I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 79 I, Black King Kong, Invincible! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】


The confrontation between thunder and photon,

Form a dead zone on the square that does not allow outsiders to set foot.

The figures of Lin Xiao and Kizaru,

Constantly colliding and impacting in the area filled with smoke and dust.

The violent energy raging devastated every inch of land in this area.

Just the air blowing out,

Then all the Common sea soldiers trying to get close were thrown away.

"Oh~~ Brother Lin Xiao, you are fighting so carelessly, is it possible that you are deliberately delaying time?"

Kizaru pinched his chin, looked at the distant wall of fire with hesitation in his eyes, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

Did Marshal Sengoku overturn in the Blackbeard gutter?


That old man is very strong.

Even this dashing Admiral,

If you don't do your best,

It is not his opponent at all.

How could a piece of shit like Blackbeard win?

"Huh! Are you done?"

Lin Xiao didn't pay attention to Kizaru, but raised his eyebrows, and immediately turned to look at where Blackbeard and his gang were.

just now,

The big spot of light belonging to Sengoku on the heart net disappeared.

"Blackbeard, you really didn't disappoint me... Next, please start your performance!"

Lin Xiaoxiao gave a smirk and shook his right hand violently, and the soaring wall of fire that blocked everyone's sight in the distance instantly collapsed and disappeared into nothingness.

The figures of Blackbeard's group were immediately revealed in front of everyone's eyes.

Almost instantly.

All eyes were on Blackbeard,

And on the corpse he was carrying in his hand.


"Oh my god, what the hell did that bastard Blackbeard do?!"

"Marshal Sengoku..."

"How did Marshal Sengoku lose to those scum?!"

"I don't believe it, it must be because my eyes are blurred, Lord Marshal, he is the Sengoku of Buddha, how could he die?!"

"The man standing at the top of the Marine was killed..."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible..."

The sudden and shocking scene in front of them shocked everyone.

The faces of the Marine soldiers turned extremely pale in an instant,

constantly rubbing his eyes,

The face is full of unconcealable fear and despair.

The painful blow caused many people to collapse powerlessly to the ground,

Sobbed softly.

for a while,

An atmosphere of sadness hangs over Marineford.

All the Marine soldiers around him lost their fighting spirit.

There is nothing but sadness in my heart.

Even Kizaru, after seeing this scene,

They were all stunned speechless.

Dignified Marine Marshal,

In the base where hundreds of thousands of Marine elites gathered,

Killed by the Blackbeard gang?

For every Marine soldier present,

It was simply a great shame and humiliation that could not be erased in his whole life.

"Sengoku is dead?""!"

Doflamingo's face showed a look of shock at first, but then he laughed wantonly.

"Hey hey hey hey hey! It's really getting more and more interesting. Blackbeard, this trash, managed to kill Marshal Marine. I'm afraid this war will get out of control in the future!"


Doflamingo suddenly turned to Lin Dao, who was standing with his hands behind his back, with a sly look on his face.

next second.

His figure has leaped high,

"Hey, corpse collection brat, if I'm right, you're probably responsible for all this behind the scenes!"

Doflamingo thought he had caught Lin Dao's handle, and with a high-ranking attitude, he laughed and said:

"How about it, are you interested in joining my camp?"

"As long as you nod, even if Sengoku's death is related to you, I can guarantee that you will leave Marineford safe and sound today!"

"Moreover, I can also provide you with a wider space and a bigger stage..."

"Okay, you can join if you want to!"

Lin Xiao was almost amused by the sudden solicitation, and immediately looked at Doflamingo with playful eyes and said:

"It's just that the position of the young master of the Donquixote Family and the position of the king of De Reiss Rosa must be left to me!"

"You really are a guy who doesn't know how to flatter you, how dare you refuse my invitation under such circumstances!"

Doflamingo's face suddenly turned black, his horns almost reached the back of his head, revealing a chilling grin, and said in a strange way:

"I said young man, don't you really think that after getting the Shock Fruit, you can do whatever you want in the sea?"

"I'm afraid you don't know how many people in New World have been spying on this Devil Fruit, except for that trash Blackbeard.

"Do you really think that only one person can defeat everyone? What a joke, I'm afraid even Whitebeard in his heyday would not dare to say such crazy and arrogant words!"

"Well, what you said really makes sense."

