiao in an instant, and a flying kick shattered Doflamingo's "Dropping Ruffian String".

Then a set of smooth and smooth kicks directly forced the latter back again and again.

"Hey, empress, you'd better stay out of your own business."

Doflamingo looks bad

I don't understand why this beautiful crazy woman suddenly attacked herself.

But what angered him most was that,

During the whole process, Lin Xiao,

Didn't even look at him.

"Guan Qu, you disgusting scum, this king is furious now, whatever you say will be treated as a death penalty.

Surrounded by big snakes, the empress posed her signature contempt gesture towards Doflamingo, and shouted angrily:

"You dare to sneak attack on this king's sweetheart. It's an unforgivable crime...This king has never been so angry. I'm going to cut your body up and feed it to the dogs!"


In an instant, the Empress's Conqueror's Haki burst out.

"What? You said he was your sweetheart?"

The expression on Doflamingo's face was suddenly uglier than that of eating Xiang.

This Nima is outrageous, isn't it?

Doesn't Legendary hate men the most, and treat men all over the world like garbage?

How did Lin Xiao become his sweetheart right away?

Doflamingo said: Laozi is so speechless.

ok ok ok,

I can't afford to offend you, a pair of dogs and men.

Laozi served softly,

Withdraw from the head office!

Facing the empress' aggressive and terrifying aura,

Doflamingo felt that he didn't have to fight this idiot fan hard.

He himself is a king after all,

If this is true

A crazy woman kicks nothing,

Not shameful enough!

So he jumped to the distance angrily, and vented his anger at the members of the white group.

"Hancock, come back!"

At this time, Lin Xiao's voice came from a distance.

"Hi, Master Lin Xiao, you called me Hancock again......

The empress, whose complexion instantly changed to that of a pregnant girl, rushed to Lin Xiao in a flash of Luffy.

And then in full view,

Like a docile kitten,

sitting on the ground,

With an intoxicated face, she pillowed on Lin Dao's legs.

The happy look between the brows,

Simply looking at it will cause advanced diabetes.

"Nimma, it's true that a brainless (licking) dog is the deadliest!"

Doflamingo, who saw this scene in the distance, staggered and almost lost his breath.

Then use "Parasite String" to control Diamond Joz,

Started to rampage unscrupulously in the crowd.

With the shocking slash before,

Coupled with the scene of the empress just now,

Where Lin Xiao and the two are located,

For a while, it became a vacuum zone where no pirates invaded.

"My lord, there is less than an hour left before the official execution, but the commanding army hasn't shown up yet, so they shouldn't be afraid to come, right?"

the female dick asked with a sweet face.

Lin Xiao had previously revealed her plan to her,

In order to prevent accidental missed opportunities when going to Impel down.

"Don't worry, the guy Long actually arrived a long time ago, but he was just waiting for a suitable opportunity to play.

The corner of Lin Xiao's mouth was slightly curved, and he glanced at the corner of the glacier on the right without any trace.

over there.

In the original book, where Luffy and the Prison Break Alliance are located,

The g command army led by Long is closely watching every move on the battlefield below.

"Long, there is less than an hour left before the execution. Straw Hat and Sabo are both on the execution platform. How long are you going to wait?"

Shemale King Ivankov said anxiously.

"That's right, Mr. Long, daddy and the others are currently under attack. If we can intervene, not only can we help them share part of the pressure, but at the same time, we can greatly improve the rescue.

Ace Brothers their success rate!"

Jinbei was so anxious that he kept pacing back and forth on the deck, his tone almost pleading.

However, the dragon remained unmoved.

A pair of dark eyes turned back and forth between Whitebeard and Ace on the execution platform.

It seems that there is a hint of conspiracy.

"It's not the time yet, I'm waiting!"

Long didn't give Jinbei and others a chance to speak at all, and said decisively: "If I were Sengoku, I would definitely make a big fuss by using the special status of Fire Fist Ace!"

"Jinbei, can you guarantee that among the pirates under Whitebeard, none of them had any enmity with Roger?"


Facing the questioning, Jinbei was immediately speechless.

The Whitebeard Pirates alone are okay,

After all, everyone knows about the old friend and foe between Dad and Roger.

