I, The Well-Known Chinese, Suggest That Ying Jiang Destroy The Nuclear Bomb

Chapter 58 The Environmental Protection Conference Starts, And The Environmental Protection Girl Is

You want to play rough with me?!

Have you forgotten how I stepped into the upper class capital?!

Under Lin Fei's request!

Soon, 10 groups of 100 Blackwater security guards arrived!

Every single one of them was 2 meters tall and muscular!

Lin Fei also specially ordered "special clothes" for them and arranged for Olivia to send them to the environmental protection conference in advance.


Lin Fei then set off for Amsterdam!

Williams could refuse to sign the members of his environmental protection organization.

But he did not have the ability to refuse Lin Fei!

This was also the halo brought about by his upper-class background!

On the other side!

With the start of the United Nations Environmental Protection Conference!

All the countries in the world sent their officials to participate.

Environmental protection was the common responsibility and obligation of all the countries in the world!

Therefore, all the countries were very active in participating in this conference that was beneficial to the development of all mankind.

The environmental protection girl was also arranged by her parents.

She arrived at the environmental protection conference.

A large number of accompanying reporters and fanatical fans gathered around her.

Almost from the moment she checked into the hotel.

Public opinion on the Internet began to ferment!

# The pioneer of world environmental protection, the spokesperson of human environmental protection, the environmental protection girl has arrived at the environmental protection conference! #

# Looking back at the video of the environmental protection girl scolding Ou Meng's management! #

# The environmental protection girl's live speech on the pollution of chopsticks! #

# The environmental protection girl's environmental philosophy!!! #

# The environmental protection girl and Lin Fei!

Who is the supporter of environmental protection! #

Under the operation of capital.

The environmental protection girl's popularity was rapidly increasing.

Including many of her previous hot videos, they were rediscovered and pushed to the YouTube trending list!

Among them!

There was even some information related to Lin Fei.

But with the help of the powerful Internet trolls.

Lin Fei's words were obviously interpreted wrongly.

And she was also a world-class Internet celebrity related to environmental protection.

The environmental protection girl had arrived at the environmental protection conference.

But there was still no news from Lin Fei.

Even Lin Fei's YouTube account was not updated.

This caused the Internet to question Lin Fei.

Especially Lin Fei's fanatical environmental fans.

They ran to Lin Fei's account to leave messages, asking about their idol's movements.

In the eyes of the fans.

How could Lin Fei not participate in such an important global environmental protection conference?!

— Mr. Lin Fei, the environmental protection conference is about to start. Will you participate?

— Your environmental philosophy is supported by so many people. Why is there no news about this conference?

— — Mr. Lin Fei, please respond!

Lin Fei did not see the fans' messages.

On the contrary, the fanatical fans of the environmentalist girl and the water army behind her began to make trouble!

[Don't count on your Mr. Lin Fei. He's just a clown who uses environmental protection to gain traffic!]

— That's right, I heard that he was promoted in the Hundred Palace and is now a security consultant!

He's already successful and famous, why would he care about environmental protection?!

Only fools like you would believe him!

Lin Fei is an opportunistic politician. Will he attend the environmental protection conference?

— — For the sake of environmental protection, the environmental protection girl can angrily scold the officials for their mistakes in environmental protection. Does Lin Fei dare to do so?

I'm guessing that Lin Fei is afraid of offending people, so he disappeared without a trace!

[What a laughable fellow. Compared to us, the environmental protection girls, you're far worse!]

Never believe a politician's words!

Public opinion was denouncing Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's fans couldn't refute her.

Some fans were even shaken.

It wasn't that they suspected Lin Fei.

It was just that the public opinion was right.

This was the last time Lin Fei appeared in public since she entered the White House.

Furthermore, they were besieged by all the countries in the world.

Later on, the United States of America pushed for the expulsion of the public, and the matter finally came to an end.

But after that.

Lin Fei hadn't appeared in the public eye for a long time.

Could it really be like what public opinion said?

Environmental protection was a stepping stone for Lin Fei to become an official?

If that was the case!

The fans really couldn't accept being used and deceived by their idol!


More and more Lin Fei's fans ran to Lin Fei's account to urge her to respond.

This news also reached Williams's ears.

When he heard that Lin Fei's fans were rioting.

Williams couldn't stop smiling.


"Lin Fei, I don't think you'll be able to destroy my carbon emission plan this time."

"Even your fans will give up on you!"

Public opinion and fans were also very important to the upper echelons of capital.

Especially the consortium politicians!

The support of the fans was equivalent to the support of public opinion.

This was the foundation of the consortium politicians!

If he could use this opportunity to destroy Lin Fei's public opinion and reputation.

For Williams, it was also a pleasant surprise.

"Inform the environmental protection girls!

Their attitude towards Lin Fei at the conference can be sharper. "

Williams planned to add fuel to the fire for Lin Fei.

