Kasumigaoka Shiyu, originally from the world of passers-by and heroines.

Because of the system before Coco, he came to this world.

However, although the world has changed, the trajectory of life has not changed much.

She is still a light novel writer, and has recently been agonizing about the fact that the metronome of her novel love metronome is about to be cut in half.

A love novel written by someone who has never experienced real love and doesn't understand love at all is like a high-rise building built without laying a foundation.

It looks gorgeous, but in fact, it is strong on the outside and dry in the middle, and it falls down as soon as the wind blows.

Her editor has also approached her many times about this matter, but Kasumigaoka Shiha has not had a good solution.

And this world doesn't have the help of the male protagonist An Yilun.

The editor has already informed that if the third volume is still of this quality, it will have to be forced to cut it in half.

After all, they also want to make money, and it is impossible to continue printing light novels that no one buys.

On the rooftop of Toyonosaki Gakuin.

Kasumigaoka Shiba is sitting in the corner of the rooftop, holding a mobile phone in his hand, looking at information about love.

Trying to find some inspiration.

But looking at her distressed expression, it was clear that it didn't work.

And at this moment, the door of the rooftop was opened.

The creaking sound caught the attention of Shiha Kasumigaoka.

She looked up.

I saw a beautiful girl appear on the rooftop.

The other party was not wearing the uniform of the academy and was obviously not a student of this school.

"You are?"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu asked curiously.

Isn't it how the students of this school got in, or is it that the other party is a bad girl who doesn't like to wear school uniforms?

But it doesn't look like it.

"Kasumigaoka Shiyu, it's you, right!"

Rococo walked up to Shi Yu and asked.

Just now, Rococo went to Shiyu's class to look for her, but the other party was not there.

Rococo thought she might be here on the rooftop.

"It's me, you're here for me?"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was a little vigilant, she didn't know this girl at all, why did the other party come to her on purpose?

It can't be her book lover.

And Rococo noticed the content on Shiyu's phone.

"Are you thinking about a love metronome going to be cut in half?"

Rococo didn't say anything about miracles directly.

Instead, he sat down next to Shi Yu and asked with a smile on his face.

This made Shi Yu look confused.

This person even knew that she was the author of the love metronome.

She had never said it in school.

Except for himself and the editor, there should be no one who knows.

"Who the hell are you?"

Shi Yu's expression had become very vigilant.

And Rococo patted her on the shoulder and said, "Don't be so nervous, love is actually a very simple thing, do you want to try to fall in love with me?"

Rococo said jokingly.


"As beautiful as you are, I wouldn't like a guy who can say to a stranger... In short, impossible"

Shi Yu subconsciously wanted to say a poisonous word.

But thinking of the mysterious origin of the other party, he still stopped it in time.

"Hahahaha, I was rejected, obviously aren't all traversers like me all the kings and then all kinds of beauties upside down?"

Rococo teased himself.

"Who the hell are you? I don't have time to talk to you here."

Shiyu was obviously a little impatient.

The other party suddenly appeared, and now he is saying these strange things again.

This made Shiyu want to stay away from this beautiful girl who seemed to have a bit of a problem with her brain.

"Well, introduce myself, my name is Rococo, I am a time-traveler, and I am currently the head of miracles in this world"

"By the way, the miracle was created by the main god of my god system!"

Rococo now considers himself to be Lin Chen's god.

"I suggest you go to the hospital to hang up a brain department, and read less novels, if you really can't tell the difference between fiction and reality, I think you can spend the rest of your life in the hospital"

"Otherwise, the air you exhale may pollute other people!"

Shi Yu subconsciously thought that the girl in front of her was a patient with severe secondary disease.

Although there are not many such people, they are not impossible.

It's not surprising to come across one.


Rococo looked speechless.

Although the poisonous tongue in the anime is cute, it doesn't seem so cute when the person being said is himself.

She's not a pervert.

"You should talk less like this in the future, it is easy to offend people"

"If you don't know that you are not guilty, I will not care about you"

"Otherwise, in order to maintain the dignity of the god system, I will kill you!"

Rococo uttered horrible words in a cute tone.

She didn't mind herself, but she thought she was Lin Chen's god.

Wouldn't it be an insult to the divine system to speak to her like this?