But the 43 New World affiliated regiments on the periphery,

Jinbei was not at all sure.

Those people were originally famous big pirates.

Only by worshiping Whitebeard,

Only then did he choose to become a subsidiary group of the Whitebeard Pirates.

It's hard to say how many people here have had conflicts with Roger.

Thinking that Dad might be harmed by his own people,

Jinbei, a dutiful son, suddenly became nervous.

And Lin Dao, who has been monitoring the situation here on Xinxin.com,

After hearing what Long said,

Can't help but be moved by it.

"No wonder the World government lists you as the number one criminal, your IQ is fine!"

In a second, Lin Xiao showed an excited look, and directly locked his eyes on a figure who quietly boarded the Che Ke.

"Hey, Hancock, look over there, the classic 'Sword of Duty' will be staged soon...Dragon, this gorgeous opportunity to appear, today is cheap for you!"

at the same time.

When the fighting in the harbor gradually became intense,

The captains of the Whitebeard Pirates came out together,

Only Whitebeard was left standing proudly at the bow to command and dispatch.

A figure quietly boarded the Moby Dick,

And slowly came behind Whitebeard.

"Skuyard, are you alright?"

Whitebeard turned his head to look at the person who came, instead of showing any suspicion, he looked concerned instead.

"I'm fine, Dad..."

Scuyad squeezed out a blunt smile on his face, and said with gloomy eyes:

"It's just that the casualties of our peripheral pirates are too heavy."

"If we want to break this situation, we can only push all our troops to the front line, and we will fail in one fell swoop.

Whitebeard stared at the battlefield ahead, and said without looking back: "I'm going out too, let's save Ace with all our might.

"It seems...in your heart, we are indeed not as important as Roger's son!"

A look of determination appeared on Scuyad's face.

Almost at the same time as the voice fell,

long knife unsheathed,

Stab Whitebeard head-on.

This sudden scene shocked everyone instantly.

So much so that even Whitebeard himself,

None of them could respond.

Who would have thought that a good son who loved each other in the last second,

Heart out in the next second—Jie Zhen·filial son sword Max!


Just at this critical moment.

A black column of wind across the sky suddenly rises.

The moment the blade in Scuyard's hand barely sliced ​​through Whitebeard's skin,

The figure was directly rolled into the sky.


The sharp wind blade instantly twisted Scuyad into pieces.

Blood dripped like raindrops.

"Daddy, are you all right?"

Marco turned into a phoenix form, quickly cut through the sky, and landed in front of Whitebeard.

"I'm fine, Scuyard...may have been used by Marine!"

Whitebeard's deep voice indicated that the anger in his heart had reached a critical point on the verge of explosion.

With angry eyes, he looked at Sengoku on the execution platform in the distance.

"Sengoku, you're still young, you've done a great job of scheming!"

"Damn it, it was almost there, who is messing up the situation?"

Sengoku's fists were rubbed together, his face was filled with a sinister scowl.

Such a good chance of seriously injuring Whitebeard,

It was disturbed by someone.

This will at least double the number of Marine casualties than originally expected.

Which bloody bastard did it?

"Straw hat boy, Sabo...we're here to save you!"

"Brother Ace, Dad, here I come..."


Suddenly a whirlwind blew up over the bay.

Immediately, under the astonished eyes of the crowd,

The warship that Long, Jinbei and others were on landed beside the Moby Dick.

Everyone was shocked by the scene before them.

"Then...that leader seems to be the most wanted criminal dragon by the world government?"

"Not only that, but also the commanding army cadres, Shemale King Ivankov, Lightning Imazuna...even the former Seven Warlords of the Sea Jinbei are among them."

"Damn, shouldn't these people all be in Impel down?"

"The group of troublesome guys from the G Command Army have teamed up with the Whitebeard Pirates...... Can we still win?"

As the battle continued to heat up,

The sudden influx of the commando army on the battlefield undoubtedly severely damaged Marine's morale.

And pushed the outcome of this war into an unknown situation.

Suddenly there was a commotion in the Marine camp,

Everyone started to worry.

