I, The Well-Known Chinese, Suggest That Ying Jiang Destroy The Nuclear Bomb

Chapter 35 Environmental Protection Girl: Rabbits Using Chopsticks Are Destroying The Ecology! 【Ask

After listening to Olivia's words.

Lin Fei was speechless!

He wanted to make more suggestions, but there wasn't so much international news for him to make suggestions.

Especially when it came to things like the chicken core waste water in the foot basin.

There weren't many of them in the world!


Now the foot basin chicken nuclear waste water incident came to an end.

Lin Fei also had a prototype of her own background.

Although it wasn't strong enough.

But it was enough for Lin Fei to have a safe environment for suggestions.

Then next.

It was time for Lin Fei, the Chinese public knowledge, to play his true role.


Lin Fei learned more about the environmental protection conference and carbon neutrality from Old John.

According to the information Old John learned.

Carbon neutrality was a method used by developed countries led by America to restrict developing countries.

By controlling carbon emissions, they limited the development of developing countries.

And the biggest developing country in the world was China.

Of course, it was Rabbit.

This plan was planned by the Congress led by the Freemasonry Big Boss!

Because they represented the capital interests of Wall Street.

The Freemasonry Big Boss even owned the assets of Ou Meng New Energy.

To create an environmental protection girl.

It was also to promote his new energy source.

This plan hadn't been approved by the Hundred Palace for the time being.

There were rumors that the military bosses of America seemed to be very dissatisfied with the carbon neutrality plan.

Because promoting carbon neutrality, energy conservation, and emission reduction would affect America's military expenditure.

After learning this information.

Lin Fei vaguely had some plans in his heart.

On the other side!

The CIBA chief reported the information that Lin Fei was taken away by the security guards to the Freemasonry Big Boss in Congress.

Regarding this.

The Freemasonry Big Boss was very angry!

However, he also knew about the appointment of Lin Fei by the Hundred Palace.

Therefore, he could only temporarily stop dealing with Lin Fei.

Because his carbon neutrality plan was about to enter a critical moment.

The military's opposition made the Hundred Palace unable to pass this plan.

Regarding this.

The Freemasonry Big Boss had a headache.


The opportunity had come.

The annual United Nations Environmental Protection Conference was about to be held.

At that time!

The governments of all countries in the world would send relevant leaders to participate.

And he had a trump card in his hand.

It was the environmental protection girl.

As long as the environmental protection girl threw out a carbon neutrality proposal in the name of environmental protection at the United Nations Environmental Protection Conference.

Who would dare to object?

Objection would be destroying the environment and a sinner of mankind.

Which country could bear such a huge burden?

After dealing with the other countries in the world.

Even if there was opposition from the military, the carbon neutral plan could be carried out smoothly.

"Inform Ruidian to let the environmental protection girls stir up public opinion on energy conservation and emission reduction before the environmental protection conference."

"Remember, the main target is the rabbit. They are one of the top five, and they claim to be a developing country that promotes carbon neutrality. They are the biggest uncertain factor."

"We must use public pressure to make them abstain."

Domestically, the biggest opponent of carbon neutrality was the military. The Freemasons were powerless against this group of arms dealers.

Internationally, rabbits were the biggest obstacle to carbon neutrality.

Therefore, the Freemasons were prepared to strike first.

Rabbit was a tough nut to crack. However, in terms of international public opinion, Rabbit was far from being the best.

This was accompanied by the instructions of the Freemasons.

An environmental storm that would affect the entire world began to brew.


A week passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period, Lin Fei successfully reported to the Hundred Palace. His appearance naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Pioneer of resistance against hegemony, spokesperson for the common people, diplomatic genius, world-class internet celebrity.

Just a random halo.

Lin Fei was the center of attention.

Thus, the Hundred Palace took special care of him.

The work arranged was very easy.

To be more precise, the Hundred Palace basically did not arrange any work for Lin Fei.

Instead, it was a week in a row.

Lin Fei attended no less than 30 banquets. During this period, he made friends with countless upper-class celebrities of America.

There were the big shots of consortiums, the heirs of political families, and the top celebrities of Hao Lai Wu.

He even met a governor.

These upper-class celebrities expressed full goodwill to Lin Fei, the political upstart.

This made Lin Fei have to admit.

Old John was right!

In America.

The real upper-class celebrities did not care what a person had said or what political thoughts they had.

As long as you were glamorous enough and had enough wealth and status.

You could be their friend!

When Lin Fei dragged his tired body back to his private manor.

Old John brought Lin Fei a piece of shocking news.

Just now.

The environmental protection girl gave a public video speech on YouTube.

The topic was extremely eye-catching!!

[Rabbits, a population of 1.4 billion, use chopsticks. This is destroying the ecology. How can they be so shameless!]

In the video!

The environmental protection girl was surrounded by countless fanatical fans. Her words were fierce and her tone was irritable!

"In this world, there's a shameless country!"

"They have a population of 1.4 billion, but they have to use chopsticks instead of learning from the West and using more advanced knives and forks!"

"Do you know?

It's precisely because they use chopsticks. "

"It causes the annual consumption of 1.66 million cubic meters of wood and more than 25 million trees to be cut down!"

"What a terrifying number!"

"This behavior of their country directly causes the destruction of the Amazon rainforest's ecology."

"How many poor little animals have been displaced and how many plants have been destroyed!"

"A country that claims to be an ancient civilization is actually wantonly destroying the home of all mankind!"

"I'm here, solemnly appealing!"

"Please stop hurting the planet and end this barbaric behavior!"

In the end.

This little brat actually squeezed out a few drops of tears.

And the surrounding fanatical fans.

Seeing their idol cry, it obviously triggered a resonance.

One by one, they shouted at the top of their lungs.

"Please stop hurting the planet and end this barbaric behavior!"

"Please stop hurting the planet and end this barbaric behavior!"

"Please stop hurting the planet and end this barbaric behavior!"


A tsunami of cheers could be heard from the video.

And at this moment, Lin Fei.

Her eyes were green.

"This little b * tch, she's simply courting death!!!"

Using chopsticks.

This was a thousand-year-old tradition of farmers.

It was even older than the history of this little b * tch's country.

She actually dared to boast so shamelessly to ask the rabbit to stop using chopsticks?

What was even more terrifying was.

The environmental protection girl's public video rushed to the top three of YouTube's trending list in just a few hours!

The cumulative views had exceeded 300 million!

Obviously, there was an unknown force behind this adding fuel to the fire.

Lin Fei clicked on the comment section to take a look!


It completely exploded!

— — A barbaric country that creates the most garbage in the world!

— — Support the environmental protection girl, strongly condemning the rabbit's use of chopsticks!

— — I'm from Korea, but the chopsticks in our country are all imported from the rabbit.

— — In order to eat, they actually cut down 25 million trees every year, which is more than the population of our country!

— — Obviously, barbarians can't master such advanced tools like knives and forks!

— — The industrialization of the rabbit in recent years has been too serious. This kind of barbaric development is destined to harm the planet!

— — The United Nations Environmental Protection Conference is about to be held. Let them give a reasonable explanation at the conference!

— — Yes, they must give an explanation. Protecting the environment is the responsibility of all countries in the world!

Countless comments were full of slander against the rabbit.

The more Lin Fei read, the angrier she became.

In the end, she even had the urge to smash the computer.

But at this moment.

The environmental protection girl actually posted another text update.

The content was also related to Lin Fei.

This little b * tch.

She actually took advantage of this popularity …

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