Lin Xiao nodded in disbelief.

But just when Doflamingo thought there was something to be done,

He suddenly smirked and said:

"Then, Doflamingo, give me your power, because . . . you are too much!"

Lin Xiao is not deliberately belittling Doflamingo.

Rather, it is stating a fact.

Compared with the equally ambitious sand crocodile Locke Dar, who is planning to steal Alabasta to obtain "Pluton", one of the three Ancient Weapons in Legendary.

Doflamingo who clamors to destroy the world all day long,

Although it may seem arrogant,

But it's actually more like a hole in the kingdom of Reiss Rosa,

Only dare to speculate in secret,

A land rich man who is raging money.

Even Doflamingo has always given off a very strong feeling.

But for Lin Xiao who knows the original work.

See a crane and run!

Almost killed by Aokiji!

If you mention Kaido, you will pinch your tail!

Honorable deeds like this are simply not too many.

But this really can not blame Doflamingo.

Because he was, after all, from the family of Celestial Dragons.

In addition, since he was a child, a group of stinky fish and rotten shrimps have been gathered around him who have been instilling in him the wrong idea of ​​"the boss of the sky, the boss of the earth. 2, and his third".


Then he developed his "I am the only one" thought.

And thus feel ecstatically,

You are the real master of the world.

And the four major cadres under him, "Black, Red, Flower, and Pieces",

He has become the peerless warrior in his heart.


The fact is absolutely not the case!

"Xixixixixi, you are really an arrogant and disgusting brat!"

A fierce light flashed in Doflamingo's eyes.

It was the first time in his life that he was repeatedly ridiculed by such an unknown person like Lin Xiao.

Naturally, I was very upset.


"You useless trash, why don't you hurry up and get rid of me!"

"Without Lord Lin Xiao's consent, no one is allowed to approach him within 10 meters, that is... the exclusive area of ​​this king!!"

The Queen's voice suddenly sounded, and Doflamingo was shocked all over.


It's this girl again.

Laozi is really convinced.

Are you not tired?

"..Smelly brat, you missed the only chance to survive!"

Doflamingo glared at Lin Xiao viciously,

After putting down a harsh word,

They fled as if before the queen came,

Hastily jumped back to the original position.

Laozi is really not afraid of girls...

It's just too much trouble!

"Hancock, leave him alone, look, the show is about to begin!"

Lin Xiao hugged the empress, pointed to the other side and said with a smile.

He didn't take Doflamingo's threats to heart at all.


After the Summit War,

Even if Doflamingo doesn't come to trouble him,

He will also visit De Reiss Rosa in person.

because of that country,

It has already been set as his next target.

at the same time.

Blackbeard's wild and arrogant laughter suddenly sounded.

"Thief hahahaha, I really made everyone wait for a long time!"

At this moment, Blackbeard, who had already completed the Devil Fruit ability plunder, threw Sengoku's body on the ground, stretched out his finger and roared to the opposite Marine:

"Next, let you Marines experience my strength!!"

Secretly said!!"

Endless darkness like black mist surged out of Blackbeard's body.

And form a "Black Carpet" on the ground that exudes the smell of death

Rapidly expanded towards the front. (Lee Lee's)

"This... what is this?"

"Damn it, the body was dragged down uncontrollably."

"Oops, I can't move...

Caught off guard, hundreds of Marine soldiers were plunged into darkness.

Like a bottomless swamp.

no matter how they struggle,

But to no avail.

Finally, without exception,

These people were all dragged into the endless darkness.

But not only the living,

Weapons, corpses, ruins, and everything that can be covered by that darkness,

That's all.

"See? This is the power of my Dark Fruit!!"

Blackbeard had an extremely smug look on his face, then he raised his hands high and said loudly: "And this..."

At the same time as the voice fell.

Golden light bloomed all over Blackbeard.

His stature soared to a terrifying height of nearly 100 meters in an instant.

It is different from the warm and peaceful Gold Buddha light shining all over Sengoku after transformation.

After Blackbeard grows bigger,

The black mist produced by the Dark Fruit still enveloped the Buddha.

Forming a..... evil spirit exuding black energy!!


A white and flawless halo like a jade plate instantly appeared on the front of Blackbeard's giant palm,

Facing the terrified Marine soldiers on the opposite side,

Pressed down hard. .

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