"Garp, you bastard, you should really send someone to bring you here so that you can see for yourself what your son has done.

"However, since he dared to openly rob the execution ground today, then don't blame me for killing him."

When Long led Ivankov, Jinbei and others to appear, Sengoku guessed that Impel down had fallen, and his eyes suddenly ignited a raging fire.

I can't wait to smash Garp's dog's head directly.

including the old bastard Garp,

This restless family,

Has been causing problems for Marine almost all the time.

"Now continue the introduction that was interrupted before, the one next to Fire Fist Ace is the sworn brother who grew up with him [and also inherited the "World's Most Ferocious Criminal"

Monkey D. Luffy in Descent of the Dragon

"The last one is not only the sworn brother of the two of them, but also the second-in-command of the commanding army, Chief of Staff Sabo..."

Sengoku grabbed the radio phone bug, and shouted in a deep and majestic voice:

"Today, in front of Marineford, which symbolizes the maintenance of world peace and order, in the name of justice...to thoroughly sanction the Whitebeard Pirates and the Commander-in-Chief!


Whether it is Marines or pirates on the battlefield,

Or people watching the live broadcast in Sabaody.

All were stunned by this scene.

Why is this public execution so much like a few officials, Second Generation, showing off their background publicly?

Roger, Whitebeard, Dragon...

No matter which one is the overlord enough to shake the world.

But their son or adopted son,

But driven by fate,

Unexpectedly intertwined through Garp.

Formed the princelings with the most gorgeous background.

Marine's public execution today,

Can it really work?

A question arose in everyone's mind at the same time.


The background introduced by Sengoku is obviously reserved.

The world doesn't know yet,

"World's Worst Criminal" is actually the son of "Marine Hero" Garp.

The posthumous son of One Piece was actually saved by Garp.

Straw hat Luffy's leader is none other than the red-haired Shanks from Four Emperors.

If they know this information,

I am afraid that many people's belief in "justice" will completely collapse.

"Come on!"

With a wave of Sengoku's big hand.

Marine, pirate, these two powerful torrents collided fiercely once again.

for a while,

Shouts, wailing, gunfire, explosions

Resounding throughout Marineford.

"G Commander, I owe a favor for this matter!"

Whitebeard turned his head to look at the dragon standing on the deck of the opposite warship, his expression somewhat complicated.

Although he is very grateful to the other party for helping him in a critical moment,

But the act of beheading Scuyad without any explanation,

But it made him a little disgusted.

"It's just a little effort!"

Long keenly noticed the slight change in Whitebeard's mood, so he directly changed the topic to the battle situation.

"However, the current situation is not good for you. I guess Sengoku should have some unused backhands waiting for you, so right now, only by joining hands can we increase the success rate."

Raise to maximum.

"Besides...we still have a common enemy there!"

While the voice fell,

The dragon's venomous gaze has already landed on Lin Xiao at the top of the city wall in the distance..

But weirdly,

Lin Xiao actually looked at Long with a half-smile at this moment.

The two look at each other,

Immediately aroused a strong smell of gunpowder.

Lin Xiao hooked his finger at Long provocatively, as if to say: Come and hit me if you have the guts?

This made the dragon instantly feel like he was going crazy.

He had never hated someone so much before.

Lin Xiao was the first.


I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional,

The dragon did not share the frightening information that Lin Xiao possessed two kinds of Devil Fruit, Lion Fruit and Thunder Fruit at the same time,

Be the first to share with Whitebeard.

Even eager to try,

Jinbei who wants to find a chance to say something,

They were deliberately arranged by him in the back position.

"Gu la la la la, it seems that you have also been tricked by that brat!"

Whitebeard didn't know why, but his mood suddenly improved a lot.

Looking at Lin Dao with vigorous eyes,

This kid is really full of evil!

"Cooperation is fine, but that kid must be left to me to deal with... He is the first person who dared to blackmail Laozi's money. When Ace is rescued, I must kill him with my own hands!"

"Okay, I'll be in charge of the work of covering the attack from the outside!"

Long readily agreed.

to be honest,

He is really not sure about Shanglin Dao.

