Looking at public opinion, it is gradually developing in a direction that is not good for itself.

Qi Ji's face did not show the slightest flustered expression.

on TV.

He made a public statement, saying, "That's right, as you said, there are indeed only incomplete stone statues of the three giants in the ruins of Luluye, and the stone statue of Ultraman Tiga is not among them. "

"It's a fact!"

"I admit it!"

"However, I don't agree with the accusation of Wall Breaker X!"

Qi Ji smiled in front of the camera.

After that, he returned to a serious look.

"Because Ultraman exists, so does the Tiga statue!"

According to the memories of his previous life ("Ultraman Tiga Theatrical Version: Final Holy War"), Qi traces are very clear

Ultraman Tiga has taken many actions to save humanity.

Therefore, it is highly likely that the stone statue is not on the island.

So when he discovered the ruins of Luluye,

He had already prepared for both hands, in case he fell into today's passive situation.

On the one hand, he asked archaeologists around the globe to continue excavations on the island

On the other hand, he started secret negotiations with the military of the Dragon Kingdom...

"With the help of Major General Chang Weisi, we reached an agreement."

"That is to let the Dragon Kingdom send a navy to lead the countries of Sakura, Hairy Bear, and Eagle Sauce to search for the seabed of the four oceans, that is, the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean."

"If the stone statue is not on the island, it must have sunk to the bottom of the sea for some reason."

"Tiga is the last of the ultra-ancient giants who have been through so much with humans."

"It's not easy to find his traces!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Many people think that Qi Ji is quibbling.

Excuse your mistakes and make excuses!

Compared to searching for islands, this exploration of the seabed is much more difficult.

Just because of the "maybe" of Qi Ji can be explained?

Obviously, the masses could not accept it.

Think he's lying in public!

I just want to excuse myself, so I say that.

And this, most likely, is another tactic to stall for time.

As long as people believe again, the conspiracy between Qi and the authorities will succeed again.

At this moment, the ETO members all smiled happily when they saw this scene.

Albert Einstein: "Tomoko seems to have looked down on this wall-facing person, and it seems that we don't need to go out, this Qiqi will not work!" "

Verne: "I'm starting to babble!" In total, only 5% of the ocean floor explored by humans, 95% is unknown, is he kidding? "

King Zhou Wen: "It's this old tactic again, do you think everyone will fall for you again?" What a scheming man! "

The members of the ETO organization all looked at Qi Ji with the expression of looking at the dead.

What Qi Ji said, even if it is true.

With the current ability of human beings, the probability of being able to find it is infinitely close to 0%.

It is even possible that he will soon be sentenced to death for the crime of deceiving the world.

It was used to alleviate public anger.

It is also quite possible.

Even so, Qi Ji was not flustered at all.

Because of his cognition, he is ahead of others.

There is a system of help.

He was able to clearly know that the stone statue of Ultraman Tiga. Right in the middle of the sea.

As for the phantom that appeared in the Tokyo Pyramid before, it was the trace of Tiga's power.

Not a real stone statue.

And now, the sea where Tiga is located should be not far from the Sakura Country, near the Dragon Country.

He had already marked the naval area of the Dragon Kingdom in advance.

Qi Ji raised his wrist and looked at his watch, at this moment, the fleet should be almost found.


The junction of the East China Sea and the East Ying Sea.

The 052 destroyer of the Dragon Navy has the latest news from the deep-sea exploration ship led by it.

Zhang Beihai, captain of the Tang aircraft carrier: "Mr. Qi Ji, the person who reports to the wall!" According to the latest news from our navy, in the waters where the Pacific Ocean and the Dragon Kingdom meet, there seems to be a new discovery in the East China Sea, which is suspected to be a stone statue of Tiga! "

in another shot.

Wu Yue, Zhang Beihai's comrade-in-arms, and the first mate of the Tang aircraft carrier, also confirmed the matter for the first time.

"With further confirmation obtained, we will switch the camera to the target ship!"


The world was almost stunned.

Some can't figure out whether this is true or not.

It stands to reason that ....

The probability of being able to find it is not high.

In the middle of now, start exploring.

And found it so quickly?

Shouldn't there be anything greasy!


The sea where the stone statues were found is not a very remote place.

Relatively close to the coastline of the Dragon Kingdom and Dongying,

It can be said that it is completely exposed to the public eye!

There are countless witnesses who can be used as witnesses, and there is absolutely no more fakeness!

Chariot Country Audience: "Really fake, the stone statue was found?" "

Maple Leaf Country audience: "Mo is not lying to us." "

Kimchi Country Audience: "Dragon Kingdom seems to have always trusted Qi Ji very much, could it be some kind of moth." "

Banana Nation Audience: "Can anyone really see that stone statue?!" "

At the moment, the audience's speeches are mixed.

There is an expectation that Qi Qi is true.

In particular, many people in the Dragon Kingdom have more trust in it.

Of course, those who participated in salvage operations under his command in advance trusted him even more.

In addition, there are some that are for the sake of the future of Blue Star, hoping that Qi Ji's prophecy can come true.

Others did not agree with Qi Ji's statement.

thinks he's a liar who colludes with the PDC, or a puppet.

The third type of people is ETO, or the lackeys of the three-body problem.

For different purposes, some simply hope that when the three-body problem rules the Blue Star, they can become survivors.

Some think that the three-body problem, Zhizi gave them the purpose and meaning of life.

These people didn't believe what Qi Ji said at all.

Continued to start smearing and spreading rumors.

"Found, how could it be found?!"

"Even if there is such a stone statue, it would be good to be able to find it in the next 400 years!"

"It's only been a few days?"

"Human beings, it is estimated that they can't even find a plane wrecked at sea, let alone find a stone statue on the bottom of the sea!"

"There must be a problem, there must be a problem!"

"Because Qi Ji is a native of the Dragon Kingdom, for the sake of face, did the Dragon Kingdom forcibly help Qi Ji to lie?"

"I suspect they could have done much more than that. It must have been arranged in advance. "

"Arrange in advance? I guess it's quite difficult to do, after all, such a large stone statue must have ingredients from 30 million years ago, is it so easy to forge? "

"Don't forget, the manufacturing of the Dragon Kingdom is very developed, and it is one of the best in the world."

"Besides, they don't have to do too well, they just need to look like that, they can help them save face!"

Right now, people all over the world are watching the live broadcast video with suspicion.

That's when it happened.

The sea signal seems to be disconnected.

For a time it was difficult to get on the aircraft carrier.

Skeptics all over the world seem to have received a confident answer.

It seems that everything that will happen after that has been calculated has been calculated.

Dragon Country, either they will say that they have seen it wrong, or they will say that they have caught something that they can't watch it yet.

Otherwise, it's a fake stone statue.

Or not to put the stone statue on public display.

In short, at such times, human beings do not believe in Qi traces.

I don't believe that miracles will happen.

But in the blink of an eye, the signal was restored.

Shi Qiang appeared in front of the camera.

Smoking a cigarette, he exhaled a long puff of smoke.

Reach out and point nonchalantly in one direction.

The audience followed the direction of his hand.

You can see it clearly....

The Tiga statue is being salvaged from the bottom of the sea!

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