Let Lin Fei's fans completely lose hope in Lin Fei.

Destroy Lin Fei and the rest of the network infrastructure!


The environmental protection girls received Williams's instructions in the hotel.

Her speech was written by professionals.

When she heard that the higher-ups were planning to target Lin Fei.

The environmental protection girls' ugly face with a crooked mouth and slanted eyes revealed a smile!


"Lin Fei is a b * tch!

I've disliked him for a long time! "

"I'll definitely teach him a lesson at this conference!"

"This hypocritical Chinese!

He actually dared to scare me back then! "

"It's all your fault for cutting off the Internet connection!"

This little girl clearly still remembered that time when she stood for the foot pot chicken and was scolded by Lin Fei.

And next to the environmental protection girls were her parents.

Her mother, who was a cello artist, and her father, who was a politician.

Towards their daughter's arrogant attitude, which was full of nonsense.

They didn't have the slightest reaction.

Instead, they cooperated with her with a doting expression.

"Yes, this young man named Lin Fei is indeed arrogant!"

"His popularity has also caused us to lose some fans."

"It's time to teach him some lessons."

At the same time!

Lin Fei also got off the plane.

Olivia had arranged all of Lin Fei's itinerary in advance.

Ten groups of Black Water security guards were also in place.

Seeing this group of burly security guards, Lin Fei couldn't stop smiling.

His plan was very simple!

Williams, didn't you not send me an invitation?

Then I'll go myself!

I'll bring 100 burly men and directly cause a scene at the venue.

Even if I can't stop your carbon emission plan.

At least, I'll make it impossible for your plan to be smoothly implemented at this conference.

Through this time, Williams refused to sign and did not send out an invitation.

Lin Fei finally understood the tricks of the politicians.

What kind of conspiracy and political confrontation were they talking about!

It was all f * cking fake!

Simple and crude was the divine skill of the King Dao of capital confrontation!

This couldn't help but remind Lin Fei of the high-end business war back then!

The high-end business war you thought it was!

It was scheming, strategizing, and gambling with tens of billions of dollars!

And the business war in reality!

It was the chairman who brought people to snatch the official seal!

It was hiring people to unplug the network cable of the opponent's company!

It was bribing the cleaning auntie to pour hot water on the opponent's money-making tree!

Lin Fei originally thought that this environmental protection conference would be held.

Williams would definitely use all his means, gather his think tanks, and come up with all sorts of schemes.

But in the end, Williams did this to him!


Williams was so shameless.

Then Lin Fei would have nothing to worry about!

"When the meeting begins tomorrow, all of you will change into the clothes I have prepared and act according to my instructions.

"Remember, there is only one mission!"

"Stop the environmental protection conference from going smoothly!"


More than a hundred strong men responded in unison.

"Very good!"

Lin Fei nodded with satisfaction. "Dismissed!"

After handing over the task, Lin Fei logged into his online account.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

As soon as he logged in, he was flooded with a series of notifications.

He looked again!

His account was almost drowned by the crowd.

There were questions, complaints, and curses all over!

There were all kinds of comments!

Lin Fei didn't need to think to know that it must be because of this environmental protection conference.

He wasn't in a hurry to express his opinion.

Let this group of people shout first!

Tomorrow, Lin Fei would let the world's environmentalists know what a true environmental spokesperson was.

Early the next morning, the environmental protection conference began!

The participants from various countries arrived at the venue first.

As the organizer, He Nan prepared the official reception area for each country in advance.

After the officials of each country were seated, the environmentalists and environmental organizations entered.

When the environmental protection girl appeared in an extended official car under the protection of a group of bodyguards.

The entire periphery of the venue let out deafening cheers.

That scene!

It made the scalps of the officials of each country tingle!

This little girl relied on her backing and was arrogant.

But the officials of each country couldn't do anything to her.

Could it be that the officials of each country quarreled with a little girl until their faces turned red?

So this rude, ugly, and speechless environmental protection girl appeared.

The officials of each country didn't look too good.

No one wanted to be targeted by this little girl.

They couldn't touch her!

They couldn't!

Whoever touched her would be unlucky!

If they didn't handle it well, it could easily damage the country's reputation.


All the guest representatives were seated, and the conference officially began!

The process of the environmental protection conference was the same over the years.

First, the representatives of each country summarized the environmental protection achievements of each country in the past year.

Then, it was the question and answer session for the environmental organizations and environmentalists.

After the question and answer session, it was the turn of the non-governmental environmental spokesperson to speak on stage.

This year's spokesperson was the environmental protection girl!

And she was the only one.

Although there were many people who spoke last year, only the environmental protection girl went overboard.

The little girl pointed at Ou Meng and the officials of each country and asked, "How dare you!"

It was almost a famous quote for environmental protection!

At this moment.

Lin Fei was wearing a mask and casual clothes as he hid in the crowd outside the environmental protection conference.

Behind him.