Especially in this ever-changing battlefield.

that scheming fellow,

Maybe there will be some tricks played.

So it is obviously safer to leave it to Whitebeard.


Long always felt that Lin Xiao seemed to be plotting something.

It made him feel restless.

"How dare you use my son to assassinate...it's unforgivable!"

Whitebeard's vigorous and powerful voice resounded throughout Marineford like rolling thunder.

The Marine soldiers shuddered at the same time.

Sengoku on the execution platform was sweating even more, pointing at the only gap in the surrounding wall below, he shouted anxiously:

"Hey, what's going on over there, why haven't they closed yet?"

"Master Marshal, the surrounding wall is stuck by Oz's body, and a large amount of blood seems to have seeped into the system, causing the elevator to be unable to work at full power..."

"Bastard Lin Dao, if I know that you are playing tricks on purpose, I will never forgive you!"

Sengoku glared furiously at Lin Xiao who was in the distance. For some reason, he always had the illusion that he was tricked by the other party again.

It's just that the current battle situation is not to be overthought.

"I can't wait any longer, let's do it, Akainu."

Sengoku then waved his hand and ordered to Akainu: "Mel the ice and make them lose their footing!"

"Hey hey..."

Akainu under the execution platform stood up suddenly, with a ferocious grin on his resolute face. He had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Those damned pirates should be sentenced to death!

"Meteor Volcano!!"

Akainu's arms are instantly elementalized,

The continuously surging hot lava shot into the sky one after another.

After a few seconds.

Countless giant lava fists fell rapidly like a meteor shower.

"What... what is this?"

"It's almost like the end of the world..."

The Common members of the Whitebeard Pirates were stunned by the sight in front of them.

The lava fist that obscured the sky left them with nowhere to hide.

"Let me do it..."

The dragon stepped forward with a stern expression,

Raising his hand, he was ready to use the hurricane to change the trajectory of those giant lava fists.

So that Marine will suffer the consequences.

Whitebeard, however, beat him to the punch.

"Gu la la la la, lava kid, you are only worthy of lighting candles for Laozi's birthday cake!"

Whitebeard Haki smiled, and then suddenly clenched Cong Yunqie with both hands.

The arms are bent back to continuously accumulate energy,

The muscles on the arms are bulging high, showing signs of swelling.

A white halo like a jade plate lingers on Cong Yunche's blade.

Even the surrounding space trembled slightly.

"If you want to stop the old man's steps...you are still far away!"

While the roar sounded.

Cong Yun cut fiercely towards the sky.



The world seemed to dim for an instant.

The giant fist of magma that fell down like a meteor shower suddenly stagnated.

There was an abnormal sound of shattering mirrors in the sky.

The cobweb-like cracks visible to the naked eye spread rapidly.

In the instant of shattering,

A terrifying shock that could destroy the world erupted.


The giant lava fist that covered the sky and the sun like a rain curtain was instantly shattered.

For the harmless Whitebeard,

There's nothing that can't be solved with a single punch.

If there is,

Then give it another punch!


A violent whirlwind suddenly rose up, directly blowing the countless balls of lava formed after the explosion to the heavily guarded square.

The square was instantly plunged into a sea of ​​lava and flames.

Howling, screaming, screaming, calling for help...

The tragic scene is like the end of the world.

for a while,

Marine soldiers suffered numerous casualties.

Everyone was deeply shocked by the scene just now.

until then,

Many of them suddenly remembered,

The tall figure standing proudly on the bow of Moby Dick,

He is the real protagonist of this battle.

World-recognized "Strongest Man"!

Coming soon, officially debut.

"Whitebeard, who is harmless, is too strong!"

It's hard for Lin Xiao to imagine what kind of earth-shattering event Whitebeard would have if he had fully fired during the victory period.

But there was no trace of fear in his dark eyes,

Instead, an endless fighting spirit broke out.

If you can't compete head-on with such a peerless powerhouse,

Then his life will leave a deep regret.

"Yeah, after Roger, I'm afraid he is the only one who deserves to be called One Piece!"

The empress's rare normal expression returned to normal.

Facing Whitebeard,

Even as arrogant as she is,

You will also be in awe of the uncrowned king.

