As the island was discovered, so did the excavations.

A picture that shocked the world appeared.


Many people originally came to watch it with the mentality of watching the excitement.

After all, so many ships around the globe are dispatched.

Every day, there will be news of suspected ruins being reported.

There is a huge storeroom warehouse dedicated to storing documents related to the collected relics.

People have become Xi to the so-called "relics", and it is not strange.

Over the past month, some new caves have been discovered, but they are not the remains of giants.

It's a bit similar to hearing the news of the arrival of various gods and UFOs around the world, and there is no difference.

Although there is a lot of news every day, after interrogation and investigation, it can be found that the news is not reliable.

Not at all.

If you listen to it too much, you will naturally Xi get used to it, and it will not be the same thing.

Didn't get much hopeful.

After all, this kind of news may be debunked in a few days.

This time, however, is different.

After carefully reviewing the inspection, the staff quickly completed the confirmation and came to a conclusion.

This ruin is exactly the same as the ruins of Luluye mentioned by Qi Ji.

When this news came out, it was like a thunderclap on the ground!

It's so exciting!

It's an unimaginable feeling.

The ultra-ancient giant stone statue really existed and appeared in front of the eyes of the world?

Look at the corner of the giant stone statue under the sloped soil.

On the skull of a huge stone statue, dust falls.

The whole world was shocked.

On the live broadcast platform, the number of related live broadcasters has directly soared to more than hundreds of millions of people.

The barrage is even directly stuck.

Or even just a platform.

And this live broadcast was broadcast on all platforms.

It also includes television, newspapers, sound broadcasts, etc.

Basically, as long as they are in a normal society and have contact with civilization, Blue Star people will come to see this live broadcast.

Many people even stopped what they were doing, just to see the moment when this miraculous scene appeared.

Look at this incredible scene.

In the picture, archaeologists immediately tested the material composition of the ruins.

After examination, I was surprised to find that the items in this ruin were indeed from a long time ago 30 million years ago.

The Oligocene (30 million years ago) consolidated sandstone is so special that it can be easily identified.

Carbon-14 testing will also be completed soon.

In other words, these things are not some late imitations.

It really came from a distant era, and after a long time in the dust, it was re-revealed to the world.

The underground ruins seem to be a dilapidated ancient battlefield, which is very similar to the scene in the video shown by Qi Ji!

However, those who look carefully can still find that these crooked stone statues have their own defects.

Some are just cracks.

Some are simply broken.

There are even those that can't be seen.

I don't know if it was destroyed by an external force.

But the more this is the case, the more it brings a sense of fear of the unknown.

In front of the camera at the moment.

All the audience felt shocked.

I gasped.

Is the Golemite real?

Is that super-ancient civilization also real?

Humans are even prehistoric and have high technology?

How did the ultra-ancient prehistoric civilization of mankind be destroyed?

Is it really not made up out of thin air?

A lot of people are blindfolded.

Directly jaw-dropping.

And even...

There are also experts and scholars, a second before this relic is exposed, they are still doing talk shows on TV, telling the many loopholes in Qi Qi's words, as well as the ten reasons why ultra-ancient civilizations and giants cannot exist.

The look was very determined.

The language is also very convincing.

The emotions are also very high.

The words of criticism are also profound.


Immediately afterwards, it was urgently stopped by the program team.

Experts and scholars, looking at the pictures given by the program team, were stunned for a while, and some couldn't get off the stage.

directly blushed and ran down.

At this moment, the media around the world has fried the pot.

All kinds of reports have appeared.

After all....

No one knows whether this wall-facing plan will succeed.

And with the exception of the wall-facing, others may not even know what the plan really is.

But at this very moment....

The fifth wall-facing person is in unison, directly giving a breakthrough?

The news of the ruins of ultra-ancient civilizations and the stone statues of giants naturally made headlines.

And probably, for at least a month or even longer, it will be the headlines.

As the live camera pulls in, people can see the details of these giant statues more clearly.

Even if only the upper body is exposed.

However, the part exposed to the ground is at least tens of meters high.

The weight of the entire giant is roughly estimated to be tens of thousands of tons.

The texture is quaint and coarse.

But it is clear that the texture is different from other surrounding soil and rocks.

It's a bit like it's made of cement, but compared to cement, it has a strong sense of the vicissitudes of the times.

Even after such a long history with modern civilization, there is still a sense of majesty when standing in front.

It was as if these giants were still looking at them with huge eyes.

Or it will wake up at some point.

Even these eyes are gray.

Giants have different poses.

Even though many of them are broken, they give people a sense of decisiveness that they fought to the death.

It seems that they are warriors who never give up.

However, it is not clear which side is the righteous side and the evil side, that is, the Giant of Light and the Giant of Darkness that Miracle said before.

But either way, the existence of these giants has been confirmed.

There is nothing wrong with the authenticity of the video that represents Qiji.

Not only the part about the blue star, but also about the M78 nebula, the part about the Land of Light should be the same.

Of course, I want to make further confirmation, unless they can revive the giant, otherwise, there is no too good way to judge.

As soon as these stone statues were discovered, PDC asked world-renowned archaeologists to follow up.

And give orders.

Whatever you're doing, put down your research work and prioritize your work on studying these stone giants, and head to Easter Island on their own.

As ships approached, helicopters landed here.

There was an earth-shattering sound of propeller spinning.

Experts keep coming in, looking up.

Judging by archaeologists,

The broken statue has a lot of mutilation, but the preliminary judgment shows that it does look like a huge humanoid statue as the protagonist said.

It's just that with the current technical means, it will take some time to restore it.

Keep digging,

Report finds a projection in it!

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