"Through this question, I can clearly tell everyone here that you, although a large part of them, cannot become the executioners of other worlds.

There are many ways to contribute to the world, and being an executive in another world is just one of them.

This matter will be solely responsible for the Space Principal’s responsibility in the future.

As for your contribution to the world, the Space Principal will record it in the most fair and equitable measurement method, and at the same time, give you certain rewards within a certain period of time."

Noah spoke loudly, and no one present doubted the authenticity of Noah's words.

After hearing this, Pan Zhen was also determined.

As the top civilization in the known universe, he is not worried about Lieyang's reaction to this The world can't make much contribution.

Even if Lieyang cannot become an executive in other worlds in the future, Fengfeng can still use star drive technology to manage the stars in the known universe.

And Noah, looking at Pan Zhen who was slowly sitting down, I am also thinking about another question in my mind.

As we all know, half of the burning sun is left and it is extremely unstable. It is impossible to say which day it will explode.

When the time comes, the people of the burning sun will be named the survivors of the burning sun.

Noah I'm thinking about a question.

Should we make the pie in advance like settling in the Final Island, and then talk about other things?

"Space Principal."

Noah thought about this problem.

He also turned his attention to Kieran who was sitting in his lower position.

"What are your instructions, sir?"

Kieran stood up and looked at Noah and asked

"Does Lieyang Civilization have the possibility to control contributions in advance?"

Noah felt that his original decision was so right.

If it weren't for Kieran, he might have made many wrong decisions.

When in doubt, ask the principal.

It's absolutely true.

Kieran understood the meaning of Noah's words.

After thinking briefly, he said

"Sir, as far as I know, the Lieyang Civilization has taken the initiative to provoke civilized wars dozens of times in the past few thousand years, with incalculable consequences.

But speaking of the qualifications for early control of contributions, yes, but Lieyang needs to meet some conditions."

Pan Zhen listened to Jilan's words.

He stood up suddenly and looked at Jilan with burning eyes.

"Space Principal, please tell me."

Pan Zhen holds great hope for Lieyang to regain its former prosperity.

If possible, he would have to do it even if he risked his life.

"According to the contribution of the angel civilization, assuming that one out-of-world execution contributes 10 points, the Lieyang side must complete at least one out-of-world execution, plus five in-world mission executions.

A total of 15 points of contribution can be achieved to fulfill General Pan Zhen's inner request.

And now.

Alien Execution is temporarily unable to confirm Lieyang. If Lieyang wants to achieve his demands, he needs to take over three of my tasks."

Kieran looked at Noah, and after the latter nodded, he continued to talk to Pan Zhen

"First, Lieyang needs to send corresponding scientific research teams to various industrial civilizations to provide technical guidance for a period of one hundred years."

"Second, Lieyang needs to send no less than tens of thousands of troops to guard the core of the universe for a period of one hundred years."

"Third, Lieyang needs to send people to use Lieyang's specific star drive technology to go to various civilization areas to help with maintenance and check the conditions of the corresponding stars."

Three conditions.

Two are long-term and one is momentum.

For many people present, this is an impossible task, but for Pan Zhen.

Although a lot of resources will be consumed during the period, does he care?

He didn't care at all.

He suppressed the excitement in his heart.

Pan Zhen turned his head and looked at Di Leina who was wandering in the world.

He said

"Goddess Lena, please decide."

After all,

Reina is the main god.

Pan Zhen cannot possibly tarnish the face of his goddess in front of all the civilizations in the known universe.

And Reina, after listening to Pan Zhen's words, came back to her senses. She stood up and looked up at Nuo Ya. asked

"As long as I agree to these conditions, you will help us repair the Sun Star?"

Noah turned his head slightly and said

"Considering the current condition of Lieyang Star, repairing it will only extend its service life for a period of time. As for what I will do.

That's not something you should consider."

After Noah finished speaking,

Reina said directly without thinking.

"Then I agree."

After Rena said that, Kieran also slowly sat down, closed his eyes and rested.

And Noah also brought this council back on track and continued.

"Merits are rewarded, and mistakes are punished. Angel took the lead and became the world's first alien executor. He completed this mission despite huge risks.

This is a great achievement.

Have to reward."

Noah thought.

A colorful light ball appeared out of thin air and floated slowly in the direction of Kesha and Hexi.

Looking at the light ball flying in front of her,

Kesha was a little confused.

He I didn't know beforehand that there was such a thing as a reward.

But she reacted very quickly.

Together with He Xi, she stood up and gave Noah a knight's salute.

"Thanks to Noah for the gift."

Noah waved his hand.

The seven-colored light group exploded out of thin air and turned into thousands of colorful rays of light, covering Kesha and Hexi.

At the same time, whether it was an angel in the Angel Nebula or someone outside Angels, no matter what. They were all enveloped in colorful light at the same time. The light was very warm and comfortable, and at the same time, it made the already abundant power in their bodies reach a higher level.

"What's this?"

"Warm and so comfortable"


Kesha and Hexi's thoughts were unexpectedly the same, and at the same time, Noah's voice came from far away

"You can understand it as the light of the world, a reward from the world to you.

It can greatly increase your physical strength!"

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