[As a native of Eagle Sauce, I suggest that we, the Eagle Sauce, should reflect deeply on the mistakes of our Eagle Sauce regarding this Foot-Basin Chicken nuclear wastewater incident] # Foot-Basin Chicken #!

Nuclear waste #!

The video of this reflection suggestion was posted.

With the help of the hashtag, coupled with the extremely controversial text.

In the blink of an eye.

A large number of comments appeared on Lin Fei's YouTube account.

"Shit, Eagle Sauce poured nuclear waste? Why should we, Eagle Sauce, reflect?

(From Eagle Sauce) "


Are you a Eagle Sauce person?!

(From Eagle Sauce) "

"Please get out of our country, Asian!

(From Eagle Sauce) "

"F * ck you, stand up and speak to me!

(From Eagle Sauce) "


B * tch, do you hate the National Party?

(From Eagle Sauce) "


Why does this tone sound so familiar? Does Eagle Sauce also have a public knowledge?

(Rabbit Student from Eagle Sauce) "

"This UP is interesting. Is it Eagle Sauce's 1450?

I must pay attention to this wave.

(Rabbit Student from John Cow) "


Looking at the mixed comments, Lin Fei grinned from ear to ear.

It had only been a few minutes.

The comments brought about by the Eagle Sauce hot topic had already surpassed the sum of all his previous works.

Even the popularity of this video had broken through five digits.

For a semi-transparent internet celebrity like Lin Fei, who had thousands of fans, this was definitely a hit!

Not only that.

Lin Fei's number of fans had also doubled, reaching the 10,000 mark.

However, only a small number of these fans were Rabbit Students.

The rest were mostly Eagle Sauce's local anti-fans.

Lin Fei's private messages were also filled with the anti-fans' curses.

"Tsk tsk, the power of a public knowledge reflection scroll is indeed terrifying!"

Lin Fei's lips curled into a smile as he ignored the obscenities in the background.

Such a situation was completely within Lin Fei's expectations.

Anyone who followed any of the Rabbit Douyin public knowledge accounts would see this video.

Only when there was controversy could it become popular. Even if there was controversy, it was still popular!

Lin Fei did not care what these foreigners thought of him. After all, he was Eagle Sauce's public knowledge!

When the popularity of Lin Fei's reflection video soared to 100,000 +, the entire comment section was completely one-sided with scolding.

Lin Fei's second video!

It was released!

[As the only superpower on Earth, the center of all the civilizations in the world, and the lighthouse of freedom for all mankind, we, the United States, should destroy all nuclear bombs, lead other countries to follow suit, achieve world nuclear peace, and completely put an end to all nuclear waste cases] # footpot chicken # nuclear waste # nuclear-free # peace #

For this video, Lin Fei added four tags in one go. He even paired it with the American flag and AFP's Imperial Filter BGM!

This made the entire video look unusually solemn.

America's flag was also in the video, and it looked very domineering.

To accompany the case.

It was like a super empire.

The exquisite content of the video continued the popularity of the first reflection video.

In the blink of an eye.

The number of views of this video exceeded 200,000 +!

That wasn't all. The anti-fans who had been cursing under the reflection video saw the content of Lin Fei's video.

He almost sprained his waist!

She had thought that Lin Fei was a spineless person who hated the country.

In the end!

F * ck!

This guy is the f * cking Holy Mother of Seedlessness!

In Europe and the United States, advocating non-nuclear and peace was the common doctrine of almost all the Virgin Mary organizations.

Vegetarianism, environmental organizations, and animal protection associations.

Even homosexuals had proposed non-nuclear slogans in order to seek the rights and interests of the government.

Hollywood's movies were mixed with private activities, such as repentance for the nuclear explosion of the Potted Chicken.



It's almost becoming politically correct!

"I … F * ck, UP, can't you finish your sentence in one breath? According to what you said, America does indeed need to reflect!

Who told us to be a superpower!

(From America) "

"The 40-meter-long broadsword has already left its sheath, and it can't be retrieved. UP, please be careful in your next life. However, I support the UP's statement. America is the lighthouse of the world!

(From America) "

"Nuclear is the source of human evil. It should be eliminated. The Irish Vegetarian Association supports the UP!

(From Ireland) "

"I hope America can set an example and make the world go nuclear-free. Thank you, UP, for your suggestion (From Finlan)"

"This suggestion is simply amazing. I strongly support it.

(From Northern Europe) "

"Humans shouldn't use such cruel weapons. I hope the world will be peaceful. Praise from the Frankfurt Stray Dog Protection Organization (From Gaulish Chicken)"


The reputation in the comment section instantly reversed.

The anti-fans were very satisfied with Lin Fei's speech about the lighthouse of freedom and the center of civilization.

Meanwhile, the nuclear-free suggestion in Lin Fei's video also attracted the strong support of the Virgin Mary organizations all over the world, especially those in Europe and the United States.

There were even some Virgin Mary organizations that forwarded Lin Fei's video.

As a result, the popularity of Lin Fei's video skyrocketed.

In just a few dozen minutes, Lin Fei's video rushed to the top 100 of YouTube's trending list, reaching more than 10 million views!

It was an explosive video of this level.

Even in Lin Fei's previous life, he had only operated such a video a few times.

"Protecting the enemy's Virgin Mary! The netizens didn't deceive me!"

Lin Fei couldn't stop smiling as he looked at the video that had been pushed into the top 100 of YouTube's trending list by the Virgin Mary organizations.

"What a joke. It's the Virgin Mary's statement again. Can this solve the problem of the Potted Chicken's nuclear waste?

(From Korea) "

"They're already about to discharge the nuclear waste, so why are you talking about nuclear-free? Without it, America would've been destroyed 180 times over.

(From Big Mao) "

"How naive. Without nuclear weapons, how can we protect a Virgin Mary like you? I've blocked you!

(From America) "

"Disgusting guy trying to gain popularity. Now we're talking about how to solve the problem of the Potted Chicken's nuclear waste, not your Virgin Mary's propaganda site. Get out of here.

(From Yuehou) "

As the video rushed to the trending list.

More and more netizens from all over the world poured in.


There were more rational netizens in the world!

Lin Fei's two videos attracted a large number of European and American users by using public reflection and Virgin Mary.

But at the same time.

This kind of European and American gimmick could not help Lin Fei gain recognition all over the world, nor could it help Lin Fei get more system rewards.

"Haha, to solve the problem of the Potted Chicken's nuclear waste and get recognition?"

There was a meaningful smile on Lin Fei's face.

In front of him was the third video that had been edited.

At the same time.

The officials of various countries around the world …

They were overjoyed to read books on May Day!

Top 100 and get 500 VIP points!

Rush to top up immediately (Active period: April 29 to May 3)

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