"Ice Age!!"

While the two were talking, Aokiji jumped up from under the execution platform, and shot two icicles in his palm to the ground.

The moment it touches the ground,

Freeze the entire square directly into a world of ice and snow.

The soldiers who were suffering in the flames of Chilian finally took a breather.

"As expected of Aokiji Admiral, everyone hurry up and treat the wounded!"

"Be careful everyone, the pirates are coming!"


"Gu la la la la, Sengoku, are you ready for my wrath in 2.3?!"

Whitebeard's roar rang out.

Then under Marine's frightened eyes,

Jump suddenly onto the ice.


The ground in Marineford trembled slightly.

Whitebeard stands proudly on the ice like a demon god,

A ferocious and tyrannical terrifying aura swept out.

An oppressive atmosphere swept across the entire Marine camp in an instant.

The moment Whitebeard stepped off the field himself,

The real Summit War is officially opened.

"Long live daddy, everyone keep up with daddy, because old" leads the way!"

"Bastard Marines, this time you have seen the horror of the world's strongest man!"

"Hahaha, let Laozi die obediently!"

"Taking Naval Headquarters!"

"Get Ace out!"

For a moment, the ten qi of the pirate climbed to the peak in an instant.

According to these people,

What Admiral is not Admiral, it's all bullshit.

as long as daddy is around

It's not a problem at all.

The truth is more or less the same.

First, Kizaru, a first-level water release athlete, was kicked away by Marco and self-destructed a section of the Marine wall.

Next, Aokiji, the second-level water release player, was kicked by Marco and self-destructed a section of the Marine wall.

The morale of the pirates suddenly skyrocketed.

"Everyone is ready to rush into the square!"

Whitebeard shouted, and then rushed directly into the square with a crushing momentum.

All the Vice Admirals who tried to stop him on the way were his enemies.

Even the commanding army led by Long echoed from the side,

The Marines on the periphery of the square were instantly defeated.

Sengoku almost died of anger on the execution platform.

But fortunately, there is Akainu, the emperor of the liver, who is fully fired.

One person abruptly held back the ferocious offensive of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Gu la la la la, magma kid, do you think you can stop me?"

Whitebeard Haki smiled, and the front of Cong Yunqie's hand flickered with White's halo again.


The big naginata swept out fiercely without stopping.


The terrifying air wave instantly blows away all the pirates and soldiers within a hundred meters nearby.

Seeing Akainu holding the moon with both hands, stepping on the blade of Cong Yunqie with one foot, he stared at Whitebeard and said with a smile:

"Hey, Whitebeard, if you keep making a scene like this, this island won't last!"

"Gu la la la! Then you should guard it carefully!"

Whitebeard smiled grimly.

Immediately, the two fists packed with destructive power collided heavily.

A shocking battle capable of destroying the world has officially begun.

"If there is no Akainu, I am afraid this battle will end with the victory of the pirates!"

Lin Xiao said approvingly.

Even if the person facing him at this moment is Whitebeard who is known as "the strongest man in the world",

The unruly look on Akainu's face was still unrestrained.

Lin Xiao couldn't help but be moved by the iron-blooded spirit displayed by Akainu.

Although he doesn't like this extremely paranoid guy.

But in Summit War,

The one who played a decisive role was Akainu.

And Kizaru and Aokiji are simply letting the naked eye see.

If Lin Xiao hadn't played against Kizaru in Sabaody,

I'm afraid that now they will really suspect that the other party is just a big bastard at the elite Vice Admiral level.

He even fought back and forth with Captain Fan of the Baituan there.

However, this proves once again that

Lin Xiao's choice of not joining Marine was extremely correct.

water here.

too deep!

Lin Xiao slowly withdrew his gaze, and stopped paying attention to these movie kings and war kings.

With Whitebeard in person,

His harvest time has officially arrived.

His eyes instantly locked on Marco who turned into a blue fire phoenix in the distance and was using the air superiority to attack the execution platform.

Lin Xiaoxiao curled up an evil smirk.

"Let's start with you first, Phoenix Fruit!!"

PS: Please beg for the first order, thank you brothers and old buddies!!!.

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