There were a hundred burly men in all kinds of strange cosplay costumes!

What half-felled trees?!

What polluted animals!

What familiar crocodiles!

And there was a burly man wearing a mink on his neck in summer!

It looked neither fish nor fowl.

But since today's theme was environmental protection, no one thought too much about it.


He just thought that it was a special performance by some environmental protection organization.

This is

It was also very common in Europe and America.

On the other side!

A foreign affairs official from Henan, the organizer of the event, gave the opening speech.

Very soon!

Each country began to talk about their environmental protection achievements in the past year.

Some countries reduced their emissions, some got rid of trees, and some saved endangered species.

However, Lin Fei, who was in the crowd, noticed something.

Most of the countries that spoke were mainstream countries.

The developing countries, including the rabbit, were not given a chance to speak.

When it was time to ask questions, the interaction between the government and the private environmentalists eased.

Many environmentalists at the scene pointed the finger at the rabbit.

"May I ask how your country, as a world superpower, sees environmental protection?

Does your country support environmental protection? "

"Excuse me, the Koreans of East Asia have repeatedly condemned your country's industrial emissions for affecting their weather. What do you think of this?"

"Excuse me, how did you see the problem of chopsticks raised by the environmental protection girl?"

"I heard that your country is developing very quickly. Is it at the expense of the environment?"

"Excuse me …"

Countless questions were thrown at the rabbit in a frenzy.

Many of the questions of the so-called environmentalists were not even questions at all, but groundless accusations.

What does he mean by supporting the concept of environmental protection?

Which country does not support environmental protection?

There are even questions about sacrificing the environment!

Does rapid development mean that the environment must be sacrificed?

What kind of logic is this!


This group of people was still crazily surrounding the rabbit representative.

Although the rabbit representative took out a lot of actual evidence and used facts to refute these questions on the spot.

But the group of people who asked questions below the stage.

They were like blind people who kept asking questions!

In the end!

The questions did not change!

The core was that the rabbit had an impact on the environment.

We don't care how many trees you planted, how much greenery you did, or how many endangered animals you saved.

Just tell us why you are destroying the environment!

The entire question and answer session lasted for more than 30 minutes.

The rabbit representative alone was questioned for more than 20 minutes.

In total, there were more than 100 questions.

Until the question and answer session ended.

The group of environmentalists below the stage were still asking questions loudly.

Even with the warning of the conference security, they still made a lot of noise.

In the end!

There was even an extreme guy who tried to rush to the stand and make a dangerous move of putting down his clothes.

Then this guy was taken away by the security staff.

But his behavior.

It attracted a lot of reporters to take photos.

Lin Fei gritted his teeth as he watched from outside.

This group of so-called environmentalists was completely making things out of nothing and spouting nonsense!

Those questions!

They were not looking for answers at all. They were accusing and slandering!

Especially when he saw that the guy who disturbed the venue was only taken out of the venue and released.

Lin Fei turned his head and said to a Black Water security guard beside him.

"Break his legs!"

After that!

Lin Fei began to slowly move toward the entrance of the venue.

At this moment!

The environmental protection girl had already gone on stage!

This little girl was arrogant and rude as usual. She had just gone on stage ten.


He slapped his hand on his speech.

She shouted arrogantly in a reprimanding tone.

"You keep saying that you want to protect the environment, but what have you done!"

Along with her speech.

A lot of pictures of the polluted environment appeared on the big screen behind her!

There was a river full of industrial waste!

There was a desert full of yellow sand!

And there were small animals all over their bodies that were diseased and polluted by industrial waste.

"You are liars!!!"

"Humans are on the verge of extinction!!!"

"Every year, tens of millions of trees are cut down!

They are made into chopsticks for humans to use! "

"Every year, millions of animals die due to industrial waste pollution!"

"The global temperature has risen by a total of 10 ° C in ten years!

The sea level has risen by four centimeters! "

"But you actually said that you protected the environment!"


You are the culprits of destroying the environment! "

The environmental protection girl spat on the stage!

Her twisted expression, coupled with her ugly face, made it even more uncomfortable for people to look at her!

But the environmental protection girl's words!

It attracted the cheers of countless people outside!

The fanatical fans were instantly stirred up.

Seeing this situation!

The environmental protection girl became even more arrogant and angry.

She nodded to her parents below the stage.


Lin Fei's YouTube account appeared on the big screen behind her!

The content was the countless netizens' comments below his account!

The environmental protection girl pointed at Lin Fei's profile picture.

She roared loudly.

"Environmental protection!

Not a tool for politicians to gain support! "

"You are all sinners!"

"You used the support of us ordinary people for environmental protection to gain status!"

“ Lin Fei!

That's right! "

"I'm talking about him!"

"I want to question Lin Fei loudly here!"

"How dare you!!!!!"


The environmental protection girl's famous words came out!

The entire venue exploded, and the atmosphere reached its peak!

And … Six.

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