It's not going to work.

What if Brother Chen doesn't let her join the god system because of this?


Shi Yu was a little frightened, she was afraid that this second middle school girl would have a second illness, which would really make her die on the rooftop on the spot.

For a moment she thought of what was written in some news.

A young man with a second illness in secondary school hacked two people to death on the street while learning the lines in the game.

She didn't want the news tomorrow to be that the school girl of Toyonosaki Academy died tragically on the rooftop, and the murderer turned out to be a mentally ill person.

"Okay, okay, don't be so nervous, how about we watch an anime first?"

Coco said and pulled out a cell phone.

Shi Yu nodded at this time and said, "Okay!"

She dared not agree, in case the other party was angry and wanted to kill her.

There's no need to deal with a psychopath.

Obey her first, then find a chance to escape from here and report to school.

"Hee-hee, you're going to love this anime!"

Rococo said and clicked on the video stored in his phone, and then handed the phone to Shiyu.

"How to raise the heroine of passers-by?"

Shiyu hadn't watched this anime, and she didn't understand why Rococo was showing her this.

Until she saw that she actually appeared in the anime.

"How is it possible! I don't know An Yilun at all, and Yingli Li doesn't have any childhood sweethearts!"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu's brain turned very fast.

She suspects that the anime was made by the girl in front of her.

It's not clear what the other party's purpose is, but it's clear that it's definitely not true.

"How can't it be, this anime was quite popular in the world of my previous life!"

"This was downloaded for me by the same system I used to do."

Rococo explained.

But Shi Yu didn't believe it at all, it was absolutely impossible to be true.

Soon, the content of the first season was finished.

It was getting darker.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who is a good student, also missed an afternoon of class.

"What the hell is your purpose?"

Shi Yu asked directly.

Even if you want her to die, you have to die to understand it.

"Be my lover, I mean, be my subordinate, I don't have that much time to help God deal with miracles"

"By the way..."


Rococo was halfway through his words, and suddenly turned to look.

I didn't know when there was a girl standing behind them.

The other party has short black hair and is also wearing a Toyonosaki school uniform.

Rococo recognized each other at first sight, and Shiyu also recognized it.

Because this girl is the heroine of the anime just now, Megumi Kato.

"You're Megumi Kato?"

Shi Yu asked in surprise.

It's like a character from an anime running out, and it's scary.

"It's me, it's the heroine of the anime you just watched! Although I really don't know An Yilun, but the anime is very good. "

Megumi Kato spoke.

Although she was also very surprised in her heart, she did not show it.

"Yes, but you're better looking than in the anime, no wonder An Yilun chose you in the end"

Rococo can make the two of them look sideways with one sentence.


Megumi Kato pointed to herself, is she the final winner in the anime, it's incredible.

And Shi Yu felt a little awkward.

Although she thinks that the anime is fake, why is she not a winner, she is still a little stronger in her heart.

"Of course, there is a saint first and then there is a day, I am as beautiful as a fairy in a painting, and I also called your wife in my previous life."

Rococo laughed.

She didn't lie, she was also a deep otaku in her previous life.

"I'd be shy to say that"

Although she said this, Megumi Kato didn't look shy at all.

"You're really the same as in the anime"

Shi Yu also complained.

"So are you?"

Megumi Kato's words were not salty or light, so that Shiyu had nothing to say.

Why can this anime show her so vividly and exquisitely.

If this was made by the girl in front of you, then you probably know her too well.

"By the way, since Hui is also here, why don't you become my spokesperson together, how about it?"

Rococo invited.

She certainly wouldn't invite just one person.

Originally, she was going to find a few more people, of course, it would be better if it was all beautiful girls.

She didn't want a stinky man to be her spokesperson.

"Can I refuse?"

Megumi Kato didn't want to agree to this inexplicable girl's request.

Who knows what the so-called spokesperson is.

"Uh, okay~ Maybe you still don't understand what the miracle represents, so I'll start with you at the beginning!"

Rococo thought about it, she really wouldn't agree to such a direct invitation.

The first thing to do is to make the two understand what the miracle means.

And what does it mean to be her spokesperson.

Immediately, Rococo said everything except the chat group.

Including the fact that they are not originally from this world.

The two people who listened were